As we ring in the new year, it’s a good time to reflect upon things each of us can do to be healthier. The biggest impact that can be made on our health is in our day to day actions. Reviewing those actions and resolving to change just a little each year can set us on a course to better health. Here are some areas for consideration.
Fruits and vegetables. Yes, it’s that basic – eat more broccoli, cabbage, green beans, spinach, squash and other non-starchy vegetables. Eat an apple for a snack instead of crackers or potato chips. Eating fruits and vegetables, preferably raw or lightly cooked helps our bodies in several ways. Fruits and vegetables contain enzymes (when raw), essential minerals and vitamins, and fiber. Fruits and non-starchy vegetables are somewhat cleansing to the body, helping us to eliminate the byproducts of what we eat so that our body doesn’t have to create something like inflammation, or cholesterol, or joint pain, etc. Read more
Friday, December 31, 2010
6 Habits for a Healthy New Year
Margaret Durst says six habits can lead to having a healthy, happy near year.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
6 Cancer-Fighting Superfoods
The best cancer treatment is prevention. Eating these six superfoods can reduce your risk of cancer, says Leslie Barrie.
To reduce your risk of cancer, look no further than your fridge. "All the studies on cancer and nutrition point to eating plant-based foods for their phytonutrients and other special compounds," says Richard Béliveau, PhD, chair in the prevention and treatment of cancer at the University of Québec at Montreal and author of Foods to Fight Cancer.
Aim for five to nine daily servings of all kinds of fruits and vegetables—especially these six superstars. Read more
Monday, December 27, 2010
Chai-Yok: A Spa Treatment for Your Vagina
Chai-yok, is a Korean treatment for the vaginal area.that involves sitting on an open-seated stool in a spa. It is said to reduce stress, fight infections, clear hemorrhoids, regulate menstrual cycles, and aid infertility.
Pungent steam rises from a boiling pot of a mugwort tea blended with wormwood and a variety of other herbs. Above it sits a nude woman on an open-seated stool, partaking in a centuries-old Korean remedy that is gaining a toehold in the West.
Vaginal steam baths, called chai-yok, are said to reduce stress, fight infections, clear hemorrhoids, regulate menstrual cycles and aid infertility, among many other health benefits. In Korea, many women steam regularly after their monthly periods.
There is folk wisdom — and even some logic — to support the idea that the carefully targeted steam may provide some physiological benefits for women. But there are no studies to document its effectiveness, and few American doctors have even heard of it. Read more
Friday, December 24, 2010
Breastfeeding Improves Academic Performance, Especially for Boys
New research suggests that mothers should consider breastfeeding if they want smarter children..
Evidence for the long-term benefits of breast-feeding — well beyond infancy — continue to grow. In the latest analysis of the academic performance of children who were breast- or bottle-fed, researchers found that breast-fed babies scored higher on tests of math, reading and writing skills at 10 years old, compared with those who were bottle-fed as babies. Read more
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
How to Cleanse Your Liver, Colon, and Blood
If you want to cleanse your liver, colon, and blood, add green superfoods to your diet for 30 days, says Margaret Durst.
Green Supplements are one of the basic four supplements that I recommend for everyone. Now you probably do not want to take another pill, but if you aren’t eating as many servings of fruits and vegetables as you should, then a supplement that makes up for that is a good idea.
I like to backtrack a little when I address the need for a supplement. So, here goes. The main reason to take supplements is to supplement your diet with something that isn’t there so that you stay healthy. Almost everyone agrees that if we all ate what we should and didn’t eat the things we shouldn’t, then we would all be in pretty good shape. Read more
Monday, December 20, 2010
Mistletoe Can Be Magic
Gail Cox says that mistletoe can counter the bad effects of traditional cancer treatment and may even help kill tumor cells.
According to folklore, mistletoe 'magic' may seal romance, bestow fertility and bring peace to warring spouses.
The plant has also been credited with the power of healing – an attribute currently being harnessed by a new outpatient unit at the independent Raphael Medical Centre in Kent, which offers integrated cancer care.
The centre uses mistletoe (known by its Latin plant name, viscum album) to combat undesirable effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, such as fatigue, nausea, weight loss, low mood and infections.
Advocates believe the herb boosts the immune system and may even help kill tumour cells – particularly breast, gynaecological, colo-rectal, pancreatic and lung cancer, along with lymphomas and leukaemia. Read more
Friday, December 17, 2010
8 Ways to Reduce Your Chemical Load
We live in a world filled with noxious pollutants and toxins, and while our bodies have systems to remove toxins naturally, we can remove some of the burden by reducing our exposure to them. Mark Sisson gives eight simple, inexpensive ways to reduce our own biological "chemical load.".
... The idea here is reducing our own biological “chemical load,” the number and amount of toxins we carry in our bodies. This includes everything from heavy metals like mercury, arsenic and lead to virtually omnipresent flame retardant compounds called PBDEs to chemicals like phthalates, formaldehyde, PCBs, and bisphenol A (just to name a few). These toxins are invaders, and the body knows it. Some, like the heavy metals, impact neurological functioning. Others, like phthalates, disrupt the endocrine balance. PBDEs, at lower levels, can seriously impact thyroid functioning (an issue for a number of our readers) and at higher levels, can impair reproductive and neurological functioning. In short, this issue is nothing to shake a stick at.
Scientists in both the human health and environmental sciences are learning from the growing use of biomonitoring surveys, in which blood and urine samples from humans (and animals) are tested for the presence of certain toxins. A person’s chemical load is, in part, determined by where they live and how old they are, but it’s also strongly influenced by what kind of lifestyle they lead and the measures they take to minimize their exposure to environmental and consumer toxins in their home and work places.
We’re all about taking charge of our health and well-being, we thought. “So,” we asked, “What are some easy and inexpensive ways for all of us to reduce our chemical load?” Check it out. Read more
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt Inhalers
Salt-air therapy is the ancient, natural way to relieve respiratory, sinus, and asthma ills, says Edward Group.
We all know about the great health benefits of Himalayan salt, especially when used with food. Now, there is a new way of getting more of its “healing energy” into our bodies. Using a Himalayan Salt Inhaler offers an easy, drug-free way to conveniently get many of the multiple benefits of salt-air therapy. The following article will discuss Himalayan salt inhaler therapy and the health benefits associated with its use.
What is Salt Therapy?
Human beings have been using salt for therapeutic use for thousands of years. Anyone who has spent a day at the ocean intuitively knows that salt-filled air is good for them. Just ask our good friend, the ancient physician Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine), who used to steam salt to purify the air and the lungs. Read more
Monday, December 13, 2010
Home Remedy for Thicker Hair
This video demonstrates how to make a home remedy for thicker hair using rum, castor oil, and jalapeños.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Sunshine, Vitamin D, and Supplements
Mark Sisson explains why it's important to get high doses of vitamin D from either sun exposure or supplements. .
From the presence of vitamin D receptors in our cells and vitamin D factories in our epidermis, along with the central role vitamin D plays in calcium metabolism, immunity, and gene expression, it’s pretty clear that having adequate vitamin D is an essential component of being a healthy, successful homo sapien. And yet, many health practitioners suggest that vitamin D deficiency is one of the biggest nutrient deficiencies in modern society. The question, then, arises: What’s the best way to get enough vitamin D – via oral supplementation or sunlight?
To determine that, let’s examine a few common questions surrounding the various modes of intake.
Is it natural? Read more
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Bacteria Timebomb in Your Home
Angela Epstein tells how to eradicate household bugs that can trigger heart disease, allergies, and stroke.
Most of us never give a second thought to how long we’ve had that old chopping board – or those pillows, even that hairbrush.
But while they may all look clean and serviceable enough, these seemingly innocent household items can actually harbour potentially harmful bacteria if used too long, regardless of how often they’re cleaned.
Here, with the help of scientific experts, we examine how often you should spring clean those everyday household items – and when it’s time to simply throw them in the bin . . . Read more
Monday, December 6, 2010
Why Your Body Craves Plain, Pure Water
Are you drinking dehydration fluids? Margaret Durst explains why your body craves plain, pure water.
... Many health problems have dehydration as a component. These include allergies, asthma, hypertension, constipation, cholesterol, premature aging, Alzheimer’s, back pain, migraine headaches, obesity and depression.
Studies show that the average American drinks only 4.6 glasses of water per day. Almost 10 percent of Americans drink no water at all. The average American also drinks 4.9 glasses of dehydrating beverages such as coffee and tea per day. In terms of hydration, you need to drink 1 glass of water for each beverage containing caffeine that you drink just to remain neutral. This means that the average American is dehydrated since they would have to drink 12.9 glasses of water per day to overcome the effects of the dehydrating beverages plus get their recommended 8 glasses. Read more
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Best and Worst Vegetables to Eat
Joseph Mercola gives tips on selecting the best vegetables to eat.
There's little doubt that one of the best ways to improve your health is to make sure you're eating plenty of fresh, minimally processed high-quality vegetables, ideally locally-grown and organic, with a majority of them consumed raw. One simple way to boost your vegetable intake is to juice them.
Juicing organic vegetables is highly recommended to patients in our clinic who are working to restore or improve their health. I am firmly convinced that juicing is one of the key factors to giving you a radiant, energetic life, and truly optimal health.
I simply do not know of any other single nutritional intervention that has a more profound influence on health than eating and/or juicing fresh, organic vegetables.
You can review my comprehensive approach to how to juice on my vegetable juicing page. Read more
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Being Even a Little Overweight Increases Health Risks
A recent study concluded that being even a little overweight increases the health risks associated with obesity.
Lugging around a few extra pounds? One of the largest studies to look at health and weight finds that you don't have to be obese to raise your risk of premature death. Merely being overweight carries some risk, too.
Obesity increases the risk of death from heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. But whether being merely overweight contributes to an early death as well has been uncertain and controversial. Some research has suggested being a little pudgy has little effect or can even be a good thing.
The latest research involving about 1.5 million people concluded that healthy white adults who were overweight were 13 percent more likely to die during the time they were followed in the study than those whose weight is in an ideal range.Being Even A Little Overweight, Increases Health Risks. Read more
Monday, November 29, 2010
The End of Aging? How to Hold Back the Years
Is this the end of aging? Alice Smellie discusses the ways we can hold back the years.
There are, it seems, medical breakthroughs nearly every week to help us combat one of the harsh facts of life: ageing.
Last week, researchers at Durham University reported that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women, designed to replace sex hormones such as oestrogen which fall with age, has been shown to help the brains of middle-aged women work like those of younger women.
And an Oxford University study revealed that a daily aspirin in middle age could help ward off heart disease and cancer over the age of 45 - when the risk of cancer goes up substantially.
Indeed, not only are we keeping healthier for longer, we feel younger, too.
A recent study of more than 10,000 people revealed that more than 40 per cent of today's over-50s feel at least a decade younger than their actual age. Read more
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Mix Aerobics and Weights to Lower Blood Sugar
A new study has found that combining aerobics with weight training works better than either one alone in lowering blood sugar.
