If you're a woman, chances are that you have encountered, at least once in your life, the dreaded species known as Candida or yeast, which have sent many women into frantic searches for relief. The Candida species, usually the Candida albicans variety, is the fungus that causes yeast infection. Characterized by symptoms that include itching, soreness, and burning in extreme cases, yeast infection occurs when the number of Candida albicans in the vagina becomes too large to contain for the body's legions of good bacteria led by Lactobacillus acidophilus.
When this outgrowth of Candida albicans occurs, a woman would usually notice a white, cottage-cheese like discharge, which may be followed by the other symptoms mentioned earlier. Now, how should you treat it? The answer would depend on the severity of it. You may opt for over the counter medicines. However, , fighting Candidiasis with home remedies is often recommended. Not only are they safer, but some have also proven to be highly effective.
One yeast infection home remedy that is said to be effective is boric acid. Derived from the metalloid boron, boric acid has found its way into homes for its insecticidal and antiseptic uses. To use boric acid as a yeast infection cure, you would need gelatin capsules, which must be filled with about 600 milligrams of the powder. The suppository is inserted into the vagina, usually at bedtime, for up to fourteen days. As a suppository, boric acid is proven safe, except for occasional irritation.
The most recommended home remedy is yogurt. This tasty dessert, made through the process of bacterial fermentation of milk, happens to contain Lactobacillus acidophilus, the bacteria responsible for controlling the overproduction of Candida albicans in the vagina. As a home remedy, yogurt is applied to the vulva. Some women also suggest inserting small amounts of yogurt into the vagina for more direct contact with the Candida albicans.
Usually, yeast infection is not a serious condition. Any proven home remedy is, in most cases, enough to relieve you of Candidiasis symptoms. However, if the symptoms persist or you are having recurring yeast infections, a visit to the doctor is recommended.
Candida yeast infection can be very dangerous if left untreated. Yeast infection is a message from your body telling you that something is WRONG inside. To find out more about a clinically-proven, holistic system that shows you how to permanently cure your yeast infection and achieve lasting candida infection freedom, click here!
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