Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Artificial Sweeteners Encourage Weight Gain

Artificial sweeteners encourage weight gain nd a host of other health problems, says Joseph Mercola.
... Avoiding sugar is a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle, but, instead of consuming a naturally low-sugar diet based on whole foods, some people are still trying to have their cake and eat it too.

Unfortunately, the belief that artificial sweeteners can allow you to have the best of both worlds is simply not based in reality. It's a carefully orchestrated deception. So if you're still consuming artificially sweetened foods, snacks and beverages because you think it'll help you manage your weight, please understand that you've been sorely misled.

In reality, "diet" foods and drinks ruin your body's ability to count calories, thus boosting your inclination to overindulge. This effect appears to be true for all artificial sweeteners.

Unfortunately, most public health agencies and nutritionists in the United States still recommend these toxic artificial sweeteners as acceptable and even preferred alternatives to sugar, which is at best confusing and at worst seriously damaging the health of those who listen to this well-intentioned but foolish advice.
Artificial Sweeteners INCREASE Your Risk of Obesity Read more

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Beginner's Herb Garden

Learn how to keep herb gardening simple with essential plants and containers.
Gardening is a hot topic this week on MDA. Two days ago, Mark gave you the whys – gardening can be therapeutic, it can improve health markers, it can be a great way for people to move frequently at a slow pace, and the list goes on. It's also a great way to save money on organic produce, to maintain a constant (and self-replicating) supply of edible green things, and to get out into the sun. Let's just say that gardening is good for you on multiple levels, and if you've got the space and the time, you should probably give it a shot.

You might recall that in that same post, Mark mentioned his relative lack of horticultural mastery. This is true for me, too, and a lot of you guys out there as well. You might say that this Worker Bee doesn't fly far from the hive. Still, I didn't let that discourage me when the queen (er, king? I'm struggling to maintain the bee metaphor here without tripping over gender issues!) bee tasked me with starting a rudimentary herb garden and then writing about it. Read more

Friday, April 22, 2011

What is lung cancer?

what is lung cancer

Lung cancer is Cancer of the lung, like all cancers, results from an abnormality in the body's basic unit of life, the cell. Normally, the body maintains a system of checks and balances on cell growth so that cells divide to produce new cells only when new cells are needed. Disruption of this system of checks and balances on cell growth results in an uncontrolled

Enlarge Your Penis Naturally - Easy Penis Enlargement at Home

Though penis enlargement has been shrouded with myths and doubts, you can enlarge your penis naturally through easy penis enlargement exercises at home. All you need is access to a good exercise program that can help you perform exercises properly. This is no secret that a vast majority of men seek penis enlargements since they are not satisfied with the size of their penises. Though

Natural Way To Increase Your Sexual Power

Natural Way To boost Your Sexual Power male stamina
According to mythology, love goddess Aphrodite was known by her own formulated preparations and ointments that she gives to her lovers to increase their sexual power. This is the reason of why today we are calling all stimulating elixirs as aphrodisiacs. Nowadays men are not such lucky and we highly recommend to read this article to men

How to Get Six Pack Abs Fast Get Rock Hard Abs

How to Get Six Pack Abs Fast – Proven Methods and Tips to Get Rock Hard Abs

How get a six pack If you are one of those people who dream about a six pack abs and you don’t seem to be able to achieve your goal, maybe it’s time to ask yourself if you are really doing the right thing. Getting six pack abs fast is not very complicated but it takes some will power and determination. You need to

What Toxic Chemicals Have You Used Today?

Margaret Durst says your food, home, and personal care products often contain toxic chemicals that you probably aren't aware of..
Ingredients are important, but many of us are too busy to read the labels. They are important on everything we use from cosmetics, household cleaners, pesticides, drugs, food, water and so on. There are increasing links between the number of toxic chemicals that we take in and the number of health problems we have.

Part of the problem with the level of toxic chemicals we are now exposed to is that they tend to stay in the body. Once these toxins reach a critical mass, they can suppress your immune system and cause disease. Periodic cleansing is an important part of any natural health program, and it is as important to identify toxic chemicals in any products that you are still consuming and / or exposed to.