People with diabetes should mix aerobics with weight training to get the best results in lowering blood sugar, a new study suggests. The combination worked best for weight loss too, compared to aerobics or weight training alone.
Blood sugar is fuel to muscles, and more sugar is burned during aerobic activity. Weight training builds more muscle, and both activities change muscle proteins in ways that enhance the process. Read more
Monday, November 22, 2010
Natural Help for Sinuses: Using a Neti Pot
Nasal congestion is a common health complaint, but a natural remedy exists. Using a neti pot removes all the dirt and bacteria-filled mucus from within the nose. It also helps to drain the sinus cavities.
It is quite common for our nasal passages to become clogged or blocked, especially with all of today’s pollutants and any other chemical irritants we may come in contact with. Even pollen and dust can be sources of irritation for many people. With all these irritants in our daily lives, it’s no wonder that nasal congestion is a major health complaint.
Among the many indications of nasal congestion, two of the most debilitating symptoms are headaches and pressure behind the eyes, which may indicate sinusitis. Sinusitis is a condition in which the lining of the sinus passages become inflamed due to bacteria inside the nasal cavities. Normally the tiny hairs inside the nasal passages clean out all the unwanted bacteria-causing pollutants; however, when congestion occurs, proper drainage cannot, thus allowing bacteria to grow. Read more
Saturday, November 20, 2010
How to Make Hops Pillows for Sleep Aid
Sleep better the natural way! Learn how to make hops pillows and fall asleep faster.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
8 Natural Remedies for PMS
PMS can wreak havoc on your relationship. Here are eight natural remedies to keep it in check.
Women have long searched for a way to alleviate the symptoms of PMS—bloating, cramps and mood swings—just to name a few. Jonny Bowden, author of The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth, has found the cure—a natural PMS cocktail. Learn more about the herbs and supplements that will bring you relief.
Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil (like borage oil and black currant oil) is a natural source of a fatty acid called GLA-gamma-linolenic acid. The research on evening primrose and PMS had been mixed. It may be true that GLA works best in combination with B6 and magnesium and is not quite as effective on its own. Because GLA is a natural anti-inflammatory, and because many people find it helpful for PMS, you should include it in your PMS cocktail. Read more
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
CDC and ADA Now Advise to Avoid Using Fluoride
Finally, the "experts" come clean on the health hazards of fluoride.
A new study in the Journal of the American Dental Association finds once again that, contrary to what most people have been told, fluoride is actually bad for teeth.
Exposure to high levels of fluoride results in a condition known as fluorosis, in which tooth enamel becomes discolored. The condition can eventually lead to badly damaged teeth. The new study found that fluoride intake during a child's first few years of life is significantly associated with fluorosis, and warned against using fluoridated water in infant formula.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is of a similar opinion. According to their website: Read more
Friday, November 12, 2010
Caveman Comfort Food
A hunk of red meat calms down stressed out men by bringing out their caveman instincts.
Women who want to calm down their husbands after a stressful day at the office should serve him a big steak, scientists said today.
Contrary to popular opinion that a hunk of red meat may make men aggressive, experts said it actually has a calming affect.
Psychologists said they were shocked by research findings which show that far from bringing out the 'caveman instinct' in modern men, seeing meat lowers any aggressive tendencies because it reminds males of friends and family at meal time. Read more
Monday, November 8, 2010
Herbal Remedies: Ginger and Milk Thistle
Ginger and milk thistle are herbs that treat depression and food poisoning.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Chinese Medicine: A Modern Tool for Treating Chronic Health Problems
Margaret Durst explains ancient Chinese medicine works and why it's so good for treating chronic health problems.
Chinese medicine dates back over 3000 years. It is still a very valid system that treats the body holistically. At first glance, it seems simplistic because the conditions treated within Chinese medicine use terms such as excess fire or water or wind rather than our modern scientific names. Yet this system is actually very complex and can be significantly more effective than our modern medicine especially with chronic health problems.
The part of Chinese medicine that I find particularly useful is the meridian system. The Chinese mapped pathways, or meridians, throughout the body that carry an invisible sort of electric energy. This energy is now detectable using specific instruments. Read more
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Vitamin K: A Super Nutrient That Stops Cancer in iIs Tracks
Vitamin K is a super nutrient that stops cancer in its tracks.
The second leading cause of death in the US is a preventable disease caused by a damaging diet of processed foods and poor lifestyle choices. Having seen family members and friends succumb to the disease, many people view cancer as inevitable and believe there is little they can do to protect themselves from the `Big C`. Our body is continually under assault from rogue cancer cells that are detected and controlled by our innate immune system. Eventually a diet of sugary processed foods and regular contact with household toxins wear down our natural defenses allowing cancer to proliferate. Vitamin K is a critical nutrient that has been shown effective in preventing a number of cancer cell lines with no toxic side effects. Read more
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Natural Remedies for Bad Breath
If your morning breath lasts all day, it might be time to take action.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Putting Ice on Injuries Could Slow Healing
I'm sure you've heard that it's important to put ice on an injury, but new research shows that it might be counterproductive.
Slapping a packet of frozen peas on a black eye or a sprained ankle may prevent it getting better, new research suggests.
For years, people have been told to freeze torn, bruised or sprained muscles to reduce the swelling.
But now for the first time, researchers have found that it could slow down the healing as it prevents the release of a key repair hormone.
This discovery turns the conventional wisdom that swelling must be controlled in order to encourage healing and prevent pain. Read more
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Double Chin Exercises
As we get older, a double chin may start to appear, due to genetics, or fat and fluid buildups in fatty cells. Fortunately, there are several ways to lose a double chin
Foods that are high in calories add to the fat that is stored in the chin, worsening the problem. Therefore, eating a diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grain and other foods that are low in fat can help weight loss on the chin area, as well as the other parts of the body.
The most highly recommended method of getting rid of a double chin is by engaging in certain double chin exercises. Exercises like walking, swimming, jogging, cycling and running can help a person lose weight all over the body, including the chin. However, like other spot reduction exercises aimed at reducing the fat mainly on one particular part of the body, double chin exercises are a great way to burning off the fat in the chin area at a faster pace. The most effective double chin exercises focus on the platysma and mentalis muscles and at the same time, they help firm up the throat, jowl area and the neck. Given below are some simple double chin exercises, which you should practice every single day, preferably twice a day: Read more
Monday, October 25, 2010
Natural Remedies for Stretch Marks
If you have recently given birth or lost a lot of weight, you may have stretch marks. Isabelle Simon gives some natural remedies to get rid of them.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Coconut Oil:A Powerful Virus-Destroyer and Antibiotic
Coconut oil is good for your heart and fights viruses and bacteria, too, says Dr. Joseph Mercola.
You've no doubt noticed that for about the last 60 years the majority of health care officials and the media have been telling you saturated fats are bad for your health and lead to a host of negative consequences, like elevated cholesterol, obesity, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease.
Meanwhile during this same 60 years the American levels of heart disease, obesity, elevated serum cholesterol and Alzheimer's have skyrocketed compared to our ancestors, and even compared to modern-day primitive societies using saturated fat as a dietary staple.
Did you know that multiple studies on Pacific Island populations who get 30–60% of their total caloric intact from fully saturated coconut oil have all shown nearly non-existent rates of cardiovascular disease?[1]
Clearly, a lot of confusion and contradictory evidence exists on the subject of saturated fats, even among health care professionals.
But I'm going to tell you something that public health officials and the media aren't telling you. Read more
Monday, October 18, 2010
Leg Cramps: Home Remedies and Treatments
Learn home remedies to treat nighttime leg cramps from pharmacologist Joe Graedon of the popular public radio show The People's Pharmacy.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Are Humans Designed to Live on Grains and Refined Sugar?
Are humans designed to live on grains and refined sugar? No, they make us fatter and sicker, says Mark Sisson.
We all know by now that type 2 diabetes is an epidemic. We’re seeing words like crisis and runaway all over the news and in the journals. Heart disease rates have been cut in half since the staggering margarine days of the 1980s, but diabetes has swiftly risen to fill that gaping void and meet the challenge of Completely Unnecessary Disease Epidemic.
Here’s my ultra-simple explanation of the entire insulin/blood sugar/type 2 diabetes mess. Big Agra could really care less about you. That’s just business. The pharmaceutical industry is not in it for the love of life. If that were the case, drugs would be much cheaper. The FDA has to think about public health, but it also has to think about treading carefully on the toes of corporate interests, because that’s how it works when you’re the biggest economy in the world.
Print this explanation out, stick it on your fridge, email it to your aunt. And put down the pasta. Read more
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Do You Have Symptoms of Vitamin C Deficiency?
An adequate amount of vitamin C can even help with cardiovascular heart disease, says Margaret Durst.
Vitamin C deficiency is thought to be part of the underlying cause of cardiovascular disease. Humans do not have the ability to make vitamin C; they must get it though their diet. Vitamin C is essential to the formation of collagen which is the glue for specialized tissues that hold us together, such as skin, cartilage, tendon, and bone. Vitamin C is also responsible for maintaining strength in the blood vessels. Scurvy is the condition that results when we are deficient in vitamin C. Symptoms of scurvy include poor wound healing, bleeding gums, edema, extreme weakness and “pinpoint” hemorrhages under the skin.
One of the interesting theories on atherosclerosis is that we may have developed the ability to deposit lipoproteins (plaque) along our artery walls to increase our chances of surviving during vitamin C deficient times. In other words, arterial plaque may be what kept us from bleeding to death during long winters when we had less access to foods rich in vitamin C.
Fibrinogen and apoprotein are the two groups of proteins that normally accumulate at injury sites in the arteries to carry out repairs to damaged artery walls. The apoproteins have a natural affinity with fat and become lipoprotein A which can repair damaged or leaky blood vessels. However, this also increases the risk of heart disease by building up deposits on the artery wall. In fact, of all the factors that can be measured, a person’s level of lipoprotein A is the best indicator of risk of arterial plaque. Read more
Monday, October 11, 2010
Can Coconut Oil Reverse Alzheimer's Disease?
A doctor discovered that the ingredient in the drug trial which was showing so much promise was simply MCT oil derived from coconut oil, so he put his patient on coconut oil twice a day with astonishing results.
Dr. Newport learned that the ingredient in the drug trial which was showing so much promise was simply MCT oil derived from coconut oil or palm kernel oil, and that a dose of 20 grams (about 20 ml or 4 teaspoons) was used to produce these results. When MCT oil is metabolized, the ketones which the body creates may, according to the latest research, not only protect against the incidence of Alzheimer’s, but may actually reverse it. Moreover, this is also a potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease), drug-resistant epilepsy, brittle type I diabetes, and type II (insulin-resistant) diabetes. Read more
Friday, October 8, 2010
Is Semen a Natural Antidepressant for Women?
Scientific American reports that scientists have discovered that human semen acts as a natural antidepressant for women. It's loaded with mood-enhancing chemicals, and "the vagina is an ideal route for drug delivery."
