Thursday, April 5, 2012

Reason behind frequent Urination - Causes and Treatments

Frequent urination, where you feel an urge to pass urine more often than usual, is not just a a nuisance and a cause of poor sleep, it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Polyuria is a medical term that refers to the excessive passing of urine (frequent urination).

Unfortunately many people soldier on, perhaps accepting it as something they have to put up with, or they

1 comment:

  1. Goji berries ... yes ... I tried these too. I don't want to take medication for the rest of my life, so why would I want to take a natural supplement every day for the rest of my life (although goji berries are very tasty and very nutritious). For me, it wasn't a cure either (and I LOOK for the cure).
    Until then, I hadn't found a cure. I felt like a young, confused mess. I continued to have extreme pain, but I continued on my path to recovery. I began to focus on myself and not on everyone else. When I was a young adult, I took on too much responsibility out of obligation. It was no longer healthy for me, so I resigned from all my projects and groups. Those days ahead were the best [and worst] days. I took a lot of time off, but I started to feel extremely exhausted. Many health professionals "diagnosed" me with adrenal fatigue and HIV, prostate cancer, so my situation was boring, then I continued to seek permanent treatment online, that's when I discovered the hands of the Dr. Itua Herbal Center that God blessed with ancestral herbs and a gift to heal people with diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's disease, HPV, male and female infertility, melanoma, mesothelioma, diabetes, multiple myeloma, Parkinson's disease, neuroendocrine tumors, herpes, HIV/AIDS, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic diarrhea, COPD, Love Fate, Hepatitis. .. So I made a purchase of his herbal medicines and I have been monitoring my health for 6 years now and I have actually confirmed that his herbs are a permanent remedy and I am so glad I came to know his herbal remedies. You can contact Dr. Itua Medicinal Herbal Center Email: WhatsApp: +234848149277967. if you have experienced exactly what I am going through in terms of health problems, because really honestly, there is more to learn about natural herbs than about medicines.
