Friday, November 30, 2012

Why epilepsy/seizure patient needs this amazing monitor for their continuous safety

Why epilepsy/seizure patient needs this amazing monitor for their continuous safety


Why this is so important?

This watch provide help right at the tip of parent’s fingers.
This watch can alert seizures attack while sleeping
This will balance of independence and safety plans for kids

Before we know more about this amazing monitor, Let us find out more about epilepsy/ seizure

What is

Acid Reflux Folk Remedy: Baking Soda

Acid reflux is a medical condition that is experienced by almost one-third of the populace at least once a month. Using baking soda for acid reflux is an old folk remedy, but its value in treating heartburn has been verified by science. There are many solutions for relieving heartburn and other digestion issues, so why would something so simple work so effectively?

How Does Baking Soda Work?

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is alkaline. When a small amount is mixed with water, it neutralizes refluxed stomach acid. In fact, one popular effervescent antacid tablet has sodium bicarbonate as its main active ingredient.

How Much Baking Soda Should You Use?

Only use a half teaspoon dissolved in a four-ounce glass of water when acid reflux occurs. Just stir or swirl the mixture around so it dissolves and swallow it. You may need to wait for several minutes, but what you're looking for is that welcoming belch which feels like a ton of pressure has just been released. (Might be a good idea to use it when no one else is around). Belching after consuming baking soda for acid reflux is a good sign and it's just gas being released following the neutralization of the stomach acid.

Don't Overdo the Baking Soda

You have to be careful when using baking soda for acid reflux. Too much baking soda may neutralize too much stomach acid in the stomach, thus, interfering with the proper digestion of food in the stomach itself. This could itself cause acid reflux because of the interference with the proper functioning of the regulating mechanism of the sphincter muscle, which lets food into the stomach and which is supposed to keep the acid from refluxing back into the esophagus.

Using baking soda for acid reflux should only be seen as a temporary measure if you are a chronic sufferer. While some people find it highly effective, others may not. The most important thing is to use it as per the above said method. Intake of large amounts may produce negative effects.

The experts agree: acid reflux and heartburn can be very dangerous if left untreated. To find out about an all-natural, holistic 5-step system for curing acid reflux and heartburn and achieving freedom from most digestive disorders faster than you ever thought possible, click here!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Must have application for parents and caregivers

Must have application for parents and caregivers

I think this application will be very useful for parents and caregivers as this will help tracking the records of all kids’ immunization.

What is old yellow immunization card?

Age                                         Vaccines

Two months •Diphtheria/Tetanus/whooping cough/ Haemophilus influenza type b/ Polio

•Pneumococcal conjugate

Facts Of Stretch Marks and Melasma-Women Health

Stretch Marks and Melasma Prevention

If a woman becomes pregnant, she might suffer different problems. These skin problems are inevitable, and shortly after the birth signs of the new child. Possible skin problems that pregnant women who suffer most are the grooves and the melasma is called the mask of pregnancy. This is a brand brown spots on the face and can be easily removed and isolated.

Best Advice To Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

The best advice in preventing pregnancy stretch marks

Pregnancy is a life-changing experience that brings many changes in your body. Most notable is, of course, your stomach expands to an enormous size and weight gain usually makes you look fat anywhere. However, most women do not mind the changes, as it will be very excited to welcome a baby into their lives. After the birth, is that most

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tried and tested home remedies for Cough

Tried and tested home remedies for Cough

I and my family always use these home remedies when we have a cough any season.

They are very simple and Easy to use Home Remedies for Cough.

Home remedies and natural medicines made at home from natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs are catching a lot of attention due to its very nature of cure: simple, no side effects, and

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Do you agree with new reports -Women cheating/infidelity is now increasing

Do you agree with new reports -Women cheating/infidelity is now increasing


I think infidelity among woman is now increasing. Women may now beat man in this race. It’s not just women who feel trapped, bored, powerless, and lonely that takes on a lover. Its women who want, and can have it all. With a divorce rate exceeding 50 per cent and the new world census saying that traditional

Monday, November 26, 2012

New Mantra to bring breaking Relationship back to normal (no therapy needed)

Why breaking relationship happen?