... let’s have a quick look at some of the key ingredients of human semen. In fact, semen has a very complicated chemical profile, containing over 50 different compounds (including hormones, neurotransmitters, endorphins and immunosupressants) each with a special function and occurring in different concentrations within the seminal plasma. Perhaps the most striking of these compounds is the bundle of mood-enhancing chemicals in semen. There is good in this goo. Such anxiolytic chemicals include, but are by no means limited to, cortisol (known to increase affection), estrone (which elevates mood), prolactin (a natural antidepressant), oxytocin (also elevates mood), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (another antidepressant), melatonin (a sleep-inducing agent) and even serotonin (perhaps the most well-known antidepressant neurotransmitter). Read more
Monday, October 4, 2010
Calcium and Vitamin Supplements Reduce Breast cancer Risk
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. One thing that women should be aware of is that taking vitamin and calcium supplements may reduce their risk of breast cancer by as much as 40 percent.
Taking vitamin and calcium supplements may reduce women's risk of breast cancer by as much as 40 percent, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Ponce School of Medicine in Puerto Rico, and presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.
"It is not an immediate effect. You don't take a vitamin today and your breast cancer risk is reduced tomorrow," researcher Jaime Matta said. "However, we did see a long-term effect in terms of breast cancer reduction." Read more
Friday, October 1, 2010
How to Make an All-Natural Liver Cleanse
A nutrition consultant and clinical herbalist explains how to create an all-natural liver cleanse tea that benefits the entire digestive tract.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Can Prayer Really Work Health Miracles?
Can prayer really work health miracles? Since science can't prove it one way or another, you just have to have faith.
Medical science relies on evidence-based studies to show that different drugs or treatment regimens can improve a patient's health. But conducting studies of one potential therapy -- the healing power of prayer -- has proved a challenge.
Candy Gunther Brown, an associate professor of religious studies at Indiana University, would like to see that change. Given that about half of the American population prays, prayer could turn out to be a critical therapy, she believes. Read more
Monday, September 27, 2010
Discover the Superfood Power of Coconut
Super foods are defined as those foods which are so nutrient-rich that they can help fight aging and illness. Coconut is a super food which everyone should consider adding to his or her diet.
Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered 'super-foods.' Mothers' milk is considered the most perfect food on the planet for human consumption do to its ideal nutritional content and immune boosting compounds. The closest match in nature to mothers' milk is found within the coconut. This tropical staple is loaded with many powerful fatty acids that give it a unique taste and an abundance of health enhancing benefits. Read more
Friday, September 24, 2010
Avocado Hair Mask Tutorial
The avocado hair mask smells amazing and gives wonderful results. You will only need half of an avocado for the hair mask and for the other half; simply mash it up (mix honey, yogurt, etc) and apply it as a soothing face mask. Avocado is rich in beneficial oils good for our skin, body and health which is why some cultures call the fruit 'Green Gold'. Its not only delicious as a healthy treat, but also to our hair and skin.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
If You Want to Age Gracefully, Don't Eat This
Joseph Mercola has written the best article on slowing down the aging process that you are likely to read anywhere. He not only tells you what not to do, but also what to do in order to age gracefully. Warning: his advice may contradict some medical myths that even your doctor may believe.
Death is surely inevitable, but I do believe you can live far longer than the average life expectancy tables (1) would predict, which in the U.S. is about 78. Genetics may play a role, but it is NOT the final determining factor for whether you'll live a long healthy life.
Barring an accident, your lifestyle has everything to do with your longevity.
It's already been established that diet can override genetic predispositions for disease (2), so don't fall into the trap of believing your health and longevity is somehow inescapably tied to what's polluting your gene pool.
The Leading Cause of Premature Aging and Death Read more
Monday, September 20, 2010
Drink More Water, Lose More Weight
Adding science to years of anecdotal claims, scientists find that drinking two cups of water before all three meals helped dieters lose weight and keep it off.
It's a popular dieting secret: Drink more water, and you'll shed more pounds. Finally, science is adding weight to the practice.
After about three months, a new study found, obese dieters who drank two cups of water before each meal lost 5 pounds more than a group of dieters who didn't increase their water intake. A year later, the water-drinkers had also kept more of the weight off. Read more
Friday, September 17, 2010
Memory Loss Is NOT a Normal Part of Aging, Say Dementia Experts
Though many older people laugh off memory lapses as "senior moments," dementia experts say they shouldn't. Memory loss is NOT a normal part of aging. It's a symptom of an underlying disease.
Mild memory lapses experienced by older people are often excused as 'senior moments,' but a new study has found the brain changes that cause the forgetfulness are also responsible for dementia.
The findings contradict a long-held notion that memory loss is a normal part of ageing, the U.S. team said.
'We don't think that just because you are old, a problem in thinking and memory is normal and should be ignored. We think it's an actual sign of disease,' said lead researcher Dr Robert Wilson, at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. Read more
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Flush Those Heavy Metals
Detox with "broken cell wall" chlorella. Chlorella's fibrous outer shell binds with the heavy metals in the bloodstream and assists in pulling them out of tissues to carry them out of the body.
Chlorella, single-celled fresh water algae, is often referred to as a near-perfect food, as its range of health benefits is truly astounding. In this interview, Ginny Bank expounds on this phenomenal nutrient.
Chlorella is perhaps most well known for its ability to detox your body by binding to toxins, such as mercury and carrying them out of your system.
But that’s not all this green algae is good for.
According to Ginny, chlorella can also be of great benefit to vegetarians and vegans who want proteins and B vitamins from a non-animal source. Chlorella is about 60 percent protein, and is considered to be a “complete protein” source because it contains all the essential amino acids your body needs.
Other health benefits include: Read more
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Silver Medicine
Silver has been used in the health field for as long as there has been a health field. It was used in times of antiquity for fighting germs and healing tissue, and those uses have continued to this day. It has been undergoing a rapid resurgence in use in recent times in the medical and industrial fields.
For thousands of years silver has been used as a healing agent by civilizations throughout the world. Its medical, preservative and restorative powers can be traced as far back as the ancient Greek and Roman Empires. Long before the development of modern pharmaceuticals, silver was employed as a germicide.
Consider these interesting facts: Read more
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Scalp Massages Relax and Stimulate
isSince a great deal of the human nervous system is located in the head, it's no wonder the area is prone to the effects of stress and tension. Just like a massage for your muscles, a scalp massage is the perfect way to ease away the tensions of the day.
In many cultures, head massage has been practiced for hundreds of years as a therapy to reduce stress and tension. Massaging the scalp can relieve migraine headache pain and even encourage hair growth by stimulating blood supply to the scalp. It rejuvenates the spirits, improves mental alertness and increases circulation to the face, head, neck and shoulders. Read more
Friday, September 3, 2010
Powerful Aphrodisiac Cocktail Drink
Excite your lover and make the night romantic and exciting with this special cocktail drink for men and women.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Turmeric and Neti Pots Help Sinus Infections and Chronic Sinusitis
Sinus infection, or sinusitis, is an inflammation of the sinuses and nasal passages. A sinus infection can cause a headache or pressure in the eyes, nose, cheek area, or on one side of the head. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology reports that sinusitis causes a loss of four workdays per year, causing employers to list sinusitis as one of the top ten medical conditions. Fortunately, there are simple, inexpensive natural remedies for sinusitis.
Using turmeric or salt inhalation with a neti pot and using simple steam inhalation can treat sinus infections.
Sinusitis, also known as rhinosinusitis, is an infection or inflammation of the lining of the sinus cavities in the nose. This condition affects more than 40 million Americans annually. Sinusitis can be caused by colds, flu or allergies. Diseases such as bacterial infections also cause sinusitis, reports the University of Maryland Medical Center. Sinus infections can be painful, leading to headaches and work impairment. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology reports that sinusitis causes a loss of four workdays per year, causing employers to list sinusitis as one of the top ten medical conditions. Read more
Monday, August 30, 2010
Mashed Banana Cough Remedy
This video shows how to make a delicious cough remedy with no side effects from bananas, honey, and black pepper.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Back to School... without the Meds!
It's back to school time, so Margaret Durst discusses how to keep your children health with natural remedies.
It is back to school time. While parents are rushing around getting school clothes and supplies, it is also a good time to think about supporting our children’s health (and ours too). For many parents, they may face an additional challenge of pressure to put their kids on meds for for a variety of attention and behavioral problems. Many times these kinds of issues can be avoided with better nutritional choices. Even for good students, nutrition can help keep them healthy and focused and happy.
I get lots of questions on how to keep kids healthy. School seems to be a breeding ground for all kinds of coughs, colds and flus. I have some simple remedies I like to use that have worked well for my family. My all time favorite “keep my kid well” remedy is Elderberry Defense. Once we started using it, our son got perfect attendance – he only got a cough or sniffles when we ran out – that was 3 years ago. Read more
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Herbs for Healthy Aging
Asian cultures have used herbs for thousands of years to extend the vitality of youth and promote longevity. With the aging of the U.S. population, there has been considerable interest in herbal remedies. There are currently numerous studies being conducted to understand how these herbs slow the aging process. Some of the best of those herbs are listed here.
How are herbs used and what do they do?
Herbs are used for many reasons. Herbal teas are used to cleanse the digestive system or detoxify the body. Herbs are used as medicines, vitamins, supplements, etc. You will find herbal teas used to treat common colds as well. Herbs are available to help reduce wrinkles or other aging features.
Some of the popular herbs include Kava-Kava, which is used to reduce anxiety. Kava will help you relax and sleep well. Another herb is Plum Flower. Herbs are used to treat people who suffer with various illnesses, including migraines, hypertension, cancers, heart disease, gastrointestine problems, and common headaches. One of the better herbs for those suffering with memory loss or forgetfulness is Ginkgo Biloba.
If you have difficulty with joints and muscles, which may be caused by arthritis, bursitis, or some other type of joint, muscle, or spinal disease, you may find benefit from tea pills. You will find joint-specific tea inflammation pills that assist with relieving you of these symptoms. During middle age, you may want to starting using rejuvenating teas.
How do I find more information about the herbs?
You can find all sorts of herbs at most department stores. Herbs are also sold in malls, herbal stores, and pharmacies. You will herbs online as well. It is good to check out the herbs online, since you will have additional details that help you to learn what herbs are used for. Just remember to ask your family doctor before you take herbs. Some medications work against herbs despite that the herbs come from natural sources.
How do I know herbs are safe for me to take?
Herbs are natural, so they rarely cause side effects by themselves, ulike many other drugs sold. However, mixing herbs with pharmaceuticals may be a different matter. This is why you should visit your doctor first before taking herbs if you are using any prescription or over-the-counter medications.
How are herbs used and what do they do?
Herbs are used for many reasons. Herbal teas are used to cleanse the digestive system or detoxify the body. Herbs are used as medicines, vitamins, supplements, etc. You will find herbal teas used to treat common colds as well. Herbs are available to help reduce wrinkles or other aging features.
