Monday, December 31, 2012

The Major Causes Of Snoring During Night

The root causes of snoring

There are a number of reasons behind snoring, but are the two major reasons:

1.Lifestyle reasons


1.Lifestyle factors

1. A blocked nose, caused by congestion, runny nose, nasal polyps or damage to the nose.

2. Being in menopause is associated with snoring.

3. Being older - the muscular tone reduces as you get older, which increases the risk of

How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin Problems

Top Care and tips for every skin type

Skin type 1.Dry
It is very important to pay enough attention to the skin after its kind: If you have dry skin, you should choose products accordingly. You can not do everything. Dry skin is a problem that is usually called intermittent attention, especially in the winter months, when the problem is deep enough to cause significant distress in relation to

New Year’s Resolutions: Be Healthy for Years to Come!

It's time for New Year's resolutions again. Margaret Durst lists some "not-to-do's" to be healthy for years to come.
Resolutions – It’s that time again. Here are some things to think about when making your resolutions for the New Year.

Resolutions can be broken down into 2 categories. The things “not to do” and things “to do”.

If health is on your agenda for the new year, then consider one or more of these “not to do’s”. Read more

Friday, December 28, 2012

Eating Asparagus May Prevent a Hangover,

A new study suggests that eating asparagus may prevent a hangover.
Drinking to ring in the New Year may leave many suffering with the dreaded hangover. According to a 2009 study in the Journal of Food Science, published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), the amino acids and minerals found in asparagus extract may alleviate alcohol hangover and protect liver cells against toxins. Read more

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Can Vitamin C Cure and Kills Cancer Cells?

Can High dosages of vitamin C kill cancer cells?

The utilization of vitamin C in alternative cancer treatment is not new. Supporters contend that large doses of vitamin C are poisonous to cancerous cells. But there are no credible evidence gathered in studies in humans support of this theory.

Studies carried out in the 1970s was first suggested by that large doses of vitamin C might be

Friday, December 21, 2012

New benefit of Vitamin D-Reduces respiratory Tract Infection Risk

New benefit of Vitamin D-Reduces respiratory Tract Infection Risk

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a steroid vitamin, a group of fat-soluble prohormones, which encourages the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous. People who are exposed to normal quantities of sunlight do not need vitamin D supplements because sunlight promotes sufficient vitamin D synthesis in the skin.


7 Amazing Health Benefits of Coffee Enemas

Enemas can do more than relieve constipation. Jonathan Benson reveals seven specific ways that coffee can drastically improve your health.
If you are truly serious about transforming your health in dramatic ways, implementing coffee enemas into your regular routine is essential for achieving the life-changing results you have always desired. No matter what dietary protocols, exercise routines, or lifestyle habits you embrace, coffee enemas can help you reach the next level of vibrant health that you might not have even thought possible. Here are seven specific ways that coffee enemas can drastically improve your health: Read more

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Why Antibiotic No Better For Coughs, Uncomplicated Chest Infections

Why Antibiotic No Better For Coughs, Uncomplicated Chest Infections

So this is very intrusting study which shows that Why Antibiotic No Better for Coughs. This means when we are using them we did not get any benefits. Before we see this news research let us see what are Antibiotic.

 What are Antibiotics?

Antibiotics are powerful medicines that are mostly used to treat infections caused by

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

No Excuse you can lose weight in Christmas time

No Excuse you can lose weight in Christmas time

This is my 7th blog on this year’s Christmas. In the last blog we see How to Avert Heartburning in Christmas season. In this blog you will see some cool ideas to for losing weight in holidays. If you know any other cool ideas please share in this blog so that we can also get healthy.

We all have overcome temptations and slip-ups before. Every day

Magnesium Far More Important Than Previously Thought

Eighty percent of us are deficient in magnesium, says Joseph Mercola. He reveals how to tell if you are getting enough.
The Health Benefits of Magnesium have Been Vastly Underestimated

A number of studies have previously shown magnesium can benefit your blood pressure and help prevent sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack, and stroke. For example, one meta-analysis published earlier this year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition2 looked at a total of seven studies collectively covering more than 240,000 participants. The results showed that dietary magnesium intake is inversely associated with risk of ischemic stroke.

But its role in human health appears to be far more complex than previously thought, and – like vitamin D – its benefits may be more far-reaching than we've imagined.'s database project has indexed over 100 health benefits of magnesium so far, including therapeutic benefits for: Read more

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How to Avert Heartburning in Christmas season

How to Avert Heartburning in Christmas season

This is my 8th blog on Xmas 2012. In this blog you will find Simple Tips to Prevent Heartburning in holiday season. In Christmas or in holiday’s time some time we all eat spicy food and get Heartburning.

What is Heartburning?


Heartburn is a digestive problem that actually has nothing to do with the heart. You’ll feel it as a “burning” pain

Monday, December 17, 2012

How to Beat a Cold in 24 Hours

You don't have to suffer for days with a cold. Professor Ron Eccles reveals how to beat a cold in 24 hours.
When the dreaded lurgy strikes, day in bed can seem like the only option. But with Christmas just around the corner, few of us have the time - or inclination - to put up with a hacking cough or aching muscles for long.

Now, help is at hand from a leading expert. Here, Professor Ron Eccles from the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University tells MailOnline how to beat the bug in just one day... Read more

Friday, December 14, 2012

Do you believe in this new study that Facebook Use May Lead to Loss of Self-Control

Do you believe in this new study that Facebook Use May Lead to Loss of Self-Control

This is very interesting study and results are very different. Before we see the results of this study let us see what are social networks.

Social networking services can be broadly defined as Internet- or mobile-device-based social spaces designed to facilitate communication, collaboration and content

Could Drinking Beer Really Stave Off a Winter Cold?

Beer can fight off the common cold, says Emily Payne.
You'd be forgiven for thinking a steaming hot toddy is the best remedy for a cold, but according to new research it's lager you should be knocking back to beat the dreaded lurgy.

A new Japanese study suggests that a key ingredient found in beer may help to warn off the winter sniffles. Read more

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Healthy Workout Ideas When you are in your Office/school

Healthy Workout Ideas When you are in your Office/school

Even if you're on a nine-to-five work schedule, there are still plenty of opportunities to add health-improving exercises to your day, some of which are listed below.

1.Stand while Talking


Stand while talking on the phone.



2.Walk instead of email or phone

Trade an email or phone calls for walks to other desks

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Does Epilepsy Affect Intelligence/intellect?

This is my 11th blog on Epilepsy. You can some them here to get more information about new research on medicine and other areas. As we all know that Epilepsy is a neurological condition, which affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder.

Before we see this How Epilepsy Affect Intelligence/intellect on people/kids, we will see what is Intelligence?

Does Epilepsy

Live Longer and Better with These Five Immortality Herbs

Five herbs can help you live longer and better, says Angela Doss, because of their ability to improve the body's stress response.. 
Answers to the mystery of immortality may already be growing in your home garden. The very same herbs that help in the healing of innumerable diseases, infections and chronic illnesses can also help us to live longer, healthier lives.

A great number of the most effective herbs are known as adaptogens, which assist the body in its natural task of maintaining homeostasis - the delicate state of balance necessary to survival and healing. A body out of balance is considered to be in "negative homeostasis," a condition in which the restorative (anabolic) and degenerative (catabolic) systems of the body may not function properly,eventually leading to experience symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, weight fluctuation and impaired libido. But adaptogens help the body adapt to and compensate for change. In a person with high blood sugar, for example, an adaptogenic herb might help to lower glucose levels in the body; whereas, in a person with low blood sugar, the herb would help to raise them.

Because of this ability to improve the body's stress response, adaptogenic herbs can literally add years to a person's life. Here are a few you should know. Read more

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Why spend dollars Just use simple Home Remedies for Common Ailments

Why spend dollars Just use simple Home Remedies for Common Ailments

This is my second part of blog post on Why spend money Just use simple Home Remedies for Common Illnesses. In this part we will learn some more Home Remedies, which we all can use.

Why spend money Just use simple Home Remedies for Common Illnesses

Natural remedies are usually effective for treating minor infections, and

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fascinating Tips for Averting Headaches in Christmas season

Fascinating Tips for Averting Headaches in Christmas season

This is my 6th blog on Xmas 2012. in the fifth blog post you see How to decorate your fireplace look like Hollywood stars homes. In this blog  you will see tips for preventing Headaches in holiday season. Headaches are one of the most common forms of pain. Not everyone’s headaches are the same, but wanting fast relief is common to all

How Coconut Oil Might Combat Tooth Decay

Dr. Joseph Mercola explains how to use coconut oil to combat tooth decay.
Coconuts are among the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet and have been a dietary staple for millennia. Western science is now "playing catch-up" to what natives of tropical regions have known for thousands of years. One of the reasons coconut is so special is that it's a natural antimicrobial food.

Coconut, especially its oil, is a powerful destroyer of all kinds of microbes, from viruses to bacteria to protozoa, many of which harm human health.

Researchers at the Athlone Institute of Technology's Bioscience Research Institute in Ireland set out to test coconut oil's biocidal properties against the bacteria responsible for tooth decay.

