Sunday, May 6, 2007

Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Arthritis is beginning to affect people at a much younger age these days, and if the disease runs in your family, you’ll want to do all you can to prevent the onset of arthritis. Here are some natural remedies that you may want to try, whether you’re trying to prevent arthritis, or are suffering with symptoms.

Studies have show that bee venom is an effective natural remedy that can relieve arthritis symptoms and help to prevent the disease, since it can lubricate the joints and improve the range of motion in the arms and fingers. Another natural remedy, cat’s claw, has also been known to decrease inflammation and eliminate discomfort. Cat’s claw can also treat tendonitis, which is a common side effect of arthritis. Since fluid tends to build up around the joints, herbs like cat’s claw can help to drain the toxic fluids from the body if taken regularly.

You can also change your lifestyle that will serve as natural remedies and ensure that you feel better and reduce the complications that can come along with arthritis. For instance, simple changes or adjustments to your diet can significantly improve arthritis. Including more green vegetables in the diet, such as kale and kelp (seaweed) normalize bodily fluids and increase joint movement, and eating more foods with calcium and B vitamins can strengthen the bones.

Today, there are many solutions that can be solved with natural remedies and they are successful to improve a person’s life in many ways. But, If you’re thinking of taking natural remedies to treat your arthritis, be sure to talk to your physician about using alternative medicine to treat your condition. It may be a good idea to take only one type of medication at a time, since traditional and natural medicines may decrease the effects of each medicine. Be sure to take your natural supplements slowly, and increase the dosage as your body gets used to the

Natural remedies are as old as mankind, and they’ve worked well for others, but remember what may work well for one might not for you.

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