Working towards a healthy love relationship is one of the most rewarding and challenging things you’ll ever do. Conflict and stress are part of most marriages and love relationships – but being aware of the common reasons couples break up can help them work towards a healthy love relationship.

Many reasons couples break up and relationships fail

Yeast Infection: 5 Home Remedies

A vaginal yeast infection is usually caused by a fungus called Candida albicans, which is normally found in small amounts in the vagina. It's estimated that three out of four women will have a yeast infection in their lifetime. Factors that contribute to vaginal yeast infection include pregnancy, diabetes, and the use of oral contraceptives, steroids, and antibiotics. The good news is that yeast infection can be treated, and there are several effective home remedies you can try.

1) Cranberry pills

You can use cranberry pills. These are sold over the counter in the pharmacy or health food store. What makes cranberry pills so effective is that they help the body’s immune system to fight back the spread of the fungus until this once again reaches normal levels.

2) Apple cider vinegar

Another option is to use apple cider vinegar. Apply some on a cotton ball. Those who decide to try apple cider vinegar should expect to feel a slight sting after application.

3) Yogurt

Yogurt is another alternative. You will only need to get a teaspoon and then apply this directly in the affected area or on a tampon first.This should be applied twice a day until the infection is gone.

4) Olive leaf and grapefruit seed extract

You can also mix olive leaf and grapefruit seed extract together with water and then apply to the affected area with a cotton ball.

5) Garlic juice

You can also get the same result using raw garlic juice. Just rub this over your fingers and then rub it over the affected area.

Aside from the fact that yeast infection is treatable, there are also ways to prevent this from re-occurring. One is to drink a glass or two of milk daily as this helps prevent an overgrowth of yeast. You should also avoid wearing tight pants or underwear. If you go swimming, get out of the wet swimsuit right away. Also, do not use douches, feminine sprays, scented toilet paper, or deodorant tampons.

You can fight yeast infection at home. Sometimes you don’t even have to anything as this will clear up on its own. However, if a yeast infection should return, then a doctor should do a more thorough examination to determine the cause.

Candida yeast infection can be very dangerous if left untreated. Yeast infection is a message from your body telling you that something is WRONG inside. To find out more about a clinically-proven, holistic system that shows you how to permanently cure your yeast infection and achieve lasting candida infection freedom, click here!

Friday, November 23, 2012

New and Effective way to Control Bed Bugs

New and Effective way to Control Bed Bugs

This new amazing research will benefits many peoples as we all have this bug in our bedrooms.

 What are bed bugs?

Bedbugs are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of people and animals while they sleep. They are easily moved from room to room on infested objects. Bedbugs cannot easily climb metal or polished surfaces and cannot fly or

4 Natural Remedies for Acne

Acne is a skin condition that many people deal with.  Although acne is not a life-threatening condition, it can still cause great distress.  When it comes to seeking relief from acne, there are a large number of over-the-counter products that claim to provide relief. If you are suffering from acne you can give these over-the-counter products a try, but it is also important to know that you do have other options.  These options include natural remedies, which are a safer way to treat acne, as they do not rely on the use of potentially dangerous chemicals.

There are a number of natural remedies for acne that use foods.  One of those remedies is that of lettuce.  Soaking lettuce in water for about an hour will result in a special mixture.  This mixture should then be applied to the skin as a rinse.  This approach is an easy way to get rid of acne.

Fresh lime juice and milk are another natural remedy for getting rid of acne.  With this natural remedy for acne, boil a half of glass of milk.  Once the milk has cooled, add in about the same amount of lime juice.  You can then use a cloth to apply the mixture onto your acne-infected area.

For a small area of acne, ripe tomatoes can be used.  For this home remedy, cut a ripe tomato in half and place the inside, wet part of the tomato on the pimple or pimples.  Leave it on for about an hour and then wash it off.  A similar approach to this natural remedy involves using tomato paste instead of a ripe tomato. 

People suffering from severe acne put themselves at risk for developing an infection or scarirng of they constantly touch or pick at their pimples.  Those who do that are best advised to stop.  That is the best way to keep your skin healthy.  That being said, aloe vera can be applied to the affected area to provide relief, Aloe vera can also help promote healthy healing of the skin.