Dental caries is a commonly overlooked problem affecting 60 to 90 percent of children and the majority of adults in industrialized countries, according to chief researcher Dr. Damien Brady. His research team tested the antibacterial action of coconut oil in its natural state and coconut oil that had been treated with enzymes, in a process similar to digestion.

The oils were tested against strains of Streptococcus bacteria, which are common inhabitants of your mouth. Read more

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Best Tips For Women For Healthy Beautiful Hair

Help for dry or damaged hair-Natural cure for dry or damaged hair
 Hair are very important part of women beauty. Beautiful , healthy and dandruff free hair is the dream of every women and men also. But what you do for your health. Below are some of the good natural tips for your hair.

Can your hair will pass the test?

It will be a "bad day" for you? If your problems are dry or damaged

Friday, December 7, 2012

Why drinking wine is healthy (Now cancer benefits)

Why drinking wine is healthy (Now cancer benefits)

We all know that wine is good for heart if we drink in moderation. Now new research demonstrate that a chemical In Red Wine May Prevent Cancer.

What is Wine?

Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice. Wines made from other fruits are always named accordingly.

What is Chemical composition of wine?

The chemical

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Cure Sores In Mouth Caused By Cancer Treatment

Sores in the mouth caused by the treatment of cancer: How to deal
Understand how to manage the side effects of cancer treatment, including mouth sores, so you feel more control, encourage the treatment of cancer.

If you are about to start cancer treatments, please note that some treatments can cause sores in the mouth (oral mucositis). Mouth sores can be painful and distressing. They can range

Free Tips for keeping Christmas holiday Stress in control

Free Tips for keeping Christmas holiday Stress in control

This is my 3rd blog on Xmas 2012. In second blog we preview all Christmas holidays movies here before spending big bucks to watch.

Xmas blog2-Preview all Christmas holidays movies here before you spend big bucks to watch

In this blog you will find Tips for keeping Christmas holiday Stress in control. If you do control this now,

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Why spend money Just use simple Home Remedies for Common Illnesses

Why spend money Just use simple Home Remedies for Common Illnesses

Research has discovered thousands of healing nutrients in the foods that we eat every day. Clinical researchers at leading universities have found that the naturally occurring properties in foods have the healing powers to cure common ailments, with minimal risk of side effects, and without paying the enormous cost of

The Yeast Infection Diet

Many people believe diet contributes to the risk of vaginal yeast infections, and yeast infection diets have been proposed as a way to avoid this annoying condition. Detoxing is the main goal of a yeast infection diet. Yeast infection is a direct result of an overgrowth in the body of a naturally occurring microorganism, or Candida albicans. With a strict adherence to the diet, it is often possible to gain some relief from the yeast infection in as little as three weeks.

One of the basic necessities in the yeast infection diet is adequate amounts of water. Water is an important aspect of detoxing. It helps flush out the toxins inside the body. Fresh fruit juices and even green tea can also be added to the liquid intake, but emphasis is given to drinking at least eight glasses of water per day.

It is also important to eat food that is fresh. Avoid processed foods, not only for your yeast infection, but for your general health as well. Don’t overcook your food either. Foods have a tendency to lose much of their nutrients when heat is applied, so be sure to cook your food just to doneness. Steamed and sautéed would be the ideal cooking methods. Vegetables don’t always need cooking. You can jjust make it a salad, and you’re ready to go. However, you should avoid eating sweet vegetables, such as carrots, corn, potatoes, onions, and sweet potatoes.

Eat a lot of garlic. Garlic contains antibacterial properties which help in eliminating the overgrowth of yeast. Be generous with your fresh greens, but limit your intake of meat. Fish, beef, lamb, poultry, and eggs are fine in moderation. An ideal serving of meat should be no larger than half the size of your palm.

Sometimes there are other foods that you would like to include in your diet. Eating the foods you like should not affect your diet as long as you eat them in moderation and in relatively small portions. Yogurt is something that you could add as well as small servings of brown rice or buckwheat.

For condiments, sea salt is acceptable as well as pure virgin olive oil. In fact, you can be liberal with the use of olive oil. Fresh ginger can be a good condiment for those with yeast problem as well. Not only does ginger contain properties that might help treat the infection, but it is generally good for your digestion as well.

A good diet to treat yeast infection is a necessary factor in the general treatment of the problem. You must learn to be healthy when it comes to the food you eat.

Candida yeast infection can be very dangerous if left untreated. Yeast infection is a message from your body telling you that something is WRONG inside. To find out more about a clinically-proven, holistic system that shows you how to permanently cure your yeast infection and achieve lasting candida infection freedom, click here!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Second study confirm that Record Number of Teens are Abusing Prescription Drug

Second study confirm that Record Number of Teens are Abusing Prescription Drug

First study was published in blog- Scary Study-Teens Look for New Way to Get High (13 Dangerous ways) on Oct 30, 2012.

Scary Study-Teens Look for New Way to Get High (13 Dangerous ways)

This new study is now one more time confirming that Record Number of Teens Abusing Prescription Drugs.

This is happening due to

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tried and tested some more home remedies for Cough and Cold

Tried and tested some new home remedies for Cough and Cold

This is second part of my blog on Easy to use Home Remedies for Cough. Winter is very common time for cough and cold problems. I find inmy whole life that honey is very useful in treating winter coughand colf. Here are some easy to use Remedies for Cough.

Blog 1-Tried and tested home remedies for Cough

10. Fresh Indian

Is Acne Your Problem? Try these 3 Simple Tips

Is acne your problem? Are you spending too much money for over-the-counter products. Try the natural way of treating your acne. You do not have to go that far. The treatment is right in your home. These three tips are a great way to begin treating your acne problem.

1) Hydration

One of the most effective beauty tips of all times to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Water helps flush toxins out of the body - toxins which can cause a sluggish liver and kidneys. By drinking lots of water, you give your cells the opportunity to work more efficiently, thus spending more time eliminating acne-causing sebum.

2) Healthy Diet

Foods with saturated fats and trans fats can contribute to oily skin. Saturated fats are found in most animal products, such as meats, dairy, and poultry. However the body does still require other essential fatty acids, such as from fish and flaxseed. (My post Is There an Anti-Acne Diet After All? describes a study of the effect of diet on acne.)

3) Clean Your Skin

This might seem obvious, but it needs repeating. You need to keep the oil off your face! The oilier your face, the more often you should be cleaning it. There’s no need to use harsh soaps or cleansers, however. A good choice is a gentle castile soap, which is soapy enough to get off the oil, but not so harsh that your skin becomes dry and red. Also, be sure wash your pillow case and towels frequently. They are absorbent, and they absorb acne-contributors, too.

Our self-confidence is tied to our appearance. When we look good, we feel more confident. Beauty may only be skin deep, but having beautiful skin will make you feel more beautiful.

To find out about a clinically proven, step-by-step system for permanently curing your acne and achieving lasting clear skin faster than you ever thought possible, click here!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Why epilepsy/seizure patient needs this amazing monitor for their continuous safety

Why epilepsy/seizure patient needs this amazing monitor for their continuous safety


Why this is so important?

This watch provide help right at the tip of parent’s fingers.
This watch can alert seizures attack while sleeping
This will balance of independence and safety plans for kids

Before we know more about this amazing monitor, Let us find out more about epilepsy/ seizure

What is

Acid Reflux Folk Remedy: Baking Soda

Acid reflux is a medical condition that is experienced by almost one-third of the populace at least once a month. Using baking soda for acid reflux is an old folk remedy, but its value in treating heartburn has been verified by science. There are many solutions for relieving heartburn and other digestion issues, so why would something so simple work so effectively?

How Does Baking Soda Work?

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is alkaline. When a small amount is mixed with water, it neutralizes refluxed stomach acid. In fact, one popular effervescent antacid tablet has sodium bicarbonate as its main active ingredient.

How Much Baking Soda Should You Use?

Only use a half teaspoon dissolved in a four-ounce glass of water when acid reflux occurs. Just stir or swirl the mixture around so it dissolves and swallow it. You may need to wait for several minutes, but what you're looking for is that welcoming belch which feels like a ton of pressure has just been released. (Might be a good idea to use it when no one else is around). Belching after consuming baking soda for acid reflux is a good sign and it's just gas being released following the neutralization of the stomach acid.

Don't Overdo the Baking Soda

You have to be careful when using baking soda for acid reflux. Too much baking soda may neutralize too much stomach acid in the stomach, thus, interfering with the proper digestion of food in the stomach itself. This could itself cause acid reflux because of the interference with the proper functioning of the regulating mechanism of the sphincter muscle, which lets food into the stomach and which is supposed to keep the acid from refluxing back into the esophagus.

Using baking soda for acid reflux should only be seen as a temporary measure if you are a chronic sufferer. While some people find it highly effective, others may not. The most important thing is to use it as per the above said method. Intake of large amounts may produce negative effects.

The experts agree: acid reflux and heartburn can be very dangerous if left untreated. To find out about an all-natural, holistic 5-step system for curing acid reflux and heartburn and achieving freedom from most digestive disorders faster than you ever thought possible, click here!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Must have application for parents and caregivers

Must have application for parents and caregivers

I think this application will be very useful for parents and caregivers as this will help tracking the records of all kids’ immunization.

What is old yellow immunization card?

