Yeast infections are so common that every three out of four of women will have one in their lifetime. The condition occurs when a fungus called Candida albicans (as well as other bacteria already normally found in small quantities in the vaginal area multiply rapidly and take over. Yeast infection creates sensations of both burning and itching in the vagina and labia.
Vaginal yeast infections occur when new yeast is introduced into the vaginal area, or when there is an increase in the quantity of yeast already present in the vagina relative to the quantity of normal bacteria. This can happen due to a number of causes:
1) Having a menstrual cycle
2) Hormonal imbalances like those that occur during pregnancy
3) A weakened immune system
4) An injury to your vaginal area, especially one in which there is friction created from not having enough lubrication
5) Sexual contact with someone who has this type of infection, especially men who may not have the symptoms but pass it on to their partners
6) Allergic reactions to the latex or nonoxynol-9 used to make condoms
7) Wearing panties that are too tight or not made with a cotton crotch
8) Exposing the vagina to inks, perfumes, or dyes
9) Taking antibiotics
10) High intake of bread, sugar and alcohol
Be sure to see your doctor the first time you have symptoms of a yeast infection. It's very important to make sure you have a yeast infection and not another more serious infection. The symptoms of a yeast infection are also the symptoms of other infections, such as some STIs. Treating yourself for a yeast infection when you actually have another type of infection may make the problem worse.
There are several ways to approach a yeast infection remedy. Over-the-counter remedies are readily available, although some women prefer to use home remedies. My post Yeast Infection: Two Proven Home Remedies discusses a couple of these. Any yeast infection remedy will need to be monitored carefully to ensure the infection is completely gone. If healing conditions aren't optimal, yeast bacteria could grow again and place the infection level back in the danger zone.
Candida yeast infection can be very dangerous if left untreated. Yeast infection is a message from your body telling you that something is WRONG inside. To find out more about a clinically-proven, holistic system that shows you how to permanently cure your yeast infection and achieve lasting candida infection freedom, click here!
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