There are a number of different natural remedies for those suffering from acne.  Compared to over-the-counter products, natural remedies are cheap and safe.That is why many people are now starting to rely on natural remedies to treat acne.

To find out about a clinically proven, step-by-step system for permanently curing your acne and achieving lasting clear skin faster than you ever thought possible, click here!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

No excuse, you can eat healthy on Thanksgiving and other holidays

Wish you all a happy Thanksgiving...

Thanksgiving and Xmas only comes around once a year, so why not go ahead and eat a lot?. Year after year, most of us pack on at least a pound (some gain more) during the holidays -- and keep the extra weight permanently.

But Thanksgiving and Xmas does not have to harm your weight, experts say. With a little know-how, you can satisfy your desire for

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

One more Danger why Smoking during Pregnancy is bad (reading)

One more new reason why Smoking during Pregnancy is bad (reading)

We all know smoking during Pregnancy is bad for kids and mother health. But this new research shows how this effect kids study in school.

Smoking Impact on Health

Smoking in pregnancy results in serious risks for both the woman and the fetus. Cigarette smoking by pregnant girls and women has been shown to increase risks of

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Why Heart Attack Risk get Higher with Job Loss?

Why Heart Attack Risk get Higher with Job Loss?

If you know any one your family with heart problem watch them if they lose their job. Before we know all about this new study let us check out more about heart attack.


What is heart Attack?


A heart attack is a complete blockage of blood flow in a coronary artery. The blockage prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching part of the heart

Diabetes Types Cause and Symptoms

What is Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is simply a syndrome (group of diseases). By disordered metabolism mainly hereditary and environmental causes, which causes to hyperglycemia (blood glucose).

Glucose content of the body is regulated by various products, but insulin from the beta cells of the pancreas. If this increase in glucose in the body leads to serious complications in the

Monday, November 19, 2012

Research support how 5 fall food Protect against Cancer

Before we find out 5 fall food Protect against Cancer, let us see what cancer all about is.


What is cancer?

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected.

Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of

12 Strategies to Keep Your Mind Healthy and Sharp

Cognitive changes related to aging are actually related more to today’s diet and lifestyle, rather than to the aging process itself, says Joseph Mercola, who reveals twelve strategies to keep your mind healthy and sharp.
... Cognitive changes related to aging are actually related more to today’s diet and lifestyle, rather than to the aging process itself. As you age, the cumulative effects of environmental toxins, exposure to free radicals, poor nutrition, stress and other factors take their toll on your body. What has been called “age-related cognitive decline” is really an accumulation of this damage to your cells. But this cognitive decay is NOT set in stone!
There are three primary factors that play a powerful role in maintaining sharp mental function, even as you age: Read more

Sunday, November 18, 2012

5-Hour Energy Shots Risks and Review

5-Hour Energy shots in conjunction with 13 deaths.

So far, 5-Hour Energy LLC living essentials manufacturer has received 92 reports of people who got sick after using the product. Since the product is sold as a dietary supplement, the Company is required to distribute these reports to the FDA.

The reports themselves do not prove that the 5-Hour Energy had nothing to do with a death or illness

Health and Sex The truth about marriage

Health and Sex The truth about marriage: What no one tells you.

6 things to tell couples wedding surprise for "Yes".
If you decide to get married, you may think you know your partner well. After all, we are best friends, who were prepared to spend the rest of their lives together.

But married life often proves to be full of disappointments and unexpected pleasures.
"People are surprised to

Friday, November 16, 2012

How Vitamin C not only supports our general health now affects fetus brain

How Vitamin C not only supports our general health now affects fetus brain

We all know that Vitamin C has many health benefits. This new research now confirmed that pregnant women should think twice about omitting the daily vitamin C pill. Before we find this useful information, let us see what other benefits of Vitamin C to our health are.

What is Vitamin C?


Vitamin C, also called

Can Coconut Oil Treat Alzheimer's Disease?