Age                                         Vaccines

Two months •Diphtheria/Tetanus/whooping cough/ Haemophilus influenza type b/ Polio

•Pneumococcal conjugate

Facts Of Stretch Marks and Melasma-Women Health

Stretch Marks and Melasma Prevention

If a woman becomes pregnant, she might suffer different problems. These skin problems are inevitable, and shortly after the birth signs of the new child. Possible skin problems that pregnant women who suffer most are the grooves and the melasma is called the mask of pregnancy. This is a brand brown spots on the face and can be easily removed and isolated.

Best Advice To Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

The best advice in preventing pregnancy stretch marks

Pregnancy is a life-changing experience that brings many changes in your body. Most notable is, of course, your stomach expands to an enormous size and weight gain usually makes you look fat anywhere. However, most women do not mind the changes, as it will be very excited to welcome a baby into their lives. After the birth, is that most

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tried and tested home remedies for Cough

Tried and tested home remedies for Cough

I and my family always use these home remedies when we have a cough any season.

They are very simple and Easy to use Home Remedies for Cough.

Home remedies and natural medicines made at home from natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs are catching a lot of attention due to its very nature of cure: simple, no side effects, and

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Do you agree with new reports -Women cheating/infidelity is now increasing

Do you agree with new reports -Women cheating/infidelity is now increasing


I think infidelity among woman is now increasing. Women may now beat man in this race. It’s not just women who feel trapped, bored, powerless, and lonely that takes on a lover. Its women who want, and can have it all. With a divorce rate exceeding 50 per cent and the new world census saying that traditional

Monday, November 26, 2012

New Mantra to bring breaking Relationship back to normal (no therapy needed)

Why breaking relationship happen?


Working towards a healthy love relationship is one of the most rewarding and challenging things you’ll ever do. Conflict and stress are part of most marriages and love relationships – but being aware of the common reasons couples break up can help them work towards a healthy love relationship.

Many reasons couples break up and relationships fail

Yeast Infection: 5 Home Remedies

A vaginal yeast infection is usually caused by a fungus called Candida albicans, which is normally found in small amounts in the vagina. It's estimated that three out of four women will have a yeast infection in their lifetime. Factors that contribute to vaginal yeast infection include pregnancy, diabetes, and the use of oral contraceptives, steroids, and antibiotics. The good news is that yeast infection can be treated, and there are several effective home remedies you can try.

1) Cranberry pills

You can use cranberry pills. These are sold over the counter in the pharmacy or health food store. What makes cranberry pills so effective is that they help the body’s immune system to fight back the spread of the fungus until this once again reaches normal levels.

2) Apple cider vinegar

Another option is to use apple cider vinegar. Apply some on a cotton ball. Those who decide to try apple cider vinegar should expect to feel a slight sting after application.

3) Yogurt

Yogurt is another alternative. You will only need to get a teaspoon and then apply this directly in the affected area or on a tampon first.This should be applied twice a day until the infection is gone.

4) Olive leaf and grapefruit seed extract

You can also mix olive leaf and grapefruit seed extract together with water and then apply to the affected area with a cotton ball.

5) Garlic juice

You can also get the same result using raw garlic juice. Just rub this over your fingers and then rub it over the affected area.

Aside from the fact that yeast infection is treatable, there are also ways to prevent this from re-occurring. One is to drink a glass or two of milk daily as this helps prevent an overgrowth of yeast. You should also avoid wearing tight pants or underwear. If you go swimming, get out of the wet swimsuit right away. Also, do not use douches, feminine sprays, scented toilet paper, or deodorant tampons.

You can fight yeast infection at home. Sometimes you don’t even have to anything as this will clear up on its own. However, if a yeast infection should return, then a doctor should do a more thorough examination to determine the cause.

Candida yeast infection can be very dangerous if left untreated. Yeast infection is a message from your body telling you that something is WRONG inside. To find out more about a clinically-proven, holistic system that shows you how to permanently cure your yeast infection and achieve lasting candida infection freedom, click here!

Friday, November 23, 2012

New and Effective way to Control Bed Bugs

New and Effective way to Control Bed Bugs

This new amazing research will benefits many peoples as we all have this bug in our bedrooms.

 What are bed bugs?

Bedbugs are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of people and animals while they sleep. They are easily moved from room to room on infested objects. Bedbugs cannot easily climb metal or polished surfaces and cannot fly or

4 Natural Remedies for Acne

Acne is a skin condition that many people deal with.  Although acne is not a life-threatening condition, it can still cause great distress.  When it comes to seeking relief from acne, there are a large number of over-the-counter products that claim to provide relief. If you are suffering from acne you can give these over-the-counter products a try, but it is also important to know that you do have other options.  These options include natural remedies, which are a safer way to treat acne, as they do not rely on the use of potentially dangerous chemicals.

There are a number of natural remedies for acne that use foods.  One of those remedies is that of lettuce.  Soaking lettuce in water for about an hour will result in a special mixture.  This mixture should then be applied to the skin as a rinse.  This approach is an easy way to get rid of acne.

Fresh lime juice and milk are another natural remedy for getting rid of acne.  With this natural remedy for acne, boil a half of glass of milk.  Once the milk has cooled, add in about the same amount of lime juice.  You can then use a cloth to apply the mixture onto your acne-infected area.

For a small area of acne, ripe tomatoes can be used.  For this home remedy, cut a ripe tomato in half and place the inside, wet part of the tomato on the pimple or pimples.  Leave it on for about an hour and then wash it off.  A similar approach to this natural remedy involves using tomato paste instead of a ripe tomato. 

People suffering from severe acne put themselves at risk for developing an infection or scarirng of they constantly touch or pick at their pimples.  Those who do that are best advised to stop.  That is the best way to keep your skin healthy.  That being said, aloe vera can be applied to the affected area to provide relief, Aloe vera can also help promote healthy healing of the skin.

There are a number of different natural remedies for those suffering from acne.  Compared to over-the-counter products, natural remedies are cheap and safe.That is why many people are now starting to rely on natural remedies to treat acne.

To find out about a clinically proven, step-by-step system for permanently curing your acne and achieving lasting clear skin faster than you ever thought possible, click here!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

No excuse, you can eat healthy on Thanksgiving and other holidays

Wish you all a happy Thanksgiving...

Thanksgiving and Xmas only comes around once a year, so why not go ahead and eat a lot?. Year after year, most of us pack on at least a pound (some gain more) during the holidays -- and keep the extra weight permanently.

But Thanksgiving and Xmas does not have to harm your weight, experts say. With a little know-how, you can satisfy your desire for

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

One more Danger why Smoking during Pregnancy is bad (reading)

One more new reason why Smoking during Pregnancy is bad (reading)

We all know smoking during Pregnancy is bad for kids and mother health. But this new research shows how this effect kids study in school.

Smoking Impact on Health

Smoking in pregnancy results in serious risks for both the woman and the fetus. Cigarette smoking by pregnant girls and women has been shown to increase risks of

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Why Heart Attack Risk get Higher with Job Loss?

Why Heart Attack Risk get Higher with Job Loss?

If you know any one your family with heart problem watch them if they lose their job. Before we know all about this new study let us check out more about heart attack.


What is heart Attack?


A heart attack is a complete blockage of blood flow in a coronary artery. The blockage prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching part of the heart

Diabetes Types Cause and Symptoms

What is Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus or diabetes is simply a syndrome (group of diseases). By disordered metabolism mainly hereditary and environmental causes, which causes to hyperglycemia (blood glucose).

Glucose content of the body is regulated by various products, but insulin from the beta cells of the pancreas. If this increase in glucose in the body leads to serious complications in the

Monday, November 19, 2012

Research support how 5 fall food Protect against Cancer

Before we find out 5 fall food Protect against Cancer, let us see what cancer all about is.


What is cancer?

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out-of-control cell growth. There are over 100 different types of cancer, and each is classified by the type of cell that is initially affected.

Cancer harms the body when damaged cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps or masses of

12 Strategies to Keep Your Mind Healthy and Sharp

Cognitive changes related to aging are actually related more to today’s diet and lifestyle, rather than to the aging process itself, says Joseph Mercola, who reveals twelve strategies to keep your mind healthy and sharp.
... Cognitive changes related to aging are actually related more to today’s diet and lifestyle, rather than to the aging process itself. As you age, the cumulative effects of environmental toxins, exposure to free radicals, poor nutrition, stress and other factors take their toll on your body. What has been called “age-related cognitive decline” is really an accumulation of this damage to your cells. But this cognitive decay is NOT set in stone!
There are three primary factors that play a powerful role in maintaining sharp mental function, even as you age: Read more

Sunday, November 18, 2012

5-Hour Energy Shots Risks and Review

5-Hour Energy shots in conjunction with 13 deaths.

So far, 5-Hour Energy LLC living essentials manufacturer has received 92 reports of people who got sick after using the product. Since the product is sold as a dietary supplement, the Company is required to distribute these reports to the FDA.

The reports themselves do not prove that the 5-Hour Energy had nothing to do with a death or illness

Health and Sex The truth about marriage

Health and Sex The truth about marriage: What no one tells you.

6 things to tell couples wedding surprise for "Yes".
If you decide to get married, you may think you know your partner well. After all, we are best friends, who were prepared to spend the rest of their lives together.