Some of the popular herbs include Kava-Kava, which is used to reduce anxiety. Kava will help you relax and sleep well. Another herb is Plum Flower. Herbs are used to treat people who suffer with various illnesses, including migraines, hypertension, cancers, heart disease, gastrointestine problems, and common headaches. One of the better herbs for those suffering with memory loss or forgetfulness is Ginkgo Biloba.
If you have difficulty with joints and muscles, which may be caused by arthritis, bursitis, or some other type of joint, muscle, or spinal disease, you may find benefit from tea pills. You will find joint-specific tea inflammation pills that assist with relieving you of these symptoms. During middle age, you may want to starting using rejuvenating teas.
How do I find more information about the herbs?
You can find all sorts of herbs at most department stores. Herbs are also sold in malls, herbal stores, and pharmacies. You will herbs online as well. It is good to check out the herbs online, since you will have additional details that help you to learn what herbs are used for. Just remember to ask your family doctor before you take herbs. Some medications work against herbs despite that the herbs come from natural sources.
How do I know herbs are safe for me to take?
Herbs are natural, so they rarely cause side effects by themselves, ulike many other drugs sold. However, mixing herbs with pharmaceuticals may be a different matter. This is why you should visit your doctor first before taking herbs if you are using any prescription or over-the-counter medications.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Cheap Home Remedies
With any home remedy, it is extremely important that you understand thoroughly what is involved before you actually get started. Many remedies that might seem to be cheap are actually really expensive, and others that can seem extremely pricey are actually really cheap. In order to determine if a home remedy is within your budget, you need to first start studying the actual supplies that are called for, but have no fear. Most home remedies are extremely reasonably priced, and you can typically find the supplies already around your home.
For the majority of home remedies, there will be a few items needed. A basic toolkit will be highly effective in ensuring that you are well prepared for any home remedy that you need to attempt. Some of the most common household supplies work well in most home remedies and can be easily purchased for a very reasonable fee. Never buy anything that you are unfamiliar with and just start mixing. This is particularly true in the event of some household chemicals since you may accidentally create a massive, dangerous science experiment in your own house.
One of the most common problems that occurs is the presence of a burn of some sort. Most people when they have a burn will reach for a bottle of expensive gel; this is intended to help relieve the pain of the burn and sooth the skin. However, there is a much cheaper alternative. Your first choice is to start looking to items, such as aloe vera plants or within the kitchen such foods as mustard and even milk are wonderful to help. Most people will tend to avoid mustard though due to the color-changing that can occur from prolonged usage. However, it works wonderfully in a pinch.
Other common remedies include using baby powder to help absorb any excessive sweat as well as soothe chafing skin. This is something that is extremely common, especially amongst younger children and is frequently continued on until the child grows up. Most adults do tend to forget about this particular home remedy until they are reminded. Keeping an ample supply of baby powder is in the house is typically quite effective in ensuring that there are no problems or complications with a rash or chafing.
Acne is a problem that many adults battle for years. To combat it cheaply, using simple toothpaste at nights is extremely effective. The active ingredients in the toothpaste will work to dry out the acne sore and help to clear it up in just a couple of days. In contrast, most acne treatments are extremely expensive and can require a large amount of money as well as time invested into the treatment plan in order to even begin to see improvements. This is not a process that is always effective for all skin types, but it is still possible to produce at least minor improvements.
The absolute cheapest home remedy that you will find is for headaches. This involves nothing more than your own hands. Millions of people swear by using acupressure to help relieve the pain of headaches. In order to obtain the full benefit, it is important to take the time to carefully learn where the pressure points in the hand are. As long as you are clear on the location of the pressure points in the hand, you should have great success using this method. It is also important to realize that knowing the correct amount of pressure to use is also vital. With these two key pieces of knowledge, relief from your next headache could be only moments away. There is no reason to suffer any longer from headaches. A free solution is readily available.
As you can see, there are several things that you would typically keep around the house. Some are common remedies and others are less popular. All of them are extremely affordable and work well to ensure that you are getting the best benefits possible for yourself and your wallet.
For the majority of home remedies, there will be a few items needed. A basic toolkit will be highly effective in ensuring that you are well prepared for any home remedy that you need to attempt. Some of the most common household supplies work well in most home remedies and can be easily purchased for a very reasonable fee. Never buy anything that you are unfamiliar with and just start mixing. This is particularly true in the event of some household chemicals since you may accidentally create a massive, dangerous science experiment in your own house.
One of the most common problems that occurs is the presence of a burn of some sort. Most people when they have a burn will reach for a bottle of expensive gel; this is intended to help relieve the pain of the burn and sooth the skin. However, there is a much cheaper alternative. Your first choice is to start looking to items, such as aloe vera plants or within the kitchen such foods as mustard and even milk are wonderful to help. Most people will tend to avoid mustard though due to the color-changing that can occur from prolonged usage. However, it works wonderfully in a pinch.
Other common remedies include using baby powder to help absorb any excessive sweat as well as soothe chafing skin. This is something that is extremely common, especially amongst younger children and is frequently continued on until the child grows up. Most adults do tend to forget about this particular home remedy until they are reminded. Keeping an ample supply of baby powder is in the house is typically quite effective in ensuring that there are no problems or complications with a rash or chafing.
Acne is a problem that many adults battle for years. To combat it cheaply, using simple toothpaste at nights is extremely effective. The active ingredients in the toothpaste will work to dry out the acne sore and help to clear it up in just a couple of days. In contrast, most acne treatments are extremely expensive and can require a large amount of money as well as time invested into the treatment plan in order to even begin to see improvements. This is not a process that is always effective for all skin types, but it is still possible to produce at least minor improvements.
The absolute cheapest home remedy that you will find is for headaches. This involves nothing more than your own hands. Millions of people swear by using acupressure to help relieve the pain of headaches. In order to obtain the full benefit, it is important to take the time to carefully learn where the pressure points in the hand are. As long as you are clear on the location of the pressure points in the hand, you should have great success using this method. It is also important to realize that knowing the correct amount of pressure to use is also vital. With these two key pieces of knowledge, relief from your next headache could be only moments away. There is no reason to suffer any longer from headaches. A free solution is readily available.
As you can see, there are several things that you would typically keep around the house. Some are common remedies and others are less popular. All of them are extremely affordable and work well to ensure that you are getting the best benefits possible for yourself and your wallet.
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Big Pharma Con Job
Drugs don't work. According to a new study, 85% of their new drugs can cause more harm than good.
Drug companies have been accused of conning the public by hyping up patented medicines with little new to offer while downplaying their potentially harmful side-effects.
A new study estimates that 85 per cent of new drugs offer few if any new benefits while having the potential to cause serious harm due to toxicity or misuse.
The author of the research delivered a damning attack on 'Big Pharma' at a meeting of sociology experts in the US. Read more
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Vitamins Get Rid of Dark Circles under the Eyes
Dark circles under the eyes may not be a serious health problem, but they detract from your appearance. One natural remedy for this problem is vitamins.
Although the dark circles under the eyes may not cause any serious health problem, they are often a cause of great cosmetic concern, adding years to your appearance or making you look haggard or unhealthy. There are a number of different natural remedies for dark under eye circles - such as vitamins. Vitamins can be used topically or orally to get rid of dark circles. Read more
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Natural Remedies for Water Retention
Margaret Durst discusses the causes of water retention and some natural remedies.
Water retention bogs down many of us and is often a symptom of other health problems. Water balance within our bodies depends on many factors.
Poor kidney function will cause excess fluid to build up in the body. There are many herbs that act as diuretics while also being nutritive to the kidney and strengthening it over time. These include uva ursi, dong quai, juniper berries, asparagus, burdock, dandelion and more. There are many good herbal blends available at health food stores. Read more
Friday, August 13, 2010
Benefits of Fish Oil for Fitness and Health
When the words oils and fats are mentioned, health-conscious individuals tend to run for cover. What they fail to realize is that there are good fats and bad fats. Complete avoidance of intake of oils and fats would actually be detrimental, rather than beneficial, to their health.
The Truth about Fish Oil
Essential fatty acids must always be part of our daily diet – without them, we take one step closer to our deaths. Essential fatty acids are divided into two families: omega-6 EFAs and omega-3 EFAS.
Although there are only very slight differences to distinguish the two groups of essential fatty acids from each other, studies have revealed that too much intake of omega-6 EFAs can lead to inflammation, blood clotting and tumor growth. The good news, however, is that the opposite is true for omega-3 EFAs. Omega-6 EFAs can be found in vegetable oils while omega-3 EFAs can be found in fish oils among other foods.
Omega-6 vs. Omega-3
Physicians and scientists are of the same opinion that the cause behind increasing cases of heart disease, hypertension or high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, premature aging and certain kinds of cancer is none other than an imbalanced intake of omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs.
As mentioned earlier, omega-6 EFAs can be found in vegetable oils. This includes but is not limited to corn oil and soy oil, both of which contains high amounts of linoleic acid. Omega-3 EFAs on the other hand can be found also in marine plankton and walnut and flaxseed oils. It should be significant to take note that fatty fish and fish oils contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), fatty acids that have been observed to provide many benefits to the human body. In the early 1970’s, a study on Greenland Eskimos have revealed that one of the major reasons why they rarely suffer from heart diseases is because of their high-fat diet (mainly composed of fish).
The two essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are also helpful in preventing atherosclerosis, heart attacks, depression and various forms of cancer. Fish oil supplemented food have also proven to be useful in treating illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Other Benefits of Fish Oil
There are a lot more illnesses and situations in which intake of fish oil has proven to be significantly beneficial.
Making the Heart Healthier
The heart is inarguably one of the most important parts of our body and having an unhealthy heart means having to suffer a rather limited lifespan. Naturally, it’s in our best interests to keep our hearts happy and healthy and one way of doing that is eating food that contains fish oil.
In Athens, Greece, for instance, a study was made to show if there was a direct relationship between high fish diet and inflammation of blood vessels. The results revealed that those who ate more fish than the others had a lower level of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, factors that are commonly used to measure likelihood of blood vessel inflammation. These benefits remained even when the various risks associated with high fish diet were taken into account.
Fish to Become Thin
In Perth, Australia, a study had revealed that fish consumption can be used against hypertension and obesity. Researchers of the UWA (University of Western Australia) have discovered that a weight-loss diet which includes a regular amount of fish consumption can be quite effective in reducing blood pressure and improving glucose tolerance.
Fish Oil to Combat Asthma
People suffering from respiratory problems like asthma tend to be perceived as unfit and unhealthy. They should now be pleased to learn that certain studies have revealed the benefits of fish oil for asthma-burdened-individuals. Statistics show that approximately 20 to 25% of children today suffer one form of asthma or another at a certain point in their lives. And certain evidence reveals a regular diet of food with high linoleic acid content as the reason behind it.
Researchers of UW (University of Wyoming) conducted a study by subjecting a number of children to a high-fish diet while others continued with their regular diet. Results revealed that the participants who ate more fish were less prone to asthma attacks and were able to breathe more easily as well.