Can coconut oil treat Alzheimer's disease? Even if it's not yet proven, it can't hurt to try.
Coconut oil has been brought up a lot as a potential cure for Alzheimer’s disease lately.
In fact, if you do an internet search, you’ll probably find many accounts of people who claim coconut oil has reversed Alzheimer’s in their loved ones. But is there any science behind this? Let’s dig into the facts.
Coconut oil has actually been making a serious comeback in the health food world lately. For years, many health enthusiasts shied away from it for one reason or another. Read more

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Do you think this new spray will keep men from straying (fidelity?)

Do you think this new spray will keep men from cheating?

If retired Army Gen. David H. Petraeus or President Clinton has taken this hormone they may have different life.

Before we read about this research, we can get more info about this new hormone and why man cheats?

What is this new Hormonal Drug called?

This is called oxytocin. This is dubbed as 'cuddle drug', is naturally

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How a New Medicine offer Lot of promise for Epilepsy

How a New Medicine offer Lot of promise for Epilepsy

Before we read about this new medicine we will review more info about Epilepsy

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological condition, which affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. It is usually diagnosed after a person has had at least two seizures that were not caused by some known medical condition

How To Remove Tartar and Plaque from Teeth AT HOME!

If you hate going to the dentist, this video explains on how to remove tartar and plaque from your teeth at home, without having to go to the dentist! This may not be strictly a "natural" remedy, but it works and keeps you away from the dentist's office.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Simple Research tip to Boost Your Self-Control

Simple Research tip to Boost Your Self-Control

Before we check this new research on Self-Control, let us find out more about Self-Control.

What is Self-Control?

Self-control is the ability to control one's emotions, behavior, and desires in order to obtain some reward, or avoid some punishment, later. Presumably, some (smaller) reward or punishment is operating in the short term which

Friday, November 9, 2012

How we are eating hidden sugar without our knowledge

Eating hidden sugar without our knowledge

I dedicate this article for World Diabetes Day: November 14

Before we discuss hidden sugar sources in our diet let us check out more info about sugar

How much sugar we really needs in our diet?


There are some differences in recommendations for sugar intake because the definition of sugar, or what exactly is added sugar, is not well-defined

How to Get an Erection and Keep It Up as Long as You Want

Michael Paladin gives ten tips for men who have erectile dysfunction only when they're in bed with someone, not when they're alone.
Are you having a hard time trying to get an erection or keeping it up during sex? If you’re not really suffering from any medical conditions and still have a hard time keeping it hard, there are ways to get it up and keep it up when you need it most. If you are able to get an erection when you’re all alone, you’re definitely good to go down there and just need to learn to relax when you’re with a woman. Almost all the time, an erection is all in your head, and if it’s in your head, the following ten tips will definitely help you. Read more

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Promising research news for Treating Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease

Encouraging  research news for Treating Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease

Before finding more information about this new research, let us see what is Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease.

What is Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease (CF)?


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to form in the lungs, pancreas and other organs. In the lungs, this mucus blocks the airways,

Menopause Facts causes and Symptoms

Fundamentals of menopause.

What is menopause?

Menopause is a normal phenomenon that all women experience as they age. The term "menopause" is often used to one of the changes a woman experiences either just before or after to describe the absence of menstruation. The end of their reproductive period.

What are the causes of menopause?

A woman with a finite number of eggs that are stored

5 Fact and Myth About High Blood Pressure-Hypertension

Five misconceptions about high blood pressure.
Are you worried about blood pressure, for yourself, a relative or a friend? Your concerns are well-founded. If left untreated, high blood pressure - also called hypertension - can lead to a number of health problems, including heart disease and stroke. Learn about high blood pressure can help to reduce the damage of this state of your health or

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New way to Reduce Bad and Total Cholesterol (Probiotic)

New way to Reduce Bad and Total Cholesterol (Probiotic)

Before we see this new research report let us see what are Probiotic and Bad and good Cholesterol.

What are Probiotic?

They are new health miracles called probiotics. They claim to help with health problems, ranging from constipation to diarrhea, and prevent colds or fight them once you already have one. Probiotics are showing up in

Prevent and Treat Heartburn and Acid Reflux

The most common digestive disorder people experience is heartburn, which is highly associated with acid reflux. Understanding how heartburn occurs is essential to those diagnosed with acid reflux. Eating habits or lifestyle factors should be changed to prevent heartburn associated with acid reflux. Unhealthy eating or eating excessively at one time can cause improper movement of the gastric juices in the lower portion of the esophagus, causing possible heartburn to occur.