But married life often proves to be full of disappointments and unexpected pleasures.
"People are surprised to

Friday, November 16, 2012

How Vitamin C not only supports our general health now affects fetus brain

How Vitamin C not only supports our general health now affects fetus brain

We all know that Vitamin C has many health benefits. This new research now confirmed that pregnant women should think twice about omitting the daily vitamin C pill. Before we find this useful information, let us see what other benefits of Vitamin C to our health are.

What is Vitamin C?


Vitamin C, also called

Can Coconut Oil Treat Alzheimer's Disease?

Can coconut oil treat Alzheimer's disease? Even if it's not yet proven, it can't hurt to try.
Coconut oil has been brought up a lot as a potential cure for Alzheimer’s disease lately.
In fact, if you do an internet search, you’ll probably find many accounts of people who claim coconut oil has reversed Alzheimer’s in their loved ones. But is there any science behind this? Let’s dig into the facts.
Coconut oil has actually been making a serious comeback in the health food world lately. For years, many health enthusiasts shied away from it for one reason or another. Read more

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Do you think this new spray will keep men from straying (fidelity?)

Do you think this new spray will keep men from cheating?

If retired Army Gen. David H. Petraeus or President Clinton has taken this hormone they may have different life.

Before we read about this research, we can get more info about this new hormone and why man cheats?

What is this new Hormonal Drug called?

This is called oxytocin. This is dubbed as 'cuddle drug', is naturally

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How a New Medicine offer Lot of promise for Epilepsy

How a New Medicine offer Lot of promise for Epilepsy

Before we read about this new medicine we will review more info about Epilepsy

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological condition, which affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. It is usually diagnosed after a person has had at least two seizures that were not caused by some known medical condition

How To Remove Tartar and Plaque from Teeth AT HOME!

If you hate going to the dentist, this video explains on how to remove tartar and plaque from your teeth at home, without having to go to the dentist! This may not be strictly a "natural" remedy, but it works and keeps you away from the dentist's office.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Simple Research tip to Boost Your Self-Control

Simple Research tip to Boost Your Self-Control

Before we check this new research on Self-Control, let us find out more about Self-Control.

What is Self-Control?

Self-control is the ability to control one's emotions, behavior, and desires in order to obtain some reward, or avoid some punishment, later. Presumably, some (smaller) reward or punishment is operating in the short term which

Friday, November 9, 2012

How we are eating hidden sugar without our knowledge

Eating hidden sugar without our knowledge

I dedicate this article for World Diabetes Day: November 14

Before we discuss hidden sugar sources in our diet let us check out more info about sugar

How much sugar we really needs in our diet?


There are some differences in recommendations for sugar intake because the definition of sugar, or what exactly is added sugar, is not well-defined

How to Get an Erection and Keep It Up as Long as You Want

Michael Paladin gives ten tips for men who have erectile dysfunction only when they're in bed with someone, not when they're alone.
Are you having a hard time trying to get an erection or keeping it up during sex? If you’re not really suffering from any medical conditions and still have a hard time keeping it hard, there are ways to get it up and keep it up when you need it most. If you are able to get an erection when you’re all alone, you’re definitely good to go down there and just need to learn to relax when you’re with a woman. Almost all the time, an erection is all in your head, and if it’s in your head, the following ten tips will definitely help you. Read more

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Promising research news for Treating Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease

Encouraging  research news for Treating Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease

Before finding more information about this new research, let us see what is Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease.

What is Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease (CF)?


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to form in the lungs, pancreas and other organs. In the lungs, this mucus blocks the airways,

Menopause Facts causes and Symptoms

Fundamentals of menopause.

What is menopause?

Menopause is a normal phenomenon that all women experience as they age. The term "menopause" is often used to one of the changes a woman experiences either just before or after to describe the absence of menstruation. The end of their reproductive period.

What are the causes of menopause?

A woman with a finite number of eggs that are stored

5 Fact and Myth About High Blood Pressure-Hypertension

Five misconceptions about high blood pressure.
Are you worried about blood pressure, for yourself, a relative or a friend? Your concerns are well-founded. If left untreated, high blood pressure - also called hypertension - can lead to a number of health problems, including heart disease and stroke. Learn about high blood pressure can help to reduce the damage of this state of your health or

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New way to Reduce Bad and Total Cholesterol (Probiotic)

New way to Reduce Bad and Total Cholesterol (Probiotic)

Before we see this new research report let us see what are Probiotic and Bad and good Cholesterol.

What are Probiotic?

They are new health miracles called probiotics. They claim to help with health problems, ranging from constipation to diarrhea, and prevent colds or fight them once you already have one. Probiotics are showing up in

Prevent and Treat Heartburn and Acid Reflux

The most common digestive disorder people experience is heartburn, which is highly associated with acid reflux. Understanding how heartburn occurs is essential to those diagnosed with acid reflux. Eating habits or lifestyle factors should be changed to prevent heartburn associated with acid reflux. Unhealthy eating or eating excessively at one time can cause improper movement of the gastric juices in the lower portion of the esophagus, causing possible heartburn to occur.

Heartburn or acid reflux needs treatment, especially when a nighttime attack happens. Nigh time attacks have similar daytime attack symptoms except that nighttime attacks include snoring, restlessness, fatigue, and even abnormalities in breathing. Attacks during the night are more severe than attacks during daytime.

Many people with heartburn or acid reflux understand the cause of their condition. However, there are still many people lacking essential knowledge of how heartburn acid reflux can be triggered. The simplest answer is food. Many people experience acid reflux after having a large meal due to improper breakdown of foods. Foods, such as spicy foods, chocolates, fried and fatty foods, can trigger heartburn. In fact, even citrus fruits have a tendency to trigger heartburn.

If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, one way that can help lessen the occurrences is by changing your lifestyle. A change in lifestyle can help keep acid reflux from recurring. Also, you should avoid eating aa heavy large meal at one time. Instead, eat small meals at intervals. Eating large meals can increase pressure in the esophageal sphincter and at the same time, expand your stomach. Other preventive measures include maintaining your weight, avoiding alcoholic beverages, and not wearing clothes that fit tightly around the waist.

Acid reflux is a common condition that can lead to severe problems if left untreated. If you are diagnosed with acid reflux, always take necessary precautions when experiencing it to avoid serious problems that could affect even the respiratory system. Because acid reflux is a serious problem, people with heartburn should seek advice on how to prevent and treat this their condition.

The experts agree: acid reflux and heartburn can be very dangerous if left untreated. To find out about an all-natural, holistic 5-step system for curing acid reflux and heartburn and achieving freedom from most digestive disorders faster than you ever thought possible, click here!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Top selected 10 fitness trends for 2013

Top selected 10 fitness trends for 2013
Your body is the only tool you need for one of the most popular trends in fitness: Body weight workouts.

A new study shows the trends in fitness training body weight, including back-to-basics exercises such as pumps, planks, and pull-ups should be one of the trends in fitness for 2013.

Top-10 Health and fitness trends.

The researchers say that people

Monday, November 5, 2012

Danger of Laundry Drying inside homes without using dryer

Danger of Laundry Drying inside homes without using dryer

This is very important study which affects us all in our lives. Before we check this study let us see why we all do this?

Why we dry Laundry inside homes?

Save money
Save Energy
Save Time

Main effects of drying Laundry inside homes

Drying clothes indoors raises moisture in the home by 30 per cent on wash days and 15 per cent

Increase Your Metabolism in 24 Hours

Edward Group reveals how to increase your metabolism in 24 hours.
Your metabolism is your body’s biochemical activity that regulates the conversion of calories into energy. A slow metabolism is slow to convert calories into energy and can cause the body to store fat. A fast metabolism operates in converse fashion, quickly using energy and not storing it. Your body’s metabolism is controlled by your thyroid gland and a sluggish thyroid can cause metabolic deficiencies, leading to an increase in fat stores. In fact, an inefficient metabolism is a very common causes of weight gain. There’s good news, however, as it’s often possible to naturally and efficiently increase your body’s metabolic rate. Read more

Friday, November 2, 2012

Good Research news for Treating Peanut Food Allergy

Good Research news for Treating Peanut Food Allergy

This is very good news for all Peanut Food Allergy sufferers. Before we see this study let us see what is all about peanut food allergy.

What is Peanut Food Allergy?

Peanut allergy is common, especially in children. Peanut allergy symptoms can range from a minor irritation to a life-threatening reaction (anaphylaxis). For some people

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Expert Views on new cholesterol skin test ($20 PREVU Skin Cholesterol Test)

Is this test safe or not. Before we know that, let us see what is all about cholesterol.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a lipid (fat) which is produced by the liver. Cholesterol is vital for normal body function. Every cell in our body has cholesterol in its outer layer.