Consult Your Nutritionist Now
Nothing is good when consumed or used excessively, but complete avoidance of a particular food type is equally harmful as well. Ask your nutritionist for the right amount of fish intake for your age and health status.
The Truth about Fish Oil
Essential fatty acids must always be part of our daily diet – without them, we take one step closer to our deaths. Essential fatty acids are divided into two families: omega-6 EFAs and omega-3 EFAS.
Although there are only very slight differences to distinguish the two groups of essential fatty acids from each other, studies have revealed that too much intake of omega-6 EFAs can lead to inflammation, blood clotting and tumor growth. The good news, however, is that the opposite is true for omega-3 EFAs. Omega-6 EFAs can be found in vegetable oils while omega-3 EFAs can be found in fish oils among other foods.
Omega-6 vs. Omega-3
Physicians and scientists are of the same opinion that the cause behind increasing cases of heart disease, hypertension or high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, premature aging and certain kinds of cancer is none other than an imbalanced intake of omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs.
As mentioned earlier, omega-6 EFAs can be found in vegetable oils. This includes but is not limited to corn oil and soy oil, both of which contains high amounts of linoleic acid. Omega-3 EFAs on the other hand can be found also in marine plankton and walnut and flaxseed oils. It should be significant to take note that fatty fish and fish oils contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), fatty acids that have been observed to provide many benefits to the human body. In the early 1970’s, a study on Greenland Eskimos have revealed that one of the major reasons why they rarely suffer from heart diseases is because of their high-fat diet (mainly composed of fish).
The two essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, are also helpful in preventing atherosclerosis, heart attacks, depression and various forms of cancer. Fish oil supplemented food have also proven to be useful in treating illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Raynaud’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Other Benefits of Fish Oil
There are a lot more illnesses and situations in which intake of fish oil has proven to be significantly beneficial.
Making the Heart Healthier
The heart is inarguably one of the most important parts of our body and having an unhealthy heart means having to suffer a rather limited lifespan. Naturally, it’s in our best interests to keep our hearts happy and healthy and one way of doing that is eating food that contains fish oil.
In Athens, Greece, for instance, a study was made to show if there was a direct relationship between high fish diet and inflammation of blood vessels. The results revealed that those who ate more fish than the others had a lower level of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, factors that are commonly used to measure likelihood of blood vessel inflammation. These benefits remained even when the various risks associated with high fish diet were taken into account.
Fish to Become Thin
In Perth, Australia, a study had revealed that fish consumption can be used against hypertension and obesity. Researchers of the UWA (University of Western Australia) have discovered that a weight-loss diet which includes a regular amount of fish consumption can be quite effective in reducing blood pressure and improving glucose tolerance.
Fish Oil to Combat Asthma
People suffering from respiratory problems like asthma tend to be perceived as unfit and unhealthy. They should now be pleased to learn that certain studies have revealed the benefits of fish oil for asthma-burdened-individuals. Statistics show that approximately 20 to 25% of children today suffer one form of asthma or another at a certain point in their lives. And certain evidence reveals a regular diet of food with high linoleic acid content as the reason behind it.
Researchers of UW (University of Wyoming) conducted a study by subjecting a number of children to a high-fish diet while others continued with their regular diet. Results revealed that the participants who ate more fish were less prone to asthma attacks and were able to breathe more easily as well.
Consult Your Nutritionist Now
Nothing is good when consumed or used excessively, but complete avoidance of a particular food type is equally harmful as well. Ask your nutritionist for the right amount of fish intake for your age and health status.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Vitamin C Slows Down Cancer Cell Growth
Scientists have recently discovered how vitamin C may slow down the growhth of cancer cells.
A half century ago, Linus Pauling began his pioneering research into how vitamin C impacts health. Now, almost 25 years after Pauling's death, a new study backs up his contention that vitamin C has remarkable healing and protective benefits. In fact, now scientists have discovered how vitamin C may put the brakes on the growth of cancer cells. Read more
Monday, August 9, 2010
Do Calcium Supplements Actually Improve Bone Health?
Do calcium supplements actually improve bone health? Bill Sardi says they don't and discusses what does.
The dietary supplement industry is such a mixed bag these days. It has such promise, but often fails to deliver. For example, garlic pills were once the number one herbal supplement. But studies showed most garlic pills failed to deliver the active ingredient produced by fresh-crushed garlic cloves. Subsequently garlic pills fell from their top-seller spot. Turns out that stomach acid destroys the enzyme (alliinase) that produces the active ingredient allicin. Only if a garlic clove is crushed outside the acidic stomach is allicin produced. Only enteric-coated or buffered garlic tablets produce what a fresh-crushed clove of garlic delivers.
But now the dietary supplement industry is once again, crying foul, and circling its wagons around calcium supplements, its number-two seller next to vitamin C and used by 43% of the American public (2003–2006), claiming a recent analysis of pooled studies shows calcium pills increase the risk of a heart attack by about 30% represents "cherry picking" of studies. But the dietary supplement industry reacted more out of protection of their vested interests than in delivering solid public health information. Read more
Friday, August 6, 2010
Health Benefits of Ginseng
Out of all of the herbal supplements on the market today, Ginseng is the most widely used. In earlier times Ginseng went by a different name, "man root." because the root resembled that of the shape of a man. To this day many people believe in the powers of Ginseng as they believe that it has healing and mystical powers. The Ancient Chinese thought that when a plant resembles a human body part, that it would have a healing effect on that part of the body. In other words if a plant resembled a hand, it would have the ability to heal the hands. But since Ginseng resembles the entire body, it is thought that is can bring balance and well being to the whole body.
Ginseng contains complex carbohydrates, is an anti inflammatory, an anti oxidant, and has anti cancer elements. Notice today that many energy drinks contain Ginseng, which is because it is known for creating energy. This was brought to the forefront by the Chinese, but Americans have a different plan for Ginseng which is use it for mental lucidity and treating stress. There has been a growing relationship between Ginseng and its ability to strengthen physically as well as mentally and maintain good balance.
It was the Russians who actually made that discovery; however, the Asians have discovered that Ginseng helps mental improvement, eliminates anemia, and helps prevent diabetes, neurosis, coughs, asthma, and TB. Further, they found that it can be very beneficial to the liver and can also reduce the effects significantly of a hangover.
There has been more recent research on Ginseng than on any other herbal supplement, ever. The concern is that many times when people purchase Ginseng at various stores, it may have been over-processed and, therefore, not as effective. The best way is to make sure that you are purchasing authentic Ginseng is to purchase the Ginseng root. Oddly enough, with all of the research and studies that have been conducted on Ginseng, the FDA has yet to endorse it. It is known that people who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, bleeding or clotting disorders, or diabetes should not use Ginseng unless they speak with their physician first.
While it is true that Ginseng is most widely recognized as a medicinal herb, it is also used quite frequently in teas and in cooking. Most people are aware of the infamous Ginseng tea, but many are not aware that Ginseng is sliced and put into soups and often boiled and mashed, added to stir fry dishes, and added to boiling water when making rice. It is commonly used for cooking in Chinese, Korean, and Asian foods.
Often Ginseng is used when cooking chicken and mushroom dishes. Many people also use it in desserts for some added zing. It is often used in soups, salads, and even jellies. It seems that most people who enjoy the benefits of Ginseng for cooking are vegetarians, but it might be becoming more popular since people are now learning the true benefits of this very popular herb.
Ginseng contains complex carbohydrates, is an anti inflammatory, an anti oxidant, and has anti cancer elements. Notice today that many energy drinks contain Ginseng, which is because it is known for creating energy. This was brought to the forefront by the Chinese, but Americans have a different plan for Ginseng which is use it for mental lucidity and treating stress. There has been a growing relationship between Ginseng and its ability to strengthen physically as well as mentally and maintain good balance.
It was the Russians who actually made that discovery; however, the Asians have discovered that Ginseng helps mental improvement, eliminates anemia, and helps prevent diabetes, neurosis, coughs, asthma, and TB. Further, they found that it can be very beneficial to the liver and can also reduce the effects significantly of a hangover.
There has been more recent research on Ginseng than on any other herbal supplement, ever. The concern is that many times when people purchase Ginseng at various stores, it may have been over-processed and, therefore, not as effective. The best way is to make sure that you are purchasing authentic Ginseng is to purchase the Ginseng root. Oddly enough, with all of the research and studies that have been conducted on Ginseng, the FDA has yet to endorse it. It is known that people who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, bleeding or clotting disorders, or diabetes should not use Ginseng unless they speak with their physician first.
While it is true that Ginseng is most widely recognized as a medicinal herb, it is also used quite frequently in teas and in cooking. Most people are aware of the infamous Ginseng tea, but many are not aware that Ginseng is sliced and put into soups and often boiled and mashed, added to stir fry dishes, and added to boiling water when making rice. It is commonly used for cooking in Chinese, Korean, and Asian foods.
Often Ginseng is used when cooking chicken and mushroom dishes. Many people also use it in desserts for some added zing. It is often used in soups, salads, and even jellies. It seems that most people who enjoy the benefits of Ginseng for cooking are vegetarians, but it might be becoming more popular since people are now learning the true benefits of this very popular herb.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Two Effective Yoga Techniques to Lower Blood Pressure
For controlling your hypertension, there are two effective yoga techniques that helps lower the blood pressure:
Inverted Yoga
Inverted yoga reverses the action of gravity on the body. The most profound changes brought about by Inverted Yoga is in circulation. In inverted poses, legs and abdomen are placed higher than the heart.
Lengthening up through the legs and keep them very active so your spine opens and the entire body actively involved in the pose.
One of the reasons for this is simply because the force of gravity is reversed and venous return becomes significantly greater.
Normally, the muscles of the calf and other skeletal muscles in the lower extremities must contract in order to pump unoxygenated blood and waste back to the heart through the veins.
In inverted poses, gravity causes the blood to flow easily back through the veins and this brings the blood pressure in the feet to a minimum. This in effect gives skeletal muscles a chance to rest.
In inverted poses, drainage of blood and waste from the lower body back to the heart is increased and disorders such as varicose veins and swollen ankles are relieved.
Rhythmic Breathing
It's time to learn about breathing, because inhaling and exhaling has the power to nourish the body and calm the mind.
Not just any old breathing will do. If you're like most people, you take shallow breaths, pull in your stomach when you inhale and never empty your lungs of carbon dioxide when you exhale.
Here's the physiological explanation: Long, slow breaths are more efficient than short, fast ones.
To take in a good breath, your lungs must first be basically empty. Thus the key to efficient breathing lies in exhaling completely. A full exhalation begins with the upper chest, proceeds to the middle chest and finishes with tightening the abdominal muscles.
Only after a good exhalation can you draw in a good lungful of the oxygen-rich air your blood needs for nourishing cells.