This is where becoming aware of ingredients matters. We live in a world where most of our food has some level of processing. Most of our cosmetics, shampoos and other toiletries are full of synthetic chemicals. On top of that, we use household cleaners, air fresheners, pesticides and many other products that fill the air we breathe with toxic chemicals. Read more

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Cure Depression Herbally

Herbalist Robert Linde demonstrates how to make a tea using St. John's Wort and other ingredients to help treat your depression.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Natural Remedies for Relieving and Treating Tinnitus

Tinnitus, often called "ringing in the ears," is a much more common ailment than most people realize. Though its causes are not completely understood, tinnitus can be relieved and treated with natural remedies.
Fifteen million people in the United States are estimated to suffer from tinnitus - which is the perception of a noise sensation in one or both ears without any actual noise source being present. The perceived noise can be ringing, chirping, roaring, or humming. In many instances, tinnitus can be either eliminated or greatly relieved through changes in diet and lifestyle as well as with nutritional supplementation and herbal remedies.

Tinnitus is a little understood condition and, while many causes have been suggested, there is no general agreement in medical circles on the causes and treatments in medical circles. Inflammation and poor blood flow are considered to be among the primary culprits. Other causes which have been identified or suggested include: wax buildup, fluid in the ear, spongy bone growth in the inner ear (otoslcerosis), low blood pressure, high blood pressure, and a breach of the eardrum. Read more

Friday, April 15, 2011

10 Natural Remedies for Intestinal Gas

Edward Group reveals ten natural remedies for intestinal gas.
Intestinal gas is an embarrassing and annoying situation that many people experience on a regular basis. Gas and bloating is, perhaps, one of the main health concerns that human beings living in the Western world complain of.

In fact, estimates show that with poor dietary habits we expel gas at least 14 times a day. That adds up to almost 4 pints of air daily! But, while these statistics may be the “norm,” it is certainly not a healthy balance. What can we do about all this excess air? Below is a list of a few of my favorite remedies for gas and bloating. Read more

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

An Apple a Day Does Keep the Doctor Away

An apple a day really can keep the doctor away, a study suggests.
It found that women on an 'apple diet' saw their cholesterol drop by almost a quarter in six months, while they also lost weight.

Dr Bahram Arjmandi, of the department of nutrition, food and exercise sciences at Florida University, described the results as "incredible"

In the study, 80 women aged 45 to 65 were asked to eat 75 grams of dried prunes a day for a year, and the other 80 were asked to eat the same amount of dried apple, in addition to their normal diets. Read more

Monday, April 11, 2011

6 Aphrodisiacs Proven by Science

According to new data from Guelph University researchers, panax ginseng, saffron, and yohimbine (from West African yohimbe trees) will "improve human sexual function," while muira puama (from Brazil), maca root (from the Andes), and chocolate will "increase sexual desire."
People looking to spice up their love life should try adding saffron and ginseng to their diet, according to a new study.

People looking to spice up their love life should try adding saffron and ginseng to their diet, according to a new study. Read more

Friday, April 8, 2011

How to Have Firm, Perky Breasts

Sagging breasts got you down? Beautiful breasts are not just about size. Most women want to enjoy firm, perky breasts, but over the years, aging, weight loss and pregnancy can really take a toll on the bosom. Although perky breasts might seem like the exclusive property of 18-year-old girls who wear an A cup, there are ways to get firm and perky breasts, regardless of your age or bra size.

Hydrotherapy for Firm Breasts

Hydrotherapy uses water to promote health and wellness in the body. A common hydrotherapy practice is to alternate between hot and cold water in a shower. This can increase circulation to the skin by as much as 95%. So how does that help your breasts? Since increased circulation stimulates the production of collagen and elastic - the skin proteins responsible for tone and elasticity - the result is firmer skin and perkier breasts.

The next time you're in the shower, spend a few minutes toning your breasts. Simply rinse your breasts with warm water for 30 seconds and then switch to the coldest water you can stand for 10 seconds. Continue alternating between warm and cold water for several minutes.

The cold water application must be for a shorter duration than the hot. It is also important to end the treatment with cold water. Do not apply water that is hot enough to burn. The hot application should be pleasantly warm.

Exercise for Perky Breasts

The most effective exercises for bust enhancement are those that work your chest muscles. Since the breasts themselves contain no muscles, exercise will not increase breast size. However, toning the pectoral muscles underlying the breasts helps to perk up the breasts by lifting them. Regardless of how old you are, these exercises will keep your breasts uplifted, perky, and sexy

Lie on your stomach on the floor with your hands under you shoulders. Hold your feet shoulder width apart, with your toes tucked under so that you are balancing on the balls of your feet. Contract your abdominals so that your back is parallel to the floor. Hold your head and neck at level with your spine. Inhale as you lower your chest as close to the floor as possible. Exhale when you return to the starting position. If you are not strong enough to do plank push-ups, do them from your knees. When you reach the maximum repetitions from your knees, advance to your toes.