Importance of knowing cholesterol

It builds and maintains cell membranes (outer

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New Advice to diminish the Health Risk of Daylight saving time

Health Risk of Daylight saving time

First Of all I want to wish all my blog readers a Happy Halloween

This year Day light saving starts-Sunday, November 4, 2012: 2:00 AM back to 1:00 AM

Daylight saving time comes to an end this weekend, meaning a precious extra hour of sleep. A recent poll shows nearly a quarter people surveyed would use that time to get that extra hour of sleep,

Grow Your Penis Size Fast Naturally

Easy Exercise To Grow Your Penis Size Fast Naturally

Do you want to enlarge your penis with ease, there are a number of free and easy exercises to enlarge penis size and get a bigger penis. With easy and safe will help to enlarge your penis 3 inches in a short period, of course, please do not miss out and follow the penis enlargement exercises. Your penis can increase to 9 inches with ease by

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Scary Study-Teens Look For New Way to Get High (13 Dangerous ways)

Parents must watch what their teens are doing in home, this study warn us more as teens has now new way of getting high.

Main message to Parents

Stay educated! Keep talking to your child

13 Dangerous (and Stupid) Ways Teens Get High

Potentially lethal activities kids do that every parent and educator must know. Some things never change: teens have always been risk takers, thrill

Monday, October 29, 2012

How exercise not only help general health but also brain function (more smart)

How exercise not only help general health but also brain function (more smart)

What is a best exercise?

The best type of exercise to strengthen your heart is aerobic exercise, the type of activity that involves continuous motion such as walking, bicycling, jogging, aerobics, and swimming.

They involve activity that requires your heart and lungs to work harder to supply your cells with

Friday, October 26, 2012

5 Drug-Free Treatment for Mental illness Like ADD

5 Drug-Free Treatment for ADD
Millions of Americans suffer from a mental illness each year. Diseases such as ADHD and bipolar disorder can prevent that make the daily life of a person, and even life unbearable.
A person can not communicate with others or focus on tasks if he or she has a mental illness. Recipes chemicals can also be harmful for someone with bipolar disorder, ADD pr rather than

How sleep disorder can cause depression

How sleep disorder can cause depression.
Recently it was found that, when people are not getting enough sleep can increase the risk of depression. Moreover, it is known that some depressed people sleep at abnormal times, while others simply can not get enough sleep.

Here is a detailed explanation of how sleep disorders, especially sleep apnea and depression are connected.

Sleep apnea and

New formula for Boosting Satisfaction in your Life

What is satisfaction in your life?

Make the most of what God gives both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it

King Solomon, one of the greatest and wisest kings of ancient Israel, summarized this life-pursuit of satisfaction: "After looking at the way things are on this earth, here's what I've decided is the best way to live: Take care of yourself, have a good time, and make the most

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Try A New and Effective technique to Quit smoking

Some interesting fact about quit smoking

20 minutes after quitting: your heart rate drops.

12 hours after quitting: carbon monoxide in your blood drops to normal.

2 weeks to 3 months after quitting: your heart attack risk begins to drop; your lung function begins to improve.

1 to 9 months after quitting: your coughing and shortness of breath decrease.

1 year after quitting: your

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How the effectiveness of Antiepileptic Drugs in Adults Predict same result in Children?

How the effectiveness of Antiepileptic Drugs in Adults Predict same result in Children?

This is very nice researches that will guide us to use new Antiepileptic Drugs in kids as we are using to adults.

What are Antiepileptic Drugs?

The anticonvulsants (also commonly known as antiepileptic drugs) are a diverse group of pharmaceuticals used in the treatment of epileptic seizures.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How eating watermelon may just keep the cardiologist at bay

Many Health Benefits of eating Watermelon

Watermelon has everything you need to beat the scorching summer heat. Wonderfully delicious, thirst-quenching melons are the great source of much needed water and electrolytes to beat the tropical summer temperatures.

Botanically, the fruit belongs to the family of cucurbitaceae of the genus: citrullus, and is related to the other plants such

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tips For Sexual Men health and Women Health

Sexual health of women and men: an excellent addition to the consider.
   There are a variety of concepts today about what. Sexual health of men and health of women dynamics. A clear understanding can be achieved by a basic understanding of the biochemistry. Although there are clear differences in the composition of hormone, every man and woman of good nutrition every day to maintain the

New Mantra to keep the Weight Off for Good

New Mantra to keep the Weight Off for Good


After losing weight, it's tempting to take a vacation from healthy eating habits. "Many dieters start slipping back into their old behaviors soon after dropping pounds. But there are ways to stay on track without depriving yourself. As several new studies show, by making a few minor adjustments to your regular routine, you can hang on to those

Forget Tamiflu

If you fet the flu, don't get Tamiflu. Follow my Mom's advice, says David Brownstein, MD.
My last blog post dealt with the nonsense of mandating flu vaccinations for medical personnel. I showed you that the flu vaccine is not effective at preventing the flu nor does it minimize complications from the flu. The Cochrane group is an independent medical research group designed to help physicians put evidence into practice. The latest article by the Cochrane group is titled, “Are Neuraminidase inhibiters effective for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults and children?” (1) This article analyzes whether it is wise to use anti-viral medications to treat a patient who already has the flu. Tamiflu is the most commonly prescribed anti-viral medication for treating the symptoms of the flu. 
You would think that Tamiflu must work well as it is widely prescribed by conventional doctors. However, the new Cochrane report stated, “Treating previously healthy patients with Tamiflu reduces the duration of influenza symptoms by approximately 21 hours.”

Folks, I can’t make this stuff up. Read more

Friday, October 19, 2012

Use Coffee Bean For Fast Loosing Weight Fat Loss

Breakthrough diet exposed: Coffee Bean New Scientist say "This Could be The  best Cure for weight loss for every body type"

Usually i do not  recommend weight loss supplements, supplements especially for loosing weight, the "easy weight loss" or say "lose weight fast", but the green coffee beans, which really surprised me, "said Dr. Lindsey Duncan." What has the media and science as abstract

Best alternative to regular Medical check is ePSS medical check

This is my second part of blog on routine medical check. In the first blog we saw that Why Regular Medical check is not Necessary and any good alternatives?

Why Regular Medical check is not Necessary and any good alternatives?

We see some interesting results

The harmful effects of checkups include

Over diagnosis — diagnosing and treating with no survival benefit.

Turning healthy

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Good news for Motion Sickness individuals

 Good news for Motion Sickness individuals

This is very common problem, I ma happy to learn that this gum will help everyone.

What is Motion Sickness?

Motion sickness is the syndrome of pallor, nausea, weakness, and malaise, which may progress to vomiting and incapacitation, caused by stimulation of the semicircular canals during travel or motion as on a boat, plane, train, car, swing,

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why Regular Medical check is not Necessary and any good alternatives?

What is Annual/Regular Medical check?

This is the process by which a doctor investigates the body of a patient for signs of disease. It generally follows the taking of the medical history — an account of the symptoms as experienced by the patient. Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. This data

DIY Cold and Flu Remedies

Forget the over0the-counter nostrums; these cold and flu remedies have stood the test of time, says Tess Pennington.
With fall setting in, cold and flu season can’t be far behind. As miserable as a cold or flu might be now, with the pharmacy shelves bursting with over the counter remedies, one day relief might not be that close at hand.

Most of our prep kits have a stash of OTC medications but in a long-term disaster situation it will be important to make those last as long as possible. You might be surprised to discover that your kitchen cupboards may hold the key to curing your stuffy nose, scratchy throat, cough and chills.

Turning toward natural remedies now will give you the knowledge and skills you need to keep your family well during the onset of a disaster or extended disaster. Consider learning ways to make homemade lozenges to soothe sore throats, or possessing basic knowledge on which herbs may be used to treat cold/flu symptoms. Further, knowing how to combine these together to make cold/flu syrups will only better your family’s chances at beating the cold/flu season when OTC medicines aren’t as readily available.

Listed below are some other homeopathic ways to care for yourself and your family when you are ill. Read more

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Good news for people getting Heartburns Caused by hot and spicy food.

Good news for people getting Heartburns Caused by hot and spicy food
This is very common problem in the world.

Why we get heart burn from hot and spicy food?

Heartburn can occur for a number of reasons. These include what you eat, some medications you may take, lifestyle habits you have. Being aware of what the triggers can be will help you with controlling the heartburn.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Do you Believe-Eat more Chocolate and Win Nobel Prize?

Wow very nice study, we all should start eating more Chocolate to wining Nobel Prize.

What is Chocolate?

The origins of chocolate can be traced back to the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations in Central America. 'Theobroma cacao', meaning 'food of the gods', was prized for centuries by the Central American Mayan Indians, who first enjoyed a much-prized spicy drink called 'chocolatl',

The Weight Loss Benefits of Kelp

When diet and exercise just aren't enough, boost your metabolism and lose weight with seaweed, says Edward Group.
 Kelp Supports A Healthy Metabolism
Kelp is a form of seaweed found in shallow ocean waters and forms thick colonies that could almost be described as an “underwater forest.” If you’ve ever gone for a morning run on the beach, you may have seen it washed ashore, often attracting flies. For most people, this scene is enough to discourage the idea of eating seaweed. However, kelp is a natural superfood loaded with trace minerals, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Most notably, kelp is a rich, natural source of iodine which can provide adequate levels to stimulate a sluggish thyroid and encourage a healthy metabolism. Read more

Friday, October 12, 2012

How Curcumin in Turmeric Inhibits Prostate Cancer

 Curcumin in Turmeric Inhibits Prostate Cancer

This is very good news for Indian people as they use more Turmeric in their food.

What is Curcumin?