These two yoga techniques can help naturally lower high blood pressure. If you're already using blood pressure medication, be sure that your doctor monitors your progress. After you've been practicing these techniques for awhile, your doctor may need to reduce your dosage of medication.
Inverted Yoga
Inverted yoga reverses the action of gravity on the body. The most profound changes brought about by Inverted Yoga is in circulation. In inverted poses, legs and abdomen are placed higher than the heart.
Lengthening up through the legs and keep them very active so your spine opens and the entire body actively involved in the pose.
One of the reasons for this is simply because the force of gravity is reversed and venous return becomes significantly greater.
Normally, the muscles of the calf and other skeletal muscles in the lower extremities must contract in order to pump unoxygenated blood and waste back to the heart through the veins.
In inverted poses, gravity causes the blood to flow easily back through the veins and this brings the blood pressure in the feet to a minimum. This in effect gives skeletal muscles a chance to rest.
In inverted poses, drainage of blood and waste from the lower body back to the heart is increased and disorders such as varicose veins and swollen ankles are relieved.
Rhythmic Breathing
It's time to learn about breathing, because inhaling and exhaling has the power to nourish the body and calm the mind.
Not just any old breathing will do. If you're like most people, you take shallow breaths, pull in your stomach when you inhale and never empty your lungs of carbon dioxide when you exhale.
Here's the physiological explanation: Long, slow breaths are more efficient than short, fast ones.
To take in a good breath, your lungs must first be basically empty. Thus the key to efficient breathing lies in exhaling completely. A full exhalation begins with the upper chest, proceeds to the middle chest and finishes with tightening the abdominal muscles.
Only after a good exhalation can you draw in a good lungful of the oxygen-rich air your blood needs for nourishing cells.
These two yoga techniques can help naturally lower high blood pressure. If you're already using blood pressure medication, be sure that your doctor monitors your progress. After you've been practicing these techniques for awhile, your doctor may need to reduce your dosage of medication.
Monday, August 2, 2010
How to Treat Depression the Natural Way
Zero zip, zest, zeal? Even mild depression takes a toll on your whole body, but it's fixable, says Margaret Durst.
Zip, zest, and zeal are signs of health. If you feel that you are lacking these on a regular basis, you may be depressed. Many people do not believe in depression; however, it is one of the most common health problems in the United States affecting an estimated 17 million Americans each year.
Depression is a whole-body condition that affects the body, nervous system, moods, thoughts and behavior. It affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself and the way you react to and think about the people and things around you.
Symptoms of depression include chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, headaches, backaches, digestive disorders, restlessness, irritability, quickness to anger, loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies, work or social life, and feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy. Read more
Friday, July 30, 2010
Natural Remedies for Mosquito Bites
A mosquito bite is not like the sting of a wasp or bee which is an injection of poison. Mosquitoes just want a little taste of your blood, but to stop it from coagulating so that they can easily drink it, they also deposit a protein which causes an allergic reaction in some people.
It seems that some people get bitten constantly and others never have a single itch, but this is probably nothing to do with whether the insects like you. The truth is that some people do not get an allergic reaction, so they do not know they have been bitten.
The best natural remedies for mosquito bites, of course, are those that stop the little critters biting in the first place, but if it is too late for that, there are still a few things that you can try. If you ask a hundred bite-scratching people what they recommend, you may get a hundred different answers. Here are some of the most popular remedies:
Ice: apply an ice cube to reduce the inflammation and temporarily numb the area. Ice also restricts blood flow which may reduce the allergic reaction. The bite will probably itch again later, but maybe by then you will be busy doing something else and will not notice.
Roll-on antiperspirant: most commercial anti perspirants contain vasoconstrictive substances which, like ice, restrict blood flow to the area. Additionally, the aluminum in the anti perspirant may help the bite to heal. Do not use if the bite has been heavily scratched.
Fingernails: press down on the bite with a fingernail so that the nail digs in and leaves a mark. Then do the same thing at another angle to form a cross. This should temporarily stop the itching.
Toothpaste: some people recommend smearing toothpaste over the bite. The fluoride is said to reduce the allergic reaction. If desperate, why not give it a try?
Scratching: it has been shown that if you go so far as to open up the bite and make it bleed, some of the allergen may be forced out by the blood flow. However, the bite may become infected, so doing this deliberately is not recommended. If it happens by accident, apply antiseptic.
The good news is that the itching from bites will only last between 24 and 48 hours. Then, cover yourself in insect repellent or keep those mosquitoes out with netting to stop yourself being bitten next time.
You can also look for an anti itch cream that contains camphor, and keep it with you whenever you risk being bitten. Camphor can stop the itching and if applied early enough, it may even prevent the itchy bump from forming. This makes camphor one of the best home remedies for mosquito bites, but you have to buy some ahead of time.
It seems that some people get bitten constantly and others never have a single itch, but this is probably nothing to do with whether the insects like you. The truth is that some people do not get an allergic reaction, so they do not know they have been bitten.
The best natural remedies for mosquito bites, of course, are those that stop the little critters biting in the first place, but if it is too late for that, there are still a few things that you can try. If you ask a hundred bite-scratching people what they recommend, you may get a hundred different answers. Here are some of the most popular remedies:
Ice: apply an ice cube to reduce the inflammation and temporarily numb the area. Ice also restricts blood flow which may reduce the allergic reaction. The bite will probably itch again later, but maybe by then you will be busy doing something else and will not notice.
Roll-on antiperspirant: most commercial anti perspirants contain vasoconstrictive substances which, like ice, restrict blood flow to the area. Additionally, the aluminum in the anti perspirant may help the bite to heal. Do not use if the bite has been heavily scratched.
Fingernails: press down on the bite with a fingernail so that the nail digs in and leaves a mark. Then do the same thing at another angle to form a cross. This should temporarily stop the itching.
Toothpaste: some people recommend smearing toothpaste over the bite. The fluoride is said to reduce the allergic reaction. If desperate, why not give it a try?
Scratching: it has been shown that if you go so far as to open up the bite and make it bleed, some of the allergen may be forced out by the blood flow. However, the bite may become infected, so doing this deliberately is not recommended. If it happens by accident, apply antiseptic.
The good news is that the itching from bites will only last between 24 and 48 hours. Then, cover yourself in insect repellent or keep those mosquitoes out with netting to stop yourself being bitten next time.
You can also look for an anti itch cream that contains camphor, and keep it with you whenever you risk being bitten. Camphor can stop the itching and if applied early enough, it may even prevent the itchy bump from forming. This makes camphor one of the best home remedies for mosquito bites, but you have to buy some ahead of time.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Reduce Hypertension with Chocolate, Beets, Oats, and Lavender
High blood pressure is a serious condition, which may lead to heart attack or stroke. However, pharmaceuticals are not the only way to treat the condition. Home remedies, such as chocolate, beets, oats, and lavender, have been proven to help, also.
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure or HBP, affects more than 70 million Americans. High blood pressure causes damage to the blood vessels and eventually can lead to numerous side effects, such as heart disease, stroke or kidney failure, warns the American Heart Association. Home remedies can help lower blood pressure but should be undertaken with care, as hypertension is a serious medical condition. Read more
Monday, July 26, 2010
Lose Weight by Drinking Green Tea
Green tea is packed with health benefits. But did you know it also burns fat and boosts metabolism?
Friday, July 23, 2010
Using Herbs to Cure Insomnia and to Stay Asleep
If you suffer from insomnia, sleeping pills are not the only answer. Merlyn Seeley reveals how herbs can cure insomnia and help you to stay asleep.
Some time ago there was this woman from the US that said she had trouble sleeping and not just going to sleep but staying asleep as well as waking to find that she felt like she had not even slept at all. She went on to state that she had a few friends that had visited a Buddhist monastery and learned to meditate. She said that the two friends came back home and from that day on had the best sleep in their lives and never again had any sleep problems. Now this is a true story but what did the two ladies find that caused their lives to change so much? The answer is they found peace of mind. With the meditation they had learned from the monks they were able to control their thoughts and calm their minds, when a mind becomes calm the body follows along. Read more
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Eating Fish Helps Prevent Eye Disease Later in Life
Many people develop eye diseases, such as macular degeneration, as they age. A new study has found that eating fish helps prevent eye diseases later in life.
A study that recently appeared in the journal Ophthalmology has found that people who eat fatty fish at least once a week are less likely to develop age-related macular degeneration (AMD), an eye disease that gradually causes vision impairment and blindness in senior adults. The study findings add to the growing list of health benefits gained by eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Read more
Monday, July 19, 2010
Natural Remedies to Lighten Hair

The best, purest and most natural way to get those real blonde highlights is to be out in the sun. Lie face down with clothing covering your skin and spread your hair out to drink in the rays of sunlight. Or just get out in the sun more. Anyone with blonde to medium brown hair will find that it is always lighter in summer - provided you do not stay indoors all of the time.
Do not overdo it of course. You must be careful not to become sunburned. Use a strong sun blocker on all exposed skin, and you may also consider using sun cream on your scalp.
Swimming in either a pool or the sea and then letting your hair dry in the sun is a great way to lighten it. It's great exercise, too!
However, some of us live in climates where there is very little sun for many months of the year. What do we do then?
Hydrogen Peroxide
Mix small amounts of household ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities. Warning: it will smell bad! Test on a small area of skin near the ear and wait 24 hours to see if there is any allergic reaction. If not, mix a fresh batch and apply to hair. Rinse off when developed. You may also want to test on a strand of hair.
Never use household bleach or any other chlorine-based product on your hair. This can destroy your hair, cause terrible damage to your skin, and possibly kill you with the fumes.
Lemon Juice
Squeeze one fresh lemon. It should give you about two tablespoons of juice. Mix this with three times the quantity of water and apply to dry hair. Leave for several hours before rinsing out. Do this every day, and your highlights should become lighter in a very natural looking way.
You may want to use more of the lemon juice/water mixture if you have very long hair and less if you have short hair.
Ordinary tea can lighten brown hair - seems crazy given the color that it is - but it's true! Make tea to a normal strength that you would drink, let it cool and then rinse your hair with it.
It is best to test a strand before using tea on your whole head. If your hair is already a light shade, it may darken it.
Some of these methods can leave your hair rather dry, so be sure to use a good conditioner for blonde hair. Shampoos and conditioners containing chamomile are great for fair hair.
Going out in the sun after using any of these natural remedies to lighten hair will increase their effectiveness.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Laugh Yourself Slim? 50 Unlikely Diet Tips That Work.
Laugh yourself slim? That's just one of the 50 very unlikely - but medically proven - diet tips that work.
We all know that in order to lose weight we need to eat less and exercise more – but research suggests there are a few other tricks when it comes to shedding the pounds. From how acupuncture can help you lose an extra 10 lb in three months to why carrot juice should be part of any slimmer's daily diet, here we give a round up of the Top 50 diet tips.
1. To work out just how many calories you can eat daily, multiply your ideal body weight in pounds by 14.
2. People who have acupuncture once a week lose an extra 4.5 kg (10 lb) in three months. Applying needles at pressure points is thought to trigger electrical pulses that suppress appetite.