Chest Press
Lie flat on your back on a bench, a balance ball, or the floor. Take a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward. Bend your elbows at the angle of 90º, and hold them out to the sides parallel with your shoulders. Exhale as you stretch your arms toward the ceiling with knuckles facing up. Do not touch the weights together, and do not squeeze your chest at the top of the motion. Inhale as you return to the starting position.

Incline Chest Press
Lie on your back on an incline bench. Take a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward. Bend your elbows at the angle of 90º, and hold them out to the sides parallel with shoulders. Exhale as you stretch your arms toward the ceiling with knuckles facing up. Do not touch the weights together, and do not squeeze your chest at the top of the motion. Inhale as you return to the starting position.

Chest Fly
Lie on your back with a dumbbell in each hand. Your arms should be straight and level with your shoulders. Lift both dumbbells at the same time with the palms facing each other until they come together above your chest.

Perform this bust improvement exercise routine three times weekly with 48-72 hours between each exerrcise session. For each exercise, perform 1-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions each. When you reach 3 sets of 12 repetitions of an exercise, increase the resistance, not the repetitions. For the chest presses and chest fly, increase the weight of the dumbbell. For the push-ups, elevate the feet on a bench or chair if you can do 3 sets of 12 repetitions on your toes.

Do at least three of the four exercises in each session. If you don't have access to an incline weight bench, you won't be able to do the incline chess press, so you would do the other three every session. If you do have an incline weight bench, you could just do two of the three pressing exercises each session if you prefer, but do the chest fly every session.

Women want to have firm, sexy, perky breasts for a reason. Not only do women feel much better about themselves if they have great-looking cleavage, but they also appear to be more popular among men. If you use hydrotherapy and exercise on a consistent basis, you should see the appearance of your bust improve significantly.

If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by two cups, naturally and without surgery, in 4-6 weeks, click here!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Herbs and Spices That Boost Your Metabolism, Curb Cancer, and Lower Blood Sugar

Dr. Joseph Mercola tells how to boost your metabolism, curb cancer, and lower blood sugar by adding herbs and spices to your meals.
... Believe it or not, but common herbs and spices are actually some of the healthiest foods on the planet – topping the list of high ORAC value foods – so you can easily boost the nutritional value of your meal simply by spicing it up a bit. ORAC is a standardized method of measuring the antioxidant capacity of different foods and supplements. The higher the ORAC score, the more effective a food is at neutralizing harmful free radicals.

So, every time you flavor your meals with herbs or spices you are literally "upgrading" your food without adding a single calorie. Read more

Monday, April 4, 2011

Big-Breasted Women Have Higher I.Q.s

Larger breasts have a natural appeal for men, and sociologists believe that this may be instinctual since it would mean that their children would be smarter. It turns out that big-breasted women have higher I.Q.s. A recent study of over a thousand women revealed that those with larger breasts score about 10 points higher on an I.Q. test than flatter-chested women. Does this mean that natural breast enlargement  will also raise your I.Q.? That's an open question, but it surely couldn't hurt.
A study by a Chicago university sociologist of 1,200 women found that large-breasted women tend to have higher intelligence. The study divided the women into five groups ranging from virtually flat-chested to extra-large breasts.

The results revealed that the big-breasted women had an overall higher I.Q.—about 10 points—than the lesser endowed members of the study. Women with average-sized breasts also beat out those that were in the smallest size group. Read more

Friday, April 1, 2011

Natural Remedies Get Rid of Wrinkles

Wrinkles make you look and feel old. Fortunately, natural remedies can get rid of wrinkles, says John Dill.
Wrinkles are among the most visible signs of aging. Wrinkles form as a result of a gradual decrease in the skin's collagen and elastin levels, which cause the skin to lose its natural elasticity and resilience. The skin also loses fat and becomes thinner, causing the skin to sag and form wrinkles as it loses support. While we cannot completely prevent wrinkles from forming, there are a number of ways to naturally minimize their appearance and prevent them from forming prematurely. This includes natural materials that you may already have at home, such as honey, avocado, vitamin E and Egg white. Read more