Curcumin is a natural extract from the Turmeric spice. Turmeric is derived from the Curcuma Longa plant. Curcumin is best known as a powerful antioxidant with many potential benefits to the human body. Antioxidants are helpful to the body

New Cure For 4 Hours Erections?

New Cure for 4 hours erections? How to get hard erections
Orphan Drug Stops priapism,  Reverses  penile damage  in mice.

Men with penile pain and erections that can last received for damages in excess of 4 hours Orphan Drug for serious "bubble boy" treat immune deficiencies, mouse studies suggest.

The condition known as priapism, that sounds funny for those who have never suffered. About 40%

Solution and Treatment For Senstive Skin

Solutions for sensitive skin
Your friends would like to let cosmetics counter shop, but behind. Is this new eye shadow on her eyelids swell and itch? Is filled with wrinkle cream give smoother skin or red and painful disaster that takes days for it to clear?

If problems occurs by Skin skin care products because you have sensitive skin. There is no definition of the structure of sensitive skin,

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Why eating grapes is healthier for our body

Eating grapes is healthier for our body

What are grapes?

Grapes are small round or oval berries that feature semi-translucent flesh encased by a smooth skin. Some contain edible seeds while others are seedless. Like blueberries, grapes are often covered by a protective, whitish bloom. Grapes that are eaten as is or used in a recipe are called table grapes and as opposed to wine grapes (

Alzheimer’s Disease How Cope With Memory Problems

Dealing with Alzheimer's: Special Instructions for suffers
Alzheimer's: Tips to maintain a normal life
Living with Alzheimer's disease is a challenge for everyone. It's hard to remember things, make decisions, and find their way to the way I used to. It can be frustrating most of the time, but there are good and bad days. Here are some tips and things that you can do to make things easier for

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How Internet Usage Result In Depression and Loneliness

Watch your time when you spends surfing web. The report states that when a person cannot control their time spent online, they may be faced with loneliness, depression, and inadequate time spent talking to other people in person, not just online.

Web is fun but do not get addicted to it.

Learn to control and control

What Is Depression?

According to MediLexicon Medical Dictionary,

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How Eating Tomatoes helps overall Health now they can Lower Stroke Risk

How Eating Tomatoes helps overall health now they can Lower Stroke Risk


 This is very nice study that shows how the tomatoes are good for heart stroke. Here are some other health benefits of eating tomatoes.

Protect prostate cancer

Studies show that eating tomatoes reduce the risk of many cancers, and prostate cancer in particular. In study from the Journal of the National Cancer

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Heart attack symptoms in women

Guidelines for Heart Attack: Detect Female heart attack symptoms
what are the heart attack symptoms for women

Chest related heart attack signs often appear in men and many women also:

Heart-attack symptoms Can be radiate pressure, fullness or a squeezing pain in the center of the chest, shoulder neck or jaw;

Chest pain with lightheadedness, fainting, sweating, nausea or shortness of breath;

Best Food Good For Healthy Heart

Foods that can save your heart- Get heart healthy
How to eat healthy. Healthy heart is very important for every one. Heart is our major vital organ in our body which works regularly with in our body without any rest. But due to our bad food habits, certain diseases and stressful life one can suffer certain heart problems in their life span. So the question arises what are the easy way to keep

Friday, October 5, 2012

Will a flu shot/vaccination keep you healthy?

What is flu shot?

The Influenza vaccine, also known as a Flu Shot, is an annual vaccine to protect against the highly variable influenza virus

There are two types of flu vaccines, the injection (with killed virus) and nasal spray vaccines (containing live, but weakened, virus).

Each year, the influenza virus can change slightly, making the vaccine used in previous years ineffective.

Orgasms and Other Surprising Ways to Lose Weight

If you're trying to lose weight, having more orgasms might help, according to a British study.
While there’s no doubt that the right diet, strength training and cardio routine will help you shed the pounds, there are some other secrets to a smaller waistline that may just surprise and delight you.

Have more orgasms: A 2002 report from a large British population of men said researchers found a 50 percent reduction in overall mortality in the group of men who said they had the most orgasms. Read more

Thursday, October 4, 2012

How Everyday use of Chemicals Raising Breast Cancer Rates (Reducing exposure)

Happy October, it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On this occasion I want to write blog on Breast Cancer.

What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a kind of cancer that develops from breast cells. Breast cancer usually starts off in the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply them with milk. A malignant tumor can spread to other parts of the body. A breast cancer that

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How this new online tool will help epilepsy surgery evaluation

What is epilepsy?

The name epilepsy comes from the Greek for "to be seized." Sudden seizure is the hallmark of this illness. It may involve falling to the ground and twitching spasmodically, but not always.

Epilepsy is a neurological condition, which affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. It is usually diagnosed after a person has had at least two

The Top 9 Herbs for Liver Cleansing

Edward Group lists nine powerful liver detoxifiers that have been used successfully for centuries.
Imagine a fish tank with a motorized water filter. If the filter is clogged with toxins from the tank, the entire tank becomes filled with the same contaminants. In our system, the filter is the liver, the tank is the body, and the fish that has to live in it is you.

Thankfully, a number of herbs for liver cleansing do exist. But first, let’s examine the role of the liver in detoxification a bit further.

The liver is the primary organ responsible for expelling and breaking down toxins entering the body. In particular, it produces bile, a detoxifying agent metabolically indispensable in breaking down fats from food. Even many traditional medical doctors are fully aware of just how important the health of your liver plays in the outcome of your overall health. Read more

Monday, October 1, 2012

Wow-An Effective Low Cost Solution to Hearing Loss

 What is Hearing Loss?

Hearing impairment, deafness, or hearing loss refers to the inability to hear things, either totally or partially. Symptoms may be mild, moderate, severe or profound. A patient with mild hearing impairment may have problems understanding speech, especially if there is a lot of noise around, while those with moderate deafness may need

a hearing aid. Some people

how to grow nails Get Beautiful Sexy Long Nails

How to get  beautiful, sexy and long nails
Beautiful sexy, long nails and are elegant and sexy. However, some people find it hard to maintain. You can grow beautiful nails and keep it simple by using ... a few simple tips that we have proposed to you.

How to grow nails

how to have long nails

A. Have a good diet

Many people forget that food is an important factor in developing and

Friday, September 28, 2012

How Eating Cherries lowers risk of Gout Attack

As we all know that cherry is packed with full of health-benefiting nutrients and unique antioxidants. Now this new research will give us more reason to eat more cherries.What is gout?


Gout is a disease that results when crystals of uric acid form in tissues of the body. Gout is characterized by an overload of uric acid in the body and recurring attacks of joint inflammation (arthritis).

Thursday, September 27, 2012

How exercise boost our mental health

What is Mental Health?

Mental health refers to our cognitive, and/or emotional wellbeing - it is all about how we think, feel and behave. Mental health, if somebody has it, can also mean an absence of

a mental disorder. Approximately 25% of people in the UK have a mental health problem during their lives. The USA is said to have the highest incidence of people diagnosed with mental

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How Danger of Heart Disease reduced by proper Vitamin D intake

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a steroid vitamin, a group of fat-soluble prohormones, which encourages the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous. People who are exposed to normal quantities of sunlight do not need vitamin D supplements because sunlight promotes sufficient vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

Five forms of vitamin D have been discovered, vitamin D1, D2, D3,

Top 10 Most Genetically Modified Foods

Avoid these ten health destroyers, says Anthony Gucciardi. Here's how:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

One more Reason –Why Kids are getting Obese?

Is Your Child Obese?

Body mass index (BMI) uses height and weight measurements to estimate how much body fat a person has. To calculate BMI, divide weight in kg by height in meters squared; for pounds and inches, divide weight by height squared and multiply the result by the conversion factor 703.

An easier way to measure BMI is to use a BMI calculator. Once you know your child's BMI, it

Monday, September 24, 2012

Wow- Good news for Migraine Sufferers

This device delivers magnetic pulse to the head at touch of a button. Scientists say handheld device can alleviate symptoms for up to two hours. Treatment relieved or reduced excruciating pain in 73 per cent of patients taking part in trial

What is Migraine?

The pain of a migraine headache is often described as an intense pulsing or throbbing pain in one area of the head. However, it is

5 Herbs to Spice Up Your Sex Life

Tinamarie Bernard says these five herbs will tickle your palate and your parts… or your lover’s parts,
I am a foodie—a self-declared lover of languid meals cooked with intention and loads of flavor. An intuitive eater, I have for the most part chosen real, sometimes raw, mostly colorful cuisine, a testament to my European upbringing and preference for Mediterranean delicacies regardless of food fashion.

One trend that’s been around for eons and is likely to remain here for the long haul is: aphrodisiacs. From Cleopatra to the Mayan Kings, humanity has licked those bananas and gulped those oysters with sexy things on the mind. Is there any truth to the legends about foods that put you in the mood?

Conventional medicine has long scoffed at the idea that certain substances can rev up your engine, and until recently, it seemed that the naysayers were right. Recent anecdotal studies are more promising. A publication from Canadian researchers found that the world’s most expensive spice, saffron, is indeed a likely lust enhancer.