Heartburn or acid reflux needs treatment, especially when a nighttime attack happens. Nigh time attacks have similar daytime attack symptoms except that nighttime attacks include snoring, restlessness, fatigue, and even abnormalities in breathing. Attacks during the night are more severe than attacks during daytime.

Many people with heartburn or acid reflux understand the cause of their condition. However, there are still many people lacking essential knowledge of how heartburn acid reflux can be triggered. The simplest answer is food. Many people experience acid reflux after having a large meal due to improper breakdown of foods. Foods, such as spicy foods, chocolates, fried and fatty foods, can trigger heartburn. In fact, even citrus fruits have a tendency to trigger heartburn.

If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, one way that can help lessen the occurrences is by changing your lifestyle. A change in lifestyle can help keep acid reflux from recurring. Also, you should avoid eating aa heavy large meal at one time. Instead, eat small meals at intervals. Eating large meals can increase pressure in the esophageal sphincter and at the same time, expand your stomach. Other preventive measures include maintaining your weight, avoiding alcoholic beverages, and not wearing clothes that fit tightly around the waist.

Acid reflux is a common condition that can lead to severe problems if left untreated. If you are diagnosed with acid reflux, always take necessary precautions when experiencing it to avoid serious problems that could affect even the respiratory system. Because acid reflux is a serious problem, people with heartburn should seek advice on how to prevent and treat this their condition.

The experts agree: acid reflux and heartburn can be very dangerous if left untreated. To find out about an all-natural, holistic 5-step system for curing acid reflux and heartburn and achieving freedom from most digestive disorders faster than you ever thought possible, click here!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Top selected 10 fitness trends for 2013

Top selected 10 fitness trends for 2013
Your body is the only tool you need for one of the most popular trends in fitness: Body weight workouts.

A new study shows the trends in fitness training body weight, including back-to-basics exercises such as pumps, planks, and pull-ups should be one of the trends in fitness for 2013.

Top-10 Health and fitness trends.

The researchers say that people

Monday, November 5, 2012

Danger of Laundry Drying inside homes without using dryer

Danger of Laundry Drying inside homes without using dryer

This is very important study which affects us all in our lives. Before we check this study let us see why we all do this?

Why we dry Laundry inside homes?

Save money
Save Energy
Save Time

Main effects of drying Laundry inside homes

Drying clothes indoors raises moisture in the home by 30 per cent on wash days and 15 per cent

Increase Your Metabolism in 24 Hours

Edward Group reveals how to increase your metabolism in 24 hours.
Your metabolism is your body’s biochemical activity that regulates the conversion of calories into energy. A slow metabolism is slow to convert calories into energy and can cause the body to store fat. A fast metabolism operates in converse fashion, quickly using energy and not storing it. Your body’s metabolism is controlled by your thyroid gland and a sluggish thyroid can cause metabolic deficiencies, leading to an increase in fat stores. In fact, an inefficient metabolism is a very common causes of weight gain. There’s good news, however, as it’s often possible to naturally and efficiently increase your body’s metabolic rate. Read more

Friday, November 2, 2012

Good Research news for Treating Peanut Food Allergy

Good Research news for Treating Peanut Food Allergy

This is very good news for all Peanut Food Allergy sufferers. Before we see this study let us see what is all about peanut food allergy.

What is Peanut Food Allergy?

Peanut allergy is common, especially in children. Peanut allergy symptoms can range from a minor irritation to a life-threatening reaction (anaphylaxis). For some people

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Expert Views on new cholesterol skin test ($20 PREVU Skin Cholesterol Test)

Is this test safe or not. Before we know that, let us see what is all about cholesterol.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a lipid (fat) which is produced by the liver. Cholesterol is vital for normal body function. Every cell in our body has cholesterol in its outer layer.

Importance of knowing cholesterol

It builds and maintains cell membranes (outer