3. Sprinkle cinnamon into a yoghurt each day to burn fat. The spice is a powerful metabolism-raiser. Half a teaspoon a day is enough to burn an extra kilo a month.
4. Take lunch breaks away from your desk. You'll consume 250 fewer calories in a day than those who eat as they work.
5. Have a laugh. A good strong laugh for 10–15 minutes a day increases weekly energy consumption by up to 280 calories. Read more
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Your Herbal Medicine Cabinet
One of the world's top herbal authorities advises us on how to get the most out of natural remedies ranging from aloe vera and ginger to slippery elm and elderberry.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Fish Oil May Reduce Cancer Risk
Fish oil is an easy-to-find and relatively inexpensive dietary supplement, which helps heart health and inflammation. A new study finds that it may also reduce cancer risk.
Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil supplements may help reduce the risk of breast cancer, a new study suggests. The findings, though preliminary, are very intriguing, said Marie Savard, M.D. on Good Morning America.
As part of a larger study investigating a link between cancer and supplements, 35,000 women completed an extensive survey using 15 different supplements, with fish oil being the only one found to have a significant effect. Read more
Friday, July 9, 2010
101 Problems That Yoga Can Cure
Yoga has a number of health benefits. In fact, there are 101 problems that yoga can cure.
Many people probably consider yoga as the sole domain of pretentious yuppies appropriating the tenets of another culture in order to seem sophisticated and hip. In reality, the discipline actually boasts an impressive plethora of health benefits suitable for people of all ages and physical conditions. Patients suffering from diseases as diverse as cancer to obsessive-compulsive disorder can find some facet of yoga to ease much of their physical, mental and emotional pain. The following list peers into the various ways in which yoga can actually benefit treatment, though it does not intend to replace or reflect professional advice in any way. As with any physical activities, be sure to consult a physician before attempting a yoga regimen in order to understand any limitations that may possibly result in an injury. Read more
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
First Sleep, Second Sleep: Our Natural Sleep Pattern
Many people think waking up in the middle of the night is insomnia and take sleeping pills in order to sleep through the night. History tells us, though, that broken sleep is natural sleep.
Sleep in times past
In the course of gathering information for his book about night in preindustrial times (At Day's Close: Night in Times Past), A. Roger Ekirch, professor of history at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, uncovered the fact that before artificial illumination was widely used, people typically slept in 2 bouts, which they called first sleep and second sleep.1 In those times, sleep was more closely tied to sunset and sunrise than it is now. Within an hour or so after sunset, people retired to bed, slept for about 4 hours, and then woke up. They remained awake for a couple of hours and then returned to sleep at about 2 am for another 4 hours or so.
Written records from before the first century onward indicate that the period between first and second sleep afforded a chance for quiet contemplation, but people also got out of bed during this interval and did household chores or visited with family and friends. Although diaries, court documents, and literature of the time indicate that this sleep pattern was widely known and acknowledged, until Ekirch's work this bit of history had been lost to the current era. This pattern of sleep is no longer the norm in developed countries, where artificial light extends the day, but anthropologists have observed a similar pattern of segmented sleep in some contemporary African tribes.1 Ekirch notes that the Tiv people of central Nigeria even use the same terms—first sleep and second sleep—used by the Europeans of times past. Read more
Friday, July 2, 2010
Natural Sex Enhancers
From chocolate to yohimbe, find out how natural sex enhancers and sexual herbs can be helpful to your sex life.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Baking Soda: Its Many Miraculous and Mundane Uses
Baking soda was one of the few products many years ago on the market for cleaning your teeth or settling an upset stomach. While we have many more choices today, baking soda still has many miraculous and mundane uses.
A simple inexpensive substance, one that is found on grocery shelves and in many homes, has been rediscovered over recent years as a useful remedy or remedy adjunct for a variety of ailments and chronic diseases. That substance is bicarbonate of soda, or baking soda, not to be confused with baking powder. Baking powder contains aluminum, which is toxic.
During the early 20th Century, baking soda was prescribed for flus and colds and other common problems. It eventually faded into obscurity as a medicine until people like Doctors Mark Sircus and Tullio Simoncini began using it to cure cancer during the last few years! Read more
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Ultimate Guide to Self-Massage
If you are unable to work in a professional massage, you can practice some simple massage techniques on yourself that can have great benefit in releasing tension and promoting relaxation.
A competent massage can make or break an individual’s overall sense of health and well-being, but most people do not have the money to pay for regular sessions with a professional. Fortunately, the art of self-massage costs absolutely nothing while still yielding the same benefits as paying for a round when executed properly. The following guide proffers up some tips, tricks, information, and links to helpful guides for anyone who finds the prospect of self-massage appealing.
Why? Read more
Friday, June 25, 2010
7 Diet Tricks That Really Work
Everyone knows the keys to losing weight: Eat less and exercise more. Sounds simple enough, but in the context of real life and its demands, it can be anything but simple. So how do successful losers do it? To find out, Live Science asked experts for diet tricks that scientists say really work.
Eat fruit. But not as a snack. Drink more water. With ice!
Every day, it seems, there is new advice headlining papers and magazines on how to lose weight. It can get overwhelming trying to tease the legitimate from the fads, so we turned to the experts.
Here are the top seven tricks that scientists say really work. Read more
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
5 Simple Steps to Eliminate PMS
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has a wide variety of symptoms, including mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability, and depression. An estimated 75% of menstruating women experience some form of premenstrual syndrome. Dr. Mark Hyman lists five simple steps to eliminate PMS.
"Seventy-five percent of women suffer from headaches, mood swings, bloating, and other problems that threaten their relationships, work life, and well-being." It's a statement that most of us unconsciously accept without a second thought. But it doesn't have to be this way. Read more
Monday, June 21, 2010
Essential Oils Contain Healing Properties
Essential oils contain healing properties that have tremendous potential to reduce our reliance on pharmaceuticals with their synthetic ingredients and adverse side effects.
The healing properties of essential oils are many, varied and extremely effective. The list of plants providing these healing essential oils is almost endless. Here is just a small handful: Read more
Friday, June 18, 2010
Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Acne
Trying to get rid of acne is a problem that has been around for years. Nobody likes to look as though they are riddled with acne, but sadly, for many people it is a huge problem that simply cannot be avoided. If you find yourself in this position, there is typically very little that you can do to avoid it. However, there is still help and hope that you have to make things better. Chemical or prescription treatments are extremely expensive and typically do not work well.
Some of the most common ingredients for acne home remedies include things such as cucumber, lemon juice, and also milk. However, there are plenty of other ingredients that can be used as well. If you are willing to take some time to learn it is possible to find a rather large amount of successful acne treatments that all do not have any serious side effects that can cause you substantial problems. Working to ensure you have the best treatment methods available to you is not always easy, it is quite possible at times that you will feel that you are losing the battle to acne, but never fear there are plenty of choices available to find your perfect solution.
Most people are rather thrilled to learn that the simplest methods are using things such as milk, orange peel, strawberry leaves, and even cucumbers. Of course, you are not making a meal and these ingredients are all used in distinctly different remedies. For those who have an abundance of strawberry leaves around, you can use them to help reduce the painful swelling that is associated with acne. Other great usages include using orange peel mashed together with a small amount of water to form a paste. This paste is then used to help reduce the acne in the area in which it was applied.
For someone who likes the smell of cucumbers, a paste of cucumber is great for helping to prevent breakouts before they even happen. By creating the paste, you are using some great nutrients that many commercial companies actually put into their products. The key to this remedy is to allow the paste to remain on for at least 30 minutes. After this time, you can remove the paste and feel your skin refreshed. It is important to ensure that you repeat this treatment daily to avoid a breakout.
Using milk, you can create a paste by mixing in some nutmeg. This makes a wonderful paste that can be applied directly onto acne to help dry it out quickly. Repeated usages may be required to clear it up entirely, but it is typically extremely effective.
Mint juice is a great remedy as well. It can be used either all by itself, or you can punch it up a notch by mixing it together with turmeric powder. If you opt to mix it with turmeric powder, you need to apply it onto your face and allow it to remain for approximately thirty minutes before rinsing your face with warm water. Be certain that you rinse it thoroughly or you could risk over drying your skin.
Finding your perfect home remedy for acne is likely to be a prolonged process. Each person has a uniquely created balance that must be maintained in order to achieve the perfect skin that is needed. If you are having great difficulties trying to get your acne under control it might be time to try a new remedy. It is recommended that you give each different remedy ample time to actually work though before changing. Typically, a period of two weeks is sufficient to start noticing a great difference in your skin if the remedy you are presently using is going to be effective. Pulling together all of the greatest remedies for acne might sound like a delicious recipe to cook with, but the final result will look much better when your face is clear.
To find out about a clinically proven, step-by-step system for permanently curing your acne and achieving lasting clear skin faster than you ever thought possible, click here!
Some of the most common ingredients for acne home remedies include things such as cucumber, lemon juice, and also milk. However, there are plenty of other ingredients that can be used as well. If you are willing to take some time to learn it is possible to find a rather large amount of successful acne treatments that all do not have any serious side effects that can cause you substantial problems. Working to ensure you have the best treatment methods available to you is not always easy, it is quite possible at times that you will feel that you are losing the battle to acne, but never fear there are plenty of choices available to find your perfect solution.
Most people are rather thrilled to learn that the simplest methods are using things such as milk, orange peel, strawberry leaves, and even cucumbers. Of course, you are not making a meal and these ingredients are all used in distinctly different remedies. For those who have an abundance of strawberry leaves around, you can use them to help reduce the painful swelling that is associated with acne. Other great usages include using orange peel mashed together with a small amount of water to form a paste. This paste is then used to help reduce the acne in the area in which it was applied.
For someone who likes the smell of cucumbers, a paste of cucumber is great for helping to prevent breakouts before they even happen. By creating the paste, you are using some great nutrients that many commercial companies actually put into their products. The key to this remedy is to allow the paste to remain on for at least 30 minutes. After this time, you can remove the paste and feel your skin refreshed. It is important to ensure that you repeat this treatment daily to avoid a breakout.
Using milk, you can create a paste by mixing in some nutmeg. This makes a wonderful paste that can be applied directly onto acne to help dry it out quickly. Repeated usages may be required to clear it up entirely, but it is typically extremely effective.
Mint juice is a great remedy as well. It can be used either all by itself, or you can punch it up a notch by mixing it together with turmeric powder. If you opt to mix it with turmeric powder, you need to apply it onto your face and allow it to remain for approximately thirty minutes before rinsing your face with warm water. Be certain that you rinse it thoroughly or you could risk over drying your skin.
Finding your perfect home remedy for acne is likely to be a prolonged process. Each person has a uniquely created balance that must be maintained in order to achieve the perfect skin that is needed. If you are having great difficulties trying to get your acne under control it might be time to try a new remedy. It is recommended that you give each different remedy ample time to actually work though before changing. Typically, a period of two weeks is sufficient to start noticing a great difference in your skin if the remedy you are presently using is going to be effective. Pulling together all of the greatest remedies for acne might sound like a delicious recipe to cook with, but the final result will look much better when your face is clear.