 It isn’t alone. In no particular order, here are five herbs that will tickle your palate and your parts… or your lover’s parts, if you so choose. Read more

Friday, September 21, 2012

Yogurt not only good for our health now can protect us Against High Blood Pressure

Why Yogurt is not only good for our health now can protect us Against High Blood Pressure

What is Yogurt?

Yogurt is a dairy product made by culturing cream and/or milk with live and active cultures. The cultures in yogurt are living organisms. Yogurt that’s produced in the U.S. is made with two specific live and active cultures: Lactobacillus bulgaricus (L. bulgaricus) and Streptococcus

CopperL The Inflammation Fighter and Rejuvenator

Copper may be a trace mineral in human nutrition, but Walter Last says it's a potent inflammation fighter and rejuvenator.
Copper is an essential trace mineral. All tissues of the body need it for normal metabolic functions. It is excellent for reducing inflammations, strengthening connective tissue, restoring hair colour and the oxidative energy metabolism as well as fighting parasites and cancer, and it may even improve brain and liver functions.

If you give animals a choice between drinking normal water and water in which a copper pipe has been immersed, they will reportedly prefer the high copper water. This helps to keep them free of parasites. Copper armbands are well known to reduce arthritis. Copper serum levels are elevated up to threefold above normal with inflammations and with many chronic and infectious diseases, apparently because the body mobilizes all tissue stores of copper to fight the condition. During remissions the copper blood levels return to normal. Read more

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Good news for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) suffering peoples

 What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

Multiple sclerosis is one of the most common diseases of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). MS is an inflammatory demyelination condition. Myelin is a fatty material that insulates nerves, acting much like the covering of an electric wire and allowing the nerve to transmit its impulses rapidly. It is the speed and efficiency with which these

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Do you believe in this study -Obesity in Children Linked to BPA?

 What is BPA?

BPA stands for bisphenol A. BPA is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1960s.

Sources of BPA

BPA is found in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. Polycarbonate plastics are often used in containers that store food and beverages, such as water bottles, and baby bottles and cups. They may also be used in toys

Sufficient Sleep Essential for Weight Loss

If you're dieting to lose weight, you may be wasting your efforts if you're not getting enough sleep. Sufficient sleep is essential to fuel weight loss, says John Phillip.
We all understand the importance of sleeping seven to nine hours each night to allow for adequate cellular housekeeping, as the body metabolizes and synthesizes enzymes and proteins that are critical to our survival. In the past, a sound sleep has been shown to lower incidence of heart disease, diabetes and dementia in direct relationship to the number of hours slept each evening. Read more

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New study found the Danger of Sexting Leads to sexually explicit behaviors in Teens

This study confirms that Teens who "sext" are likely to participate in sexually explicit behaviors.

What is Sexting ?

Sexting is sending sexually explicit messages via cell phone or instant messenger. As technology has advanced and cell phones have the capability to record and send photos and video, the practice of sending suggestive and explicit pictures has increased, especially among

Ed Dysfunction-Things That can reduce Erection

Things That Can Deflate Your Erection  Taking On Erectile Dysfunction.
Erectile Dysfunction is a serious diseases in males which can cause problems in their sexual and marriage life and can lead to male impotance. Here are some of the most root causes of ED dysfunction in males. Also here you will find the top symptoms of ed. 

Things That Increases Male ed dysfunction.


The brain

Monday, September 17, 2012

Should we use or not to use Quick Trim Diet Pill for our Weight loss?

After getting response from my blog readers with regards to SENSA system for our weight loss. I will review another popular weight loss system which is called Quick Trim.

Should we use or not use SENSA system for our weight loss

History of Quick Trim

In January 2012, Kim Kardashian was interviewed by OK! Magazine and stated that she’d rapidly lost 15 pounds through the use of the

Get Ready for the Cold and Flu Season with These All-Natural Recipes

You can avoid the drugstore with these all-natural cold and flu remedies, says Lisa Bedford.
Before we know it, the season of colds and sniffles and coughs will be upon us. One of my readers shared with me these three recipes, and I wanted to pass them along to you before you’re faced with a sick family and have no choice but to make a mad dash to the drugstore.

These recipes require natural ingredients such as essential oils, coconut oil, and herbs. They’re very simple to make and will provide an all-natural alternative to whatever the drugstore sells, and I’m a big fan of Nyquil! Another reason to make these is just to learn how to make your own salves and oil mixtures – a great skill for any Survival Mom.

By the way, I tried to track down the original source of the first two recipes but couldn’t find them online. If you know of the source, please let me know so I can give proper credit. Read more

Friday, September 14, 2012

New study Reveals Truth about Higher divorce rates and less marital satisfaction

What is divorce?

Divorce is what happens when people decide not to be married to each other any more

Divorce rates in US




Under 20 years old



20 to 24 years old



25 to 29 years old



30 to 34 years old



35 to 39 years old



Divorce Rate in Canada

Canada is about 48%. What it means is

Natural Treatment For Stress and Depression

what is depression 10 Natural Treatments of Depression

Depression can make you feel powerless. You're not. With therapy and medication sometimes there is not much to do on your own to defend. To change their behavior - physical activity, lifestyle and even your thinking - all treatments for depression are self-evident.Do you want natural treatments for depression that can help you can learn to

Acupuncture Works, One Way or Another

Even though Western scientists can't explain how acupuncture works, a new study found that it does anyway.
Many people with chronic pain swear by acupuncture, but skeptics of the ancient needle-based treatment have long claimed that it's little more than an elaborate placebo.

A new study published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine appears to at least somewhat vindicate the acupuncture believers.

After re-analyzing data from 29 high-quality clinical trials dating back to the 1990s, researchers have concluded that the pain relief derived from acupuncture is partly real, in that it can't be ascribed entirely to the placebo effect. Read more

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Vaccine For Ovarian Cancer

Vaccine against ovarian cancer: can they prevent this from happening again?

      Research continues to prevent the development of a number of vaccines to the recurrence of ovarian cancer. So far, vaccine against ovarian cancer only in clinical trials.A theory that is behind vaccines against ovary cancer, stimulate the immune system to recognize and destroy cancer cells back to complete the

One Mantra for Children to Acquire less Infection and Bad Health-Vitamin D

This is my 19th blog on Back to School (BTS) deals and ideas. In the last blog we saw some Cool and simple ideas to make Healthy School Lunches and Save Money. In this blog you will see a new study which shows that how proper doze of Vitamin D will keep your kids more healthy in long run.

BTS 18-Some Cool and Simple ideas to make Healthy School Lunches and Save Money

What is Vitamin D?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How Acupuncture May Be Helpful for Chronic Pain?

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine involving the insertion of solid filiform acupuncture needles into the skin at specific points on the body to achieve a therapeutic effect. No drug is injected. The needles alone create the beneficial effects of acupuncture.

The term “acupuncture” describes a family of procedures involving the stimulation of

Effective Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Are you fond of eating junk foods, protein-rich foods, and processed foods? If you are, you are a candidate for an acid reflux problem. Acid reflux, also known as heartburn, is caused by a disturbance in the acid-alkaline condition in the stomach. Eating specific acid foods that are hard to digest induces stomach spasms or twitching which causes the cardiac sphincter, the opening between the esophagus and stomach, to open for acid wastes to flow up to your esophagus causing an irritation. This irritation, if not controlled, can lead to ulcers.

Once you have the symptoms of acid reflux, you need not resort to medications at once to cure the problem. You can start with home remedies that are safer, less expensive, and often just as effective. 

You should start by changing your diet. You have to eliminate the following food and beverages: tea, coffee, radishes, garlic, onion, pepper, oils, alcohol, sugar, soft drinks, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, high-protein foods, pasta, corn starch, eggs, plums, prunes, cranberries, and all processed foods including junk foods.

If you think that you cannot abruptly eliminate these foods from your diet; start by eating just small amounts. Then start substituting the following: fruits, all kinds of vegetables, and almonds.
Once you feel that you are not feeling the acid reflux symptoms any longer, you may go back to your previous diet - in moderation though, to prevent recurrence of the acid reflux.

Aside from proper diet, there are other recommendations to avoid the acid reflux symptom:
  • Chew food slowly and thoroughly.
  • Eat in an upright sitting position.
  • Do not lie down immediately after eating.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise after a meal although short walks help digestion.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothing.
  • Do not drink alcohol while eating.
  • Avoid smoking before or during meals.
Another home remedy for treating acid reflux is ginger. Taking ginger with a meal helps to reduce an upset stomach. The ginger is ground and added to foods, taken in tea, or capsule form. Most herbalists recommend consuming 500 mg. of ginger with a full glass of water after meals.

Green tea has been used for centuries in Japan and other oriental countries as an after dinner drink. Green teas assist the body in the digestion process, and help soothe the stomach's sensitive tissue.

Herbal teas containing peppermint, chamomile, ginger, licorice root and catnip even in just small traces help the stomach lining repair itself. Often, one cup of tea following dinner is enough to reduce future acid reflux symptoms.

Try following the above suggestions for overcoming of acid reflux before reaching for anti-acids or taking powerful pharmaceutical drugs. Even though it will require a change in lifestyle, you will be treating the causes and not just the symptoms of the disease. Not only that, but these changes will also improve your overall health.

