Bach Flower Remedies are flower essences introduced between 1931 and 1935 by Dr. Edward Bach. The remedies, or essences, are 38 in number and have proved themselves over the years all over the world. They are called Bach Flower Remedies in England and Bach Flower Essences in the U.S. Together with Herbal Supplements, Schussler Tissue Remedies and where necessary allopathic medication, they form an effective and safe healing system.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
8 Nutrients That Can Improve Your Skin
Top skin and nutrition experts were surveyed and asked which nutrients will help you put your best face forward. Find out the 8 foods or supplements you can take to improve the skin you're in. Read more
Friday, October 26, 2007
Herbalist and Author Susun Weed Interview
Part 1 of a 5-part video interview with herbalist and author Susun Weed. The interviewer is John Gallagher, founder of
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Natural Remedy Tips: Ginger
Ginger can be used to alleviate nausea, migraines, and arthritis pain.
Ginger has long been used in many societies as a healing medicine. The Chinese use ginger to cure many ailments and the ancient Greeks were also known to make use of its healing powers, indeed Pythagorus was known as a great supporter and user.Today, we know that ginger has some extremely useful healing more | digg story
Monday, October 22, 2007
Grapes Prevent Prostate Cancer Growth
Another proof that food is your best medicine: an extract of the skin of muscadine grapes prevents prostate cancer growth.
The muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia) is distinct from the more common red grapes used to produce red wines, a major source of resveratrol. The chemical constituents of muscadine grapes differ from most other grape varieties, as they are richer in chemicals called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins, which produce the red and purple colors of the grapes, have strong antioxidant activity and have shown several antitumor effects, including inhibition of DNA synthesis in breast cancer cells, of blood vessel growth in some tumors, and of enzymes involved in tumor spread. Muscadine grapes can be found growing wild from Delaware to the Gulf of Mexico and westward from Missouri to Texas.
Even though MSKE had significant inhibitory effects on the prostate cancer cells studied, it did not alter the growth rate of the normal human prostate cells in the lab, which served as controls. Ongoing studies of MSKE in animals will help to determine the underlying mechanisms of MSKE's inhibitory effects in prostate cancer cells. The researchers hope that the lab effects of MSKE will be reproducible in testing on cancerous and normal prostate cells in animals. Should MSKE move on to trials in humans, Green says that since “muscadine grape products, including grape juice and grape wine, have been used in human studies without reported side effects, they may be relatively safe for use in clinical trials.” Read more
Friday, October 19, 2007
New Cervical Cancer Test: Vinegar Not Vaccine
A new, simple, cheap alternative to PAP smears has been discovered. How soon can they make the test available in a home remedy kit?
A new study published in The Lancet medical journal finds a simple and cheap cervical cancer test.
The test uses common household items: vinegar, cotton gauze and a halogen light. The simple test can be preformed by a nurse or a trained practitioner. And it can save millions of women, particularly in the poor countries where existing tests like PAP smears are to expensive for the vast majority of the population.
The new test involves simple swabbing of the cervix with vinegar. The cervix is held open with a speculum and simply swabbed with cotton gauze soaked in vinegar. Pre-cancerous lesions begin to turn white after about a minute and can be seen with the naked eye, or under a bright halogen light (or any bright light source). Read more
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
An Orange a Day Keeps the Wrinkles Away
A new study shows that people who eat foods rich in vitamin C have fewer wrinkles than those whose diets contained little of the vitamin.
British scientists examined links between nutrient intake and skin ageing in 4,025 women aged 40-74 years using data from the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. All the women had extensive dermatologic examinations designed to evaluate skin wrinkling and other aspects of skin ageing and also completed a survey listing all the foods they ate in a particular day.Our Paleolithic ancestors ate a more vitamin C-rich diet than modern humans do. Since vitamin is non-toxic and cheap, taking supplements is probably beneficial or at worst, a waste of a little money.
Ageing of the skin was defined as having a wrinkled appearance, senile dryness and skin atrophy.
The study by nutritional epidemiologist Maeve C Cosgrove and other researchers found that those who ate plenty of Vitamin C-rich foods had fewer wrinkles than people whose diets contained little of the vitamin. "Vitamin C is an antioxidant that has been shown to play a role in the synthesis of collagen, the protein that helps keep skin elastic. Our findings add evidence to a predominately supplement and topical application-based hypothesis that what we eat affects our skin-ageing appearance," according to Cosgrove. Read more
Monday, October 15, 2007
10 Embarrassingly Obvious Health Studies
Some health studies discover new information that we can use to stay healthy. These 10 studies do not. Among the earthshaking revelations we learn from these studies are that cigarettes cost money, cocaine and alcohol aren't good for your brain, and people are easier to recognize when they are close than when they're far away.
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
Natural Breast Enlargement with Fenugreek
During puberty a woman's body naturally produces estrogens which help in the development of new tissue. This hormone determines the size, shape, and fullness of a woman's breasts. Lower levels of these hormones will result in smaller, less developed breasts. Fenugreek triggers breast growth in two ways: by mimicking the effects of estrogen and by stimulating the production of prolactin. Both of these hormones are crucial to the development of the breasts. Fenugreek safely and naturally stimulates tissue growth resulting in bigger, firmer, and fuller breasts.
You can find fenugreek capsules in any health food store. Start by taking one capsule 3 times per day and increase until you notice results. Just be sure not to exceed the manufacturer's recommended dosage.
You can also prepare a cleavage-enhancing beverage called Bustea, created by Dr. James A. Duke,author of The Green Pharmacy. Here’s how to make it. In a saucepan, combine 1-2 cups of water with several tablespoons of fenugreek seeds. Add a dash or two of the following spices: anise, caraway, fennel, and licorice. Allow the water to boil for several minutes and strain before drinking. You can add lemon juice and honey to improve the taste. Be sure to enjoy 1-2 cups of Bustea per day for the best breast-enhancing effect.
Herbs that are absorbed through the skin are even more potent than herbs that are swallowed. That’s because anything you swallow must first be processed by the liver. Since the liver breaks down 80-90% of all substances that pass through it, your body only gets to use 10%-20% of the herbs you take by capsule. Herbs that are absorbed through the skin, on the other hand, bypass the liver and go straight into the blood stream. This means that your body gets to use ALL the nutrients they contain.
Since your body can’t absorb solids, you’ll need to use a liquid herbal extract. You can either purchase fenugreek extract from a health food store, or use some of the water from your Bustea preparation. Simply combine 1 part extract with 2 parts body lotion and massage into your breasts twice daily. My post Increase a Cup Size in 30 Days with Breast Massage goes into more detail about massage technique.
Fenugreek is an non-invasive, all-natural way to increase your breast size. Fenugreek helps bring balance to the hormones and stimulate breast growth. The results are you "look and feel better" as your body becomes balanced and beautiful. It's a surefire way to spice up your chest fast.
If you've ever felt self conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. To find out about the natural breast enlargement methods that can increase your breast size by up to two cups, naturally and without surgery, click here!
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