To find out about a clinically proven, step-by-step system for permanently curing your acne and achieving lasting clear skin faster than you ever thought possible, click here!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Burdock: A Healing Herb and Nutritious Food
Burdock is a plant that is related to the daisy family. It is also closely related to Echinacea, Dandelion, and Feverfew. Burdock is an herb, but it is one that has been much neglected. Back in ancient times, the Greeks used the roots, the seeds, and the greens for healing purposes. Throughout the Middle Ages, Burdock was used for both food and medicine.
Today, Burdock is still used for such things as easing liver problems and digestive disorders. It was also found to be very effective for cleansing the skin for problems, such as acne. To this day throughout Europe the stalk and the greens are still eaten because they hold such valuable nutrition and vitamin values.
Burdock is also very helpful in strengthening the immune system when it has become weakened by environmental factors. When mixed with other herbs such as Dandelion and Ginger, it can be a very powerful blood purifier. The most unique fact about Burdock is that it has a very high amount of insulin which is a natural occurring chemical within the body that mimics actions of insulin. Because of this, Burdock has been successful in helping combat hypoglycemia and pre diabetes conditions.
As more and more research is being done on Burdock, many new and interesting discoveries are cropping up. A relationship is being examined between Burdock and its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, and even more important it is showing signs of possibly being able to fight against tumors. Research has shown that since many of the cancer-causing compounds are in almost all foods which are then eaten and stored in the human fat tissues that Burdock might very well be of help in fighting cancer because of the role that it can play in depleting these mutagens.
If you look for Burdock in the market you may find it called gobo instead, as that is what some refer to it as. It is often combined with other vegetables or added to tofu. Some boil Burdock while others sauté or deep fry it. Many have said it might not be such a good idea to look at Burdock before you eat it because you might change your mind about taking a bite.
It looks thick, dark, and woody but indeed the opposite is true when it comes to the taste. Burdock is well recognized as a health food because it has low calorie content and a high fiber intake. It is also loaded with potassium, iron, and calcium. People claim that Burdock tastes like nothing else. In other words, it has a taste all of its own.
The best description that people can agree on when it comes to the flavor of Burdock is that it is sweet, yet earthy, with a tender and crisp texture. It is often added to stews, soups, and stir fries. In the form of food, Burdock is highly nutritious and full of vitamins, but k is also an effective herb for bringing the body back into balance.
Today, Burdock is still used for such things as easing liver problems and digestive disorders. It was also found to be very effective for cleansing the skin for problems, such as acne. To this day throughout Europe the stalk and the greens are still eaten because they hold such valuable nutrition and vitamin values.
Burdock is also very helpful in strengthening the immune system when it has become weakened by environmental factors. When mixed with other herbs such as Dandelion and Ginger, it can be a very powerful blood purifier. The most unique fact about Burdock is that it has a very high amount of insulin which is a natural occurring chemical within the body that mimics actions of insulin. Because of this, Burdock has been successful in helping combat hypoglycemia and pre diabetes conditions.
As more and more research is being done on Burdock, many new and interesting discoveries are cropping up. A relationship is being examined between Burdock and its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, and even more important it is showing signs of possibly being able to fight against tumors. Research has shown that since many of the cancer-causing compounds are in almost all foods which are then eaten and stored in the human fat tissues that Burdock might very well be of help in fighting cancer because of the role that it can play in depleting these mutagens.
If you look for Burdock in the market you may find it called gobo instead, as that is what some refer to it as. It is often combined with other vegetables or added to tofu. Some boil Burdock while others sauté or deep fry it. Many have said it might not be such a good idea to look at Burdock before you eat it because you might change your mind about taking a bite.
It looks thick, dark, and woody but indeed the opposite is true when it comes to the taste. Burdock is well recognized as a health food because it has low calorie content and a high fiber intake. It is also loaded with potassium, iron, and calcium. People claim that Burdock tastes like nothing else. In other words, it has a taste all of its own.
The best description that people can agree on when it comes to the flavor of Burdock is that it is sweet, yet earthy, with a tender and crisp texture. It is often added to stews, soups, and stir fries. In the form of food, Burdock is highly nutritious and full of vitamins, but k is also an effective herb for bringing the body back into balance.
Monday, June 14, 2010
10 Reasons Cayenne Should Be Used as a Daily Tonic
If cayenne pepper is not the king of medicinal herbs it is certainly a prince among them. Its health benefits are many and varied and are truly astonishing. Many people from around the world recount amazing results from using cayenne pepper for simple healing as well in the battling and elimination of challenging health problems. Here are ten reasons cayenne should be used as a daily tonic.
There's a vastly underrated herb that is commonly used as a spice for hot foods. Its powder is derived from ground up dried shells of chili peppers. Famed herbalist Dr. John Christopher was so involved with this herb that he was nicknamed Dr. Cayenne. And Dr. Richard Shultze recommends putting cayenne at the top of the ten most important herbs to have in a home "... because it will make the other nine work better".
Cayenne powder is an instant blood flow stimulant, enabling it to promote blood circulation and carry other nutrients to cells more efficiently. But additionally, cayenne has its own set of virtues, especially when it comes to cardiovascular health. Read more
Friday, June 11, 2010
Leaky Gut: How to End the Misery
Margaret Durst explains what "leaky gut" is and end the misery.
Leaky Gut is one of those "natural health" conditions that we all hope we never get. The truth is that many of us have it to some degree and our symptoms vary widely. So - What is "leaky gut"? It is a condition in which the gut lining leaks.
You might ask "Is this bad?" Yes it is bad. Read more
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Belladonna: Deady Nightshade
Belladonna is a perennial herb that is native to Europe and Asia Minor, but is now grown quite often in the United States, Europe, and India. While growing in the wild, which Belladonna commonly does, a slight dose can be fatal. The nickname "deadly nightshade" is a good clue of its potency. When Belladonna was first used it was for cosmetic purposes. Women felt that if they used it to dilate their pupils, they would look more sexy and alluring. This explains the name Belladonna, which means "beautiful lady" in Italian.
The most important contribution from Belladonna is atropine, which is an important agent that is useful in dilating the pupils of the eye. Some cough syrups are known to contain atropine and are used for bronchitis and whooping cough. Atrophine is also used to soothe the stomach lining prior to an anesthetic being administered and also for peptic ulcers. However, even small doses of atropine can cause the heart rate to increase.
Belladonna also has other great benefits for purposes of what it is used for today as it has the ability to dry up bodily fluids such as breast milk, saliva, perspiration, and mucous. The alkaloids in Belladonna are used for gastrointestinal disorders, such as colitis, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colic, diarrhea, and peptic ulcer. It also works for asthma, excessive sweating, excessive nighttime urination and incontinence, headaches and migraines, muscle pains and spasms, motion sickness, Parkinson's disease, and biliary colic.
Quite often, Belladonna is used as homeopathic remedies, such as the common cold, earaches, fever, menstrual cramps, sunstroke, toothaches, headaches, sore throats, and boils. How the patient ingests and how much they ingest is determined by several actors, such as their symptoms, mood, and overall temperament. When Belladonna is administered for homeopathic use it is highly diluted because of its toxicity.
No one should ever use Belladonna as a self help measure. It should only be taken under the care of a qualified doctor. The doses given off Belladonna are always in very low doses. When Belladonna is prescribed, it is either added to sugar pellets or mixed with other types of drugs. So while it is clear that Belladonna is an extremely dangerous herb, it is also very beneficial when used correctly.
The most important contribution from Belladonna is atropine, which is an important agent that is useful in dilating the pupils of the eye. Some cough syrups are known to contain atropine and are used for bronchitis and whooping cough. Atrophine is also used to soothe the stomach lining prior to an anesthetic being administered and also for peptic ulcers. However, even small doses of atropine can cause the heart rate to increase.
Belladonna also has other great benefits for purposes of what it is used for today as it has the ability to dry up bodily fluids such as breast milk, saliva, perspiration, and mucous. The alkaloids in Belladonna are used for gastrointestinal disorders, such as colitis, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colic, diarrhea, and peptic ulcer. It also works for asthma, excessive sweating, excessive nighttime urination and incontinence, headaches and migraines, muscle pains and spasms, motion sickness, Parkinson's disease, and biliary colic.
Quite often, Belladonna is used as homeopathic remedies, such as the common cold, earaches, fever, menstrual cramps, sunstroke, toothaches, headaches, sore throats, and boils. How the patient ingests and how much they ingest is determined by several actors, such as their symptoms, mood, and overall temperament. When Belladonna is administered for homeopathic use it is highly diluted because of its toxicity.
No one should ever use Belladonna as a self help measure. It should only be taken under the care of a qualified doctor. The doses given off Belladonna are always in very low doses. When Belladonna is prescribed, it is either added to sugar pellets or mixed with other types of drugs. So while it is clear that Belladonna is an extremely dangerous herb, it is also very beneficial when used correctly.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Heal and Soothe Burns and Prevent Scarring with Natural Home Remedies
If you have ever had a burn injury, then you know how painful it can be. Whether a sunburn or a burn from a hot stove, all of them hurt badly and need to be treated as soon as possible. Natural remedies for burns are helpful in relieving pain and speeding healing.
When most people think of burns, fire and heat usually come to mind. While it is true that heat is the leading cause of tissue damage known as "burns", such damage can also be caused by sunburn and other radiation, friction, electricity, or chemicals. Most burns other than the most severe ones can be treated safely and effectively with natural home remedies. Read more
Friday, June 4, 2010
Pass the Iodine, Please
A small amount of iodine is critical for weight loss, energy, and concentration, according to Samara Felesky-Hunt.
Iodine is an essential element that we need in very tiny amounts.
The body obtains iodine from food and stores it in the thyroid, where it is used for manufacturing the thyroid hormone. Once its job is done, the remaining iodine is filtered by the kidneys and removed.
Both vitamin A and selenium are important for the body's efficient absorption of iodine; if there is not enough of these nutrients in your diet, you may be making too little thyroid hormone.
A lack of iodine in the diet can impair the workings of the thyroid gland and cause lethargy, weight gain, cold extremities and poor concentration. Read more
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Green, Slimy, and Good for You: Seaweed
What's green, slimy, and good for you? Forget broccoli: seaweed is being hailed as the new superfood, and it's rather tasty, says Jane Dunford.
The nutritional benefits of sea greens have long been recognised: pound for pound, seaweed contains more iron than sirloin steak, more calcium than cheese, and more fibre than prunes.
With an unusually high proportion of protein – as much as 48 per cent in some varieties – seaweed is also richer in essential vitamins and micronutrients than any other food group. A prime source of bodybuilding minerals such as iodine and potassium, it is also the only plant source of vitamin B12, which is necessary for the production of red blood cells, and which is often lacking in meat-free diets. Read more
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