The experts agree: acid reflux and heartburn can be very dangerous if left untreated. To find out about an all-natural, holistic 5-step system for curing acid reflux and heartburn and achieving freedom from most digestive disorders faster than you ever thought possible, click here!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Good news for Fighting Colds and Flu-New Germ-Killing Oral Spray

As winter and flu season is coming, here is good news from researcher in University Hospitals Case Medical Center. They have tested a very Effective Oral Spray in Fighting Colds and Flu.

What is the difference between a cold and the flu?

The flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses. Because these two types of illnesses have

Monday, September 10, 2012

Omega 3 not only Good for our general health now have potential to improve kids Reading Skills

This is my 17th blog on Back to School (BTS) deals and ideas. In the last blog we see how to encourage kids to eat healthy food with lunch makeover.

This very nice research, this will shows one more benefit of Omega 3 in our diet.

In this blog you will see how Omega 3 Could Help Improve Children's Reading Skills. In my previous blog we saw how Omega-3 fatty acids are so essential to all

7 Top Natural Remedies

Edward Group reveals the top seven natural remedies for depression.
The experience of emotional and psychological depression has been noted and subjected to various explanations since the dawn of recorded history and quite probably before. The current model, which reduces all depression to a deficiency in serotonin, seems as overly simplistic and inadequate as those before it. This is to say, at least in part, that depression is a complex and age-old illness with a storied history of treatment. There are a number of herbs that have been used successfully to help relieve symptoms of depression, and thoughtful consideration of various root causes of psychological malaise can serve to steer one toward appropriate improvement

Recent studies have reinforced the potential efficacy of a number of traditional herbal aids for depression. Read more

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How to get permanent hair remove

How to get permanent hair removal?

After years of waxing, shaving and suffering smooth skin that you want, you may think, there must be a better way to get permanent hair removal?The most popular treatments today and durable laser and IPL hair removal. Laser treatments and IPL is done in spas and dermatologists' offices and are still the norm. Recently, the introduction of household appliances

Friday, September 7, 2012

Worst Year Ever West Nile Virus infection in USA and its Prevention

What is West Nile virus?

West Nile virus (WNV) is a potentially serious illness. Experts believe WNV is established as a seasonal epidemic in North America that flares up in the summer and continues into the fall. This fact sheet contains important information that can help you recognize and prevent West Nile virus.

 It is a flavivirus which is common in the Middle East, West Asia and

Coconut Oil Destroys the Bacteria That Cause Tooth Decay

Coconut oil destroys the bacteria that cause tooth decay, says Fiona Macrae.
One too many Bounty chocolate bars could leave you in need of a trip to the dreaded dentist.

But scientists have found that coconut could help fight the main bug behind tooth decay. Read more

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First weight loss then lowering Cholesterol and Now Green Tea Improves Memory

Green tea....Leads to a good health....

This is my second blog on benefits of green tea. In first blog we learn that green tea May Lower Bad Cholesterol.

How-TV is worse than PC and Green Tea May Lower Bad Cholesterol

What is source of Green Tea?

Green, black, and oolong tea are all derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Originally cultivated in East Asia, this plant

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How To Increase Libido Naturally

Five ways to increase your libido naturally

Do you want to increase libido? Decreased libido does your sex life suffer, and it is not a good scenario, they are married. Age not lower your libido, if you always want to make your partner. Happy in bed with pleasure The increase in sexual desire could be a challenge because there be so many ways to get your libido.Decreased libido affects men and

Surprise-Organic Foods are not much healthier than conventional foods

This is very interesting study which contradicts but we all think about. This is my second blog on Organic Food. In my first blog we see why we should eat some foods organic. As we all know Organic Foods are costly too, so if they are not much healthier than why to waste money. Only good news in this study was that organic food has 30 per cent lower risk of containing detectable pesticide

Foods that Cause Acid Reflux

Problems of the digestive system should not be neglected. The most common digestive problem is the acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, mostly known as heartburn. Acid reflux affects different ages from infants to young children and adults as well. This disorder should be given special attention because it can lead to a more serious problem that could affect the respiratory system.

As most people know, acid reflux or heartburn can occur at anytime but are likely to occur after having a heavy meal with high acidic foods. Therefore, foods that are highly acidic should be avoided. If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, try changing your diet. Exclude foods, such as tomatoes and citrus fruits, because tomatoes and citrus fruits are very acidic. Also, food with spices, such as garlic, onions, red or black pepper and chili powder, can cause symptoms to flare. Chocolate is highly acidic too.

Other foods that should be avoided include fried and fatty foods. Cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli, cause acid reflux also. Finally, avoid caffeine, which is found in tea, coffee, and sodas. Caffeine causes acid gastric secretion that can lead to the heartburn.

Another way to aid the elimination of acid reflux is by limiting your food intake. Heavy meals are more likely to cause acid reflux than eating small portions of foods in every meal. Eating heavy meals results in stomach problems due to foods being unable to break down properly for digestion, which causes acid reflux.

Acid reflux is a condition that needs attention. Learn to identify symptoms caused by acid reflux and take preventive measures by avoiding possible foods that can cause heartburn.  Symptoms such as a burning sensation in the chest or throat, wheezing, hoarseness or other symptoms associated to it should never be neglected because the symptoms of acid reflux also are similar to heart attack.

The experts agree: acid reflux and heartburn can be very dangerous if left untreated. To find out about an -all-natural, holistic 5-step system for curing acid reflux and heartburn and achieving freedom from most digestive disorders faster than you ever thought possible, click here!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Coconut Oil not only benefits our general health now Prevent Tooth Decay too

What is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is a type of vegetable oil made from pressing the natural oil out of coconut meat. It can be used for a wide variety of culinary uses, including cooking and baking. It has a slightly sweet and nutty flavor to it but when used in conjunction with other ingredients, you are unlikely to taste it. It is not an ideal frying oil because it has a lower smoke point

Saturday, September 1, 2012

How To Increase Testosterone Hormone-5 Natural Tips

How To Increase Testosterone - Top 5 Tips natural methods

Testosterone is the main male hormone is characteristic. Most men, especially young people, to optimize the production of this hormone to increase muscle gains and / or maintain muscle mass. In addition, older men want to optimize testosterone levels and increase libido and overall sexual function.Stimulate natural testosterone can be

3 Tips For Men To Grow Penis Big Fast

3 things you should do if you want to build a bigger, more satisfying penis

You can build a larger, more satisfying penis using nothing but his bare hands. I went from a paltry 5.5 inches and very well and I got it. Without the use of pills, pumps or surgery Although I'm not a fool, I'm not very smart, either - I'm in the middle. My point is that if I can do it, anyone can. And when you build a

Friday, August 31, 2012

Firstly eating Chocolate Linked to get Leaner Bodies now can Lower Stroke Risk

So this means eating chocolate is not a bad idea…

What is in Chocolate?

Chocolate is made from the fermented, roasted, and ground beans taken from the pod of the tropical cacao tree Theobroma cacao native to Central America, which has an intensely flavoured bitter taste. The resulting products are known as "chocolate" or, in some parts of the world, cocoa. The bean products are known

Thursday, August 30, 2012

A healthy Secret to Get A GRADE in School or College

This is my 13th blog on Back to School (BTS) deals and ideas. In the last blog we find some interesting online tool to help your kids to do well in school or college. In this blog you will see The Secret to Back to School Success.

Burn to Learn

BTS 12-Take advantage of free web study aids and application to influence your kids to do well

Sure, hiring a math tutor could help your kid

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Many real scientific benefits of breast milk and now this also boost the Growth of Gut Flora

This new research will give us more ideas how good breastfeeding is for babies.

What is role of Gut flora in health and disease?

The human gut is the natural habitat for a large and dynamic bacterial community, but a substantial part of these bacterial populations are still to be described. However, the relevance and effect of resident bacteria on a host's physiology and pathology has

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why Circumcision has more Benefits than Risks

What is Circumcision-?

Surgery that removes the foreskin (the loose tissue) covering the glans of the penis. Circumcision may be performed for religious or cultural reasons, or health reasons. Newborn circumcision diminishes the risk for cancer of the penis and lowers the risk for cancer of the cervix in sexual partners. It also decreases the risk of urinary tract infections and lowers

Monday, August 27, 2012

Danger of some of Tattoo related Infections and how to prevent them

Be careful when you want to inking your beautiful body.

Tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years. In the United States, the estimated percentage of adults with one or more tattoos increased from 14% in 2008 to 21% in 2012.1 the process of tattooing exposes the recipient to risks of infections with various pathogens, some of which are serious and difficult to treat.

Hoodia: A Safe, Natural Appetite Suppressant

If you think you need an appetite suppressant when you diet, Edward says hoodia is safe, natural, and effective.
Hoodia gordonii is a succulent plant native to South Africa and Asia where it has traditionally been used by indigenous populations, most notably the Khoi-San, as an appetite and thirst suppressant during long hunting expeditions into harsh environments. These appetite suppressing qualities of hoodia gordonii have made for a number of inquiries into its potential as a weight loss aid.

How does Hoodia Work?

Formal research of hoodia goordonii began in the 1960’s but it wasn’t until 1977 when the active ingredient in hoodia responsible for appetite suppression, known as P57, was isolated by the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. P57 is an oxypregnane steroidal glycoside and increases the amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the body. Read more