Monday, March 3, 2008

Vaccines, Depression, and Neurodegeneration after Age 50

Vaccines are credited with reducing the rates of infectious illness though improved sanitation and diet undoubtedly played a role as well. Whatever their virtues, vaccines also have drawbacks, which people need to know in order to make an informed decision as to whether to get vaccinated. Below are a few excerpts from an important article about the danger of the overuse of vaccines.
Public health authorities and physician societies are in an all out campaign to have every elderly person vaccinated every year with the flu vaccine as well as a growing number of newer vaccines. When I was practicing neurosurgery, the hospitals had an automatic written order on all older patients' charts mandating a flu vaccine, unless it was countermanded by the physician, which I always did.


Many elderly report that the flu shot gave them the flu. Proponents of vaccines, retort with a condescending laugh; that it is impossible because the flu vaccine contains killed flu viruses. In truth, what these people are reporting is a prolonged, intense "sickness behavior" response to the vaccine. To the body, it is worse than getting the flu.


Anxiety is a major problem with depression, and vaccinations will greatly worsen the condition. In fact, vaccination, especially multiple vaccinations, will maintain the brain in a state of inflammation that will be self-perpetuating, because the excess release of glutamate in the brain, as well as glutamate in the diet, will further enhance microglial activation and excitotoxicity